Last update: January 2013

Annex 3


List of participating Universities, contact persons, restrictions and nomination deadlines

To be updated annually by the Coimbra Group Office

City /

Full name of University


SEN Contact person

a)  SEN coordinator(s) in charge of student mobility
b)  ETM contact person / Restrictions/Extra‘s
a)  Maximum nr. of guest students
b)  Areas where admission is NOT possible
c)  Language requirements / Nomination deadlines / Website with detailed information for incoming students / Extra opportunities
Aarhus – DK / Aarhus Universitet / a and b)
Mette Brandenborg
Head of Student Mobility
International Centre
Aarhus University
Hoegh-Guldbergs Gade 4
DK-8000 Aarhus C
Denmark / ·  3 full-year students or 6 students for one semester can be accepted annually (total). Due to limited housing, however, no more than 3 students can enroll in the fall semester. Students nominated through the SEN must enroll in courses equivalent to 30 ECTS per semester.
·  All areas of study except business studies are open to SEN students.
·  Proficiency in English or Danish / 15 April for fall semester
15 October for spring semester / / SEN students are eligible to apply for AU Summer University courses taught during July and August. There is no tuition fee for SEN students. Further information is available at
Barcelona - ES / Universitat de Barcelona / a)  Ms. Marta Arias
Phone: +34 934035386
b) Ms. Esther Trench
Phone: +34 934035380
Email: / a)  2 students from each SEN partner institution (for academic year 2013-2014) and 1 student per institution from 2014-2015 onwards
b)  - Those areas included in an existing Erasmus
Bilateral Agreement with the SEN partner institution - Medicine (in some cases)
- Applications for degrees with restricted admission will be considered upon prior consultation.
c)  Spanish (B1) / Full year and Autumn Semester applications: June, 15th
Spring Semester: November, 15th /
Bologna– IT / Università di Bologna / SEN coordinator(s) in charge of student mobility and ETM contact person: Giovanna Filippini / a)  20 students
b)  Students are accepted only in academic fields where a BA is not in place
c)  Italian (minimum level A2) / July 31st for students coming in the first semester or the whole academic year, December 15th for students coming in the second semester / / Short term research stays could be an option, but they are managed at department level.
Budapest– HU / Eötvös Lorànd University / Contact person: Anita Horváth
Rector's Office/Dept. of International Education and Mobility
H-1056 Budapest, Szerb u. 21-23.
tel.: +36-1-4116500/1387, fax: +36-1-266-9786
e-mail: / a)  maximum 20 students from the whole Coimbra network (likely to increase through the years of implementation of the mobility scheme); maximum 1 student from each SEN partner institution
b)  All areas of study are open to SEN students but applications will be considered upon prior consultation with the departments concerned.
c)  Advanced English or Hungarian / Nomination deadlines
April 15th for autumn semester.
October 15th for spring semester. /
Cambridge– UK / University of Cambridge
Coimbra – PT / Universidade de Coimbra / OUTGOING SEN students and ETM contact person:
Ana Isabel Ferreira
Divisão de Relações Internacionais
Colégio S. Jerónimo, Largo D. Dinis
Apartado 3026
3001-401 Coimbra, Portugal
Ph: +351 239 857001
Fax: +351 239 857002

Teresa Silva
(same address +phone+ fax)
/ ·  1 student from each SEN partner university can be accepted
·  Applications for subjects will be considered upon prior consultation with the departments concerned. / 1st of March till 1st June (1st semester)
1st September till 1st November (2nd semester) /
Dublin – IE / Trinity College Dublin / SEN Coordinator and ETM Contact Person
Catherine WILLIAMS
European Officer
International Admissions & Study Abroad
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: +353-1-8961396
Fax: +353-1-6771698
/ ·  To be agreed on a case by case basis
·  Admission to some courses may be restricted
·  SEN students will be provided with the same support as Erasmus students
·  Proficiency in English / 1 May for September admission
30 September for January admission /
Genève - CH / Université de Genève / Olivier VINCENT
Deputy director, International Office
University of Geneva
40, bd du Pont-d'Arve
CH-1211 GENEVE 4
Tél. +41 22 379 8084
Fax +41 22 379 8080
/ ·  to be agreed on a case by case basis
·  medicine, journalism
·  French B2
SEN students are assimilated to Erasmus students / 15 May for autumn semester (mid-Sept / mid-Jan)
15 November for spring semester (mid-Feb / mid-June) /
Granada – ES / Universidad de Granada / INCOMING SEN students
Ms. Verónica Conejo Fernández
International Relations Office
Av. Hospicio, s/n 18071 Granada Spain
Fax: +34-958-243009
Ph: +34-958-249030 (info)

