1 – City Council Meeting Minutes – March 5, 2007



Place: Council Chambers, City Hall

Date: March 5, 2007

Time: 5:30 p.m.

1. Call to Order – Roll Call


Walt Elish, ChairmanMel Hovey

Edwin Nickerson, Deputy ChairRonald McPherson

Donald Gardner

Calvin Hall

Absent: Councilor Jennifer Trombley

Acting Chairman Nickerson called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.

2. Executive Session: 5:30 – 6:00 P.M.

A. Consultation with the City Solicitor concerning the legal rights and duties of the City Council as allowed under 1 M.R.S.A.§405 (6)(E)

Be it resolved by Councilor McPherson, seconded by Councilor Nickerson, to enter into executive session at 5:34 p.m. to consult with the City Solicitor concerning the legal rights and duties of the City Council as allowed under 1M.R.S.A.§405(6)(E). Vote – 6-0

Councilors came out of executive session at 6:06 p.m. with no action taken.

Meeting was called to order at 6:09 p.m.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Councilors led the group present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Recognition

City Councilors recognized and extended their congratulations to Mrs. Edith Shaw in celebration of her 99th birthday, with their wish of many more years to come.

5. Public Hearings

A. Application for a Malt, Spirituous and Vinous Liquor License for Terry Greenier, d/b/a The Irish Setter Pub, 710 Main Street (single hearing)

There were no public comments.

Be it resolved by Councilor Gardner, seconded by Councilor Hall, to approve an application for a Malt, Spirituous and Vinous Liquor License for Terry Greenier, d/b/a The Irish Setter Pub, 710 Main Street.

Vote – 6-0

B. Application for Special Amusement Permit for Dancing and Entertainment for Terry Greenier, d/b/a The Irish Setter Pub, 710 Main Street (single hearing)

There were no public comments.

Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor Nickerson, to approve an application for Special Amusement Permit for Dancing and Entertainment for Terry Greenier, d/b/a The Irish Setter Pub, 710 Main Street. Vote - 6-0

6. Citizen Comments

Robin Sawyer, a resident of Presque Isle and mother of two teenage daughters and one son, expressed concern regarding the sex offender and what can be done to send him away and did not understand why he isn’t still in jail. Mrs. Sawyer indicated that the sex offender lived near State Street Baptist Church where she and her family attend, near the library, two schools and Post Office.

City Manager indicated the individual in question has served his time in jail and is now back in society and has decided to live in this community.

City Solicitor Hugo Olore informed those present that research has been done regarding what a community can do to deal with this problem. Research has been conducted on existing situations on the national level and is requesting input. Once the offender has served his time, he has rights under the US Constitution. The City is looking into this matter and will come to some solution that will be satisfactory to the citizens of Presque Isle.

Councilors McPherson and Gardner shared comments and memories regarding the Cunningham Middle School and its upcoming demise. It will be demolished in the near future.

Robin Sawyer expressed her appreciation for attempting to keep the Cunningham Middle School.

7. Old Business

A. Consider Audit Committee Policy as recommended by ad-hoc committee to develop an Audit Committee Policy

Be it resolved by Councilor Hovey, seconded by Councilor Nickerson, to approve the Audit Committee Policy as recommended by the sub-committee to develop the policy. Vote – 6-0

B. Consider Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy as recommended by ad-hoc committee

Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to approve a Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy as recommended by the ad-hoc policy review committee. Vote – 6-0

8. New Business

  1. Appointments to boards and committees

Be it resolved by Councilor Nickerson, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to appoint Larry LaPlante, along with the Councilor Hovey and Chairman Elish as members of the Audit Committee. Vote – 6-0

Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor Nickerson, to appoint Robin Underwood to fill an unexpired term ending 10/01/2008 as Tenant Commissioner for the Presque Isle Housing Authority’s Board of Commissioners. Vote - 6-0

Be it resolved by Councilor Nickerson, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to appoint Gregory Curtis to fill an unexpired term ending 12/31/2009 as Trustee for the Library Board of Trustees. Vote - 6-0

Be it resolved by Councilor Nickerson, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to appoint Brent Andersen to fill an unexpired term ending 12/31/2007 as member of the Planning Board. Vote – 6-0

B. Maysville Street/Community Livability Transportation Grant Application

Be it resolved by Councilor Nickerson, seconded by Councilor Hovey, that the Presque Isle City Council authorize the City Manager to submit a grant application to the Maine Department of Transportation for the Maysville Street/Rt. 1 “Community Livability Transportation Study”, as detailed in the grant application proposal dated 2/16/07. Vote - 6-0

