By: Eppie Acusar
Like most parents, we tend to get rushed with a lot of errands on weekends especially when you are like me. A working mom. So, if you know what I mean, weekends are for family matters. It is as holy as a Sunday mass; it is family time so invitations are off limits. If we ever decide to accept any, the whole family should be there. The least distraction is coffee with a friend for an hour or two and the usual “Me” time, that is, getting my weekly grooming habit to visit my manicurist. At least, this is how we are with my family.
I had been trying to push aside an invitation from a dear friend to attend a Personal Awareness and Leadership Seminar with my teenage son. This happens three to four times a year which is not often, and attendees are chosen at random, no criteria. In addition, I do not really have the guts to ask my husband even if I wanted to attend. He spends time with us only every weekend because his business keeps him in BogoCity all week long. The third time Marget (my friend’s name) invited me, I ran out of reasons to tell her because, I personally know she meant well and my son and I needed to spend time alone together.
Some call it coincidence, but I call it God’s will, my husband suddenly had to attend to an important business event and my other two children are spending their weekend on school practices. So when Marget called, I had to say yes, I will be attending, not considering if my son would want to.
My son is 17 and if you are a parent of a child in this same age, again, you would know what I mean. You couldn’t just grab them like two year olds without a fight. To make the story short, I had to kidnap him literally. Take him to the seminar and just see if things will work out right. By the way, it is a requirement that no one attends this seminar against their will or you will not see results and if ever they come against their will, try to make them stay on, it would not be so the second day.
Friday, the first day: We arrived at the venue on time and when my son noticed we are attending a seminar, he forewarned me that he had a scheduled basketball practice in the afternoon so he might not be able to finish(the usual excuses). It would be a waste of money and time if he is not able to complete the course. Negative forces continued to distract the momentum of the weekend but, I was very glad we were able to finish the course together- with flying colors.
I spent three wonderful days with my son learning and sharing moments I cannot forget in my lifetime. The seminar was a journey of discovering ourselves, realizing that we are human beings and so are our children such that Universal Laws apply to all of us .It is when we understand ourselves and our role as individuals, when we discover our communication styles, when we overcome obstacles and when we take each day one step at a time, can we achieve freedom to do the BEST we can for ourselves, our children and the society. It was our realization, revelation and understanding of “US” that made our relationship better now. Parents, we know that values we teach our children are for their own good and for sure our children are aware of this, but, it sometimes takes another person to confirm these values so that it is well accepted.
It was not just another weekend for me and my son. All the while I though I was doing it for him, but in the end, I did it for myself as well. I feel so blessed I had the chance to make time for this workshop and so I am sharing this to all of you. For you mothers who may have difficulty talking to your teenagers let alone understand their nature, this is the seminar you would want to get into. It is worth your time and I am sure, after the workshop, YOU would know what I mean.
For inquiries on the next schedule, please log in to Face book and search Personal Awareness and Leadership Seminar by Joey Reyes.
FROM THE VICTIM- My son’s version of the weekend
It’s funny how the best memories are the ones you never expected to happen. I went to a seminar expecting it to be the same as any other seminar, repeating the same things I’ve already learned. That was my experience when I went to PALS last December. Right when I walked into the room I expected my Friday to be wasted sitting in a room saying hi to people. What I experienced was not remotely close.
When Joey starts talking it’s going to wake you up. I mean he talks like a mixture of Adam Sandler and Jim Carey, without the cursing. It’s like it makes you want to pay attention to what he’s saying and when you do that’s when the learning begins.
The seminar helps you discover yourself in a new and different way. It helps you connect with a part of you that’s always been there, but that you never pay attention to. The positive side of you. It sounds corny, almost childish, but its one of those things you have to actually experience to understand. You have no idea what positive means until you’ve been to PALS.
It’s different when someone tells you that you are a good person than when you tell yourself. But it’s different in a good way. What you tell yourself is what is true to you. So if you say you can do it. You definitely can!