ETM contact person:
Ms. Mercedes López Roldán
(same address + fax)
tel.: +34-958-243013
/ ·  1 student from each SEN partner university can be accepted
·  Admission in some programmes and/or subjects may be restricted and will be considered upon prior consultation to the Schools/faculties concerned.
·  sufficient knowledge of Spanish is required (level B1 recommended) / Fall term: before 15th June
Spring term: before 31st October /
Please do not apply on-line. Upon nomination, you will receive the list of required documents / * Willing to offer work placements or internships and host students as interns within the SEN Network, a maximum of 10 per year; between 3 to 6 months; no funding from UGR.
* Willing to offer and facilitate short term research stays (3-6 weeks) for incoming PhD students within the SEN network to anyone with an invitation letter from an academic staff member, a director of department or the responsible of a research group at UGR.
Graz – AT / Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz / OUTGOING SEN students
Ms. Karin Schwach
Office of International Relations
Universitätsplatz 3
A-8010 Graz/Austria
Ph: +43 316 3802212
Fax: +43 316 3809156

Ms. Monika Ostir-Schein
(same address + fax)
Ph: +43 316 3801246

ETM contact person
Ms. Diana Afrashteh
(same address + fax)
tel.: +43 316 380 1247
/ ·  SEN students will be provided the same services as Erasmus students
·  1 student from each SEN partner university can be accepted
·  Applications for subjects with restricted admission will be considered upon prior consultation with the departments concerned.
·  sufficient knowledge of German is required / 1 June for winter semester
(fall term)
1 November for summer semester (spring term) / / * Happy to host interns from CG Universities, but cannot guarantee placements. Decisions need to be taken on case-to-case basis. Unfortunately no funding is possible from the University of Graz.
* The University of Graz Summer School (GUSEGG) welcomes students from CG universities in general and can offer tuition discounts to two (2) students per year.
* Willing to offer and facilitate short term research stays (3-6 weeks) for incoming PhD students within the SEN network. Candidates with an invitation letter from an academic staff member, head of department or research group are welcome. Such stays are managed at departmental level and cannot be integrated in a general scheme.
Iaşi – RO / Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi /

Incoming and outging SEN Contact person in charge of student mobility:

Mrs Livia DIMITRIU, Head, Department of International Relations (+40232201022, e-mail )
ETM contact person:
Dr. Dan SANDU, Rev.
Faculty of Orthodox Theology
Str. Cloşca nr. 9
700066, Iaşi, România
Tel: + 40232258430,
+ 40232201 328
Fax: + 40 232 258 430
e-mail: ;
/ ·  A maximum number of two students from each participating university will be accepted. Applications will be considered upon prior consultation with the departments concerned and accepted if the prerequisites are fulfilled.
·  No admission in programmes, disciplines or courses where there are existing discipline-specific exchange / Erasmus agreements.
·  Students will be admitted only in the study programmes taught in foreign languages; otherwise, only students who can speak Romanian can be accepted.
Accommodation in a university student residence can be ensured if applied within deadlines. / 1 September for the first semester or for the entire academic year.
1 February for second semester courses. / / Offering scholarships to students from Coimbra Group member universitieswilling to participate in our International Summer School "Romania - Language andCivilization", which takes place every July and lasts for 3 weeks.
Montpellier – FR / PRES Université de Montpellier / a)  SEN contact person
Ms. Claudine SALMON
International relations office
Route de Mende
34199 Montpellier cedex 05
+33 (0)4 67 14 23 39

b)  ETM contact person
M. Florent GOIFFON
International relations office
Route de Mende
34199 Montpellier cedex 05
+33 (0)4 67 14 55 61
/ Restrictions/Extra‘s
a)  3 students maximum from the whole Coimbra network (likely to increase through the years of implementation of the mobility scheme).
b)  (1) Professional Bachelor and Master Courses. (2) Preparation courses for competitive exams for entry into civil service jobs, including teaching. (3) Applications for degrees with restricted admission (e.g. Master 2) will be considered upon prior consultation with the departments concerned.
c)  French B2 required. / Nomination deadlines
End of May for winter semester.
End of September for summer semester. / With detailed information for incoming students
Students space
Padova – IT / Università degli studi di Padova / OUTGOING SEN students
Mrs Sabrina Marchiori
International Relations Office
Via VIII Febbraio 2
35122 Padova-Italy
Phone +39 049 827 3538
Fax +39 049 827 3060
Mrs Chiara Bagatella
Same address + fax
ETM contact person:
Mrs Silvia Preciso
/ ·  1 student from each SEN partner university can be accepted
·  Applications will be considered upon prior consultation with the departments concerned.
·  sufficient knowledge of Italian is required / 1 June for winter semester
(fall term)
1 October for summer semester (spring term) /
link: Erasmus LLP-Programme (same regulations)
Pavia – IT / Università degli studi di Pavia / SEN Coordinator:
Prof. Antonio Savini
IN and OUT students:
International Office
Dott.ssa Alessandra Varasi
ETM contact:
Prof.ssa Maria Antonietta Confalonieri
Email: / ·  2 students for a semester each from each SEN partner University;
·  Bachelor and masters’ courses with restricted admission;
·  Italian: B1/B2 recommended; For degrees taught in English: C1 recommended; / 1 June for winter semester
(fall term)
1 November for summer semester (spring term) / / Regarding internships the Faculty of Medicine is willing to accept interns from CG Medical schools in its Departments. Regarding internships in the framework of Erasmus placement we already host Erasmus interns in the University administrative structures, libraries and for language teaching: they are provided facilities in terms of finding accommodation, access to wireless connections and to university's canteens, discounts for public transport. Other forms of internship could be considered for laboratories archives museums and so on. The Coordinator of the Doctoral Schools agrees on accepting PhD students for short term research, provided an academic of the Doctoral school or program accepts to act as tutor.
Concerning Summer Schools the special conditions for SEN students should be devised on a case-by-case basis.
Poitiers – FR / Université de Poitiers / OUTGOING SEN students
Ms Martine Grosdenier
Direction Relations Internationales (IRO)
15 rue de l’Hôtel Dieu
F 86034 Poitiers Cedex
Ph: +33 (0)549 45 42 64
Fax: +33 (0)549 45 30 39