C. Contingency plan for an alternative method of disposal of landfill leachate with Caribou Utilities District

Be it resolved by Councilor Hovey, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with the Caribou Utilities District for the disposal of landfill leachate. Vote – 6-0

D. Listing of roadways under Indian Reservation Roads Inventory

Be it resolved by Councilor McPherson, seconded by Councilor Hovey, to authorize the City Manager to submit an Indian Reservation Roadway Inventory for various roadways to be included under the Aroostook Band of Micmacs roadway inventory for purposes of attempting the secure roadway improvement funds. Vote – 6-0

E. Authorize public sale of tax acquired property located at 51 Chapman Road

No action was taken. A recommendation will be made for the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting.

F. Municipal Bill of Sale to Vinny McIntryre for a tax acquired mobile home located at 20 Skyline Trailer Park; to Tanya Graham for a tax acquired mobile home located at 24 Skyway Trailer Park; and to Joel Humprey for a tax acquired mobile home located at 7 Pine Village Trailer Park

Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor Gardner, that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign a Bill of Sale from the City of Presque Isle to Vinny McIntyre for a tax acquired mobile home located at 20 Skyline Trailer Park. Vote – 6-0

Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor Nickerson, that the City Council authorize the City Manager to sign a Bill of Sale from the City of Presque Isle to Tanya Graham for a tax acquired mobile home located at 24 Skyway Trailer Park and a Bill of Sale from the City of Presque Isle to Joel Humphrey for a tax acquired mobile home located at 7 Pine Village Trailer Park. Vote - 6-0

G. Municipal Quitclaim Deed to Twila E. Farr for tax acquired real estate located at 40 Washburn Road; and to Harold J. and Shirley M. Morrissete for tax acquired real estate located at 9 Parsons Street

Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor McPherson, that the City Council approve a municipal quitclaim deed from the City of Presque Isle to Twila E. Farr for tax acquired real estate located at 40 Washburn Road. Vote – 6-0

Be it resolved by Councilor Hall, seconded by Councilor Nickerson, that the City Council approve a municipal quitclaim deed from the City of Presque Isle to Harold J. and Shirley M. Morrissette for tax acquired real estate located at 9 Parsons Street. Vote – 6-0

H. Amendments to Alcohol and Drug Testing Policy

Be it resolved by Councilor Nickerson, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to approve the amendments to the City’s Drug and Alcohol Testing policy as presented. Vote - 6-0

I. City Council Retreat

Chairman Elish suggested that the City Council, as a body, schedule a retreat. It has proven to guide the council in the past and Chairman Elish requested what format the City Councilors would like to have for the retreat.

Councilors suggested meeting with department heads and the City Manager prior to meeting amongst them. Councilor Hovey suggested having a session with department heads and one without.

Councilor Hovey requested if there could be a presentation regarding financial audit reports in order to grasp the entire financial being of the City.

Consensus of the Councilors was to schedule a retreat on March 21st at 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. with the department heads. Logistics will be determined and City Manager Stevens will arrange a facilitator.

J. Approve consent agenda of approving City Council meeting minutes of February 21, 2007 and 2007 Warrants #7 and #8 totaling $1,205,742.38

Be it resolved by Councilor Gardner, seconded by Councilor Nickerson, to approve consent agenda of approving City Council meeting minutes of February 21, 2007 and 2007 Warrants #7 and #8 totaling $1,205,742.38. Vote – 6-0

9. Manager’s Report

  1. Church Street Parking

City Manager Stevens followed up on a discussion that took place during the previous City Council meeting regarding angle parking on Church Street. If the City changes angle parking to parallel parking, it will reduce the number of parking spaces available. City Manager Stevens stated that making the parking spaces parallel would provide more safety in the area.

  1. Update on Recreation and Parks Facility Committee meeting

The Recreation and Parks Facility Committee held a public forum last week. Four members of the committee, along with the City Manager, during the upcoming weekend, will be visiting recently constructed recreation centers in order to get ideas of what to do, what not to do and to conduct a needs assessment.

Be it resolved by Councilor Gardner, seconded by Councilor Hovey, to approve the Manager’s Report as presented. Vote – 6-0

10. Announcements

Chairman Elish read several announcements.

11. Adjournment

Be it resolved by Councilor Nickerson, seconded by Councilor McPherson, to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Vote – 6-0


Nancy G. Nichols, City Clerk