Ms. Christine Robuchon
Same address + Fax
Ph: +33 (0)549 45 30 49

ETM contact person
Ms. Christine Robuchon / ·  1 or 2 students from each SEN partner university can be accepted
·  Internships or Research stay in laboratories can be opened to SEN students (only at Master level)
·  Sufficient knowledge of French is required (B1/B2 for scientific fields and at least B2/C1 for other fields)
·  Intensive courses of French at the beginning of each semester
·  SEN students will be provided the same services as ERASMUS students
·  Applications will be considered upon prior consultation with the department/laboratory concerned / Applications will be considered upon prior consultation with the department/laboratory concerned
Applications have to be sent to the IRO before April 30th (1st semester) and before October 30th (2nd semester) /
Salamanca – ES / Universidad de Salamanca / INCOMING SEN students and ETM contact person
María Teresa Hernández
International Relations Office
Cardenal Pla y Deniel 22
37008 Salamanca (Spain)
Tf.: 34 923294427
Fax: 34923294507
/ ·  2 students from each SEN partner university can be accepted
·  The following areas will not be eligible:
Medicine, Dentistry, Nursery, Physiotherapy.
·  For the rest of areas, all applications will be considered upon prior consultation with the faculties concerned.
·  sufficient knowledge of Spanish is required / 1 June for first semester
(fall term)
1 November for second semester (spring term) /
Siena - IT / Università degli studi di Siena / a) and b)
Dr.ssa Annalisa Poggialini / ·  one student from each partner University
·  for attending Courses in Italian, level B1, for Courses in English B2 / 1 June /
Tartu – EE / Tartu Ülikool / SEN coordinator:
Ms Piret Must
Student exchange Coordinator, International Student Service
Ülikooli 18-104
Tartu, 50090, Estonia

Tel. (+372)737 6270 / ·  1 student from each SEN partner university.
·  Proof of English language skills is required: at least level B2 on CEF scale.
·  Erasmus student cannot be nominated within SEN. If SEN partner wants to send a student within Erasmus, we require that there is an Erasmus Agreement, as we cannot combine these two programmes. / Spring semester:
May 1 (Non-EU applicants)
June 1 (EU applicants)
Autumn semester:
November 1 (all applicants)
All application documents must be sent by regular mail by these deadlines. / Application info:
English taught courses:
Practical info:
Turku – FI / Turun Yliopisto / OUTGOING SEN students
Ms. Tarja Virta
International Office
Rehtorinpellonkatu 3
FI-20014 TURKU
Tel: +358 2333 5363
Fax: +3358 2333 6370

Ms. Liisa Aho
(same address + fax)
Ph: +358 2333 6104

Doctoral candidates:
Ms. Eeva Sievi
Graduate School Coordinator
FI-20014 University of Turku
Tel: +358 2 3336391

ETM contact person:
Ms. Tarja Virta
(see above)
/ ·  1-2 students from each SEN partner university can be accepted – one student for Autumn, one for Spring
·  for housing, please see
·  Restricted entry: Turku School of Economics and Medicine.
·  Language requirements: Language Assessment Sheet or equivalent (English) / Application deadlines for ERASMUS and other exchange programmes within EU and EEA countries:
·  31 May (for theAutumn Semester/Academic Year)
·  1 November (for the Spring Semester) / Note: the following links might change because of the internet reform / * The International Summer School of the University of Turku is welcoming also Coimbra- students, however, it is not possible to have a tuition waiver. Some small discounts might be possible.
* University of Turku Graduate School (UTUGS) warmly welcomes incoming doctoral candidates for short term visits. UTUGS covers all disciplines of the University and can thus facilitate the stays of the doctoral candidats eg. via helping to identify the key researchers/ groups in UTU representing the field of the visiting doctoral candidate. Furthermore, UTUGS organizes a variety of courses on transferable skills, which the visiting doctoral candidates are welcome to join. Further information on UTUGS at . The International Welcome Services of the university (IWS - are happy to help the visitors with practical matters concerning the stay.
Åbo FI / Åbo-Akademi / a and b)
Harriet Klåvus
Head of International Office
Tavastgatan 13, Fi-20500 Åbo, Finland
Tel: +358 2 2154510
Fax: +358 2 2153230
E-mail: / ·  2-3 students per CG university
·  Good level of English (corresponding at least B2 in CEFR, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). / Application deadlines:
Full year and autumn semester: 1 May
Spring term: 15 October /
