For Comment: Occupational Curriculum: Physical Asset Practitioner: OFO Code 333911

Subject Specifications

Physical Asset Practitioner:OFO Code 333911

Subject Specifications

Summary of the structure of the Knowledge Subject Specifications:

The aim of the knowledge component of the curriculum is to supply the foundation for the learner’s ability to perform the occupational tasks. It should be noted that this curriculum Physical Asset Manager, is following on the curriculum for the Physical Asset Practitioner. The learning pathway is structured in the following manner:

  • Occupational Curriculum for the Physical Asset Practitioner which spans NQF levels 5 and 6; followed by the
  • Occupational Curriculum for the Physical Asset Manager which spans NQF levels 7 and 8.

In order to support this structure, the theoretical component of the occupational curriculum also spans firstly NQF levels 5 and 6 with an exit level external assessment, followed by theoretical subjects at NQF levels 7 and 8.

These subjects are structured in the following manner:

Physical Asset Practitioner

Subject / NQF level / NQF level
  1. Physical Asset and Facilities Management
/ 5 / 6
  1. Strategic Physical Asset Management
/ 5 / 6
  1. Financial Management and Business EngineeringProcesses
/ 5 / 6

Physical Asset Manager

Subject / NQF level / NQF level
  1. Physical Asset and Facilities Management
/ 7 / 8
  1. Strategic Physical Asset Management
/ 7 / 8
  1. Financial Management and Business Engineering Processes
/ 7 / 8
  1. Organisational Physical Asset Management Capability
/ 7

Physical Asset and Facilities Management

Subject Title: / PhysicalAsset and Facilities Management (1st Year)
Purpose of the Subject: / The main focus of the learning in this subject is to build understanding of the reasons why availability and care of assets is critical for continued use of the asset
Credits: / 16
NQF level: / 5
Exemptions from educational programmes: / No Exemptions.
This module can be achieved in full through a standard RPL process
Topic / Topic elements / Assessment Criteria
Physical asset Management: Selected Life-Cycle Principles / Physical Asset Identification /
  • Describe terminology and concepts related to physical asset management
  • Define various kinds of assets
  • Categorise assets applying an identification tool
  • Classifyphysical asset types and groupings
  • Discuss and explain the reconciliation of assets

Facilities /
  • Describe terminology, concepts and definitions of facility management
  • Discuss the determination of space requirements related to facility management and customer needs
  • Apply the applicable norms and standards for space utilisation

Life Cycle Characteristics /
  • Describe concepts,definitions and terminology related to the life cycle characteristics of a physical asset
  • Justify the purpose, use and contribution of life cycle management plans (From cradle to grave)
  • Explain and compile a process map of the processes related to generic physical asset acquisition to physical asset disposal processes

Physical Asset Maintenance / Maintenance Management Systems /
  • Compare the characteristics of different maintenance management systems
  • Discuss the role of tendencies and predictions in maintenance management
  • Discuss the considerations of the practical application of Maintenance Management systems
  • Evaluate physical asset maintenance management practices

Maintenance Categories /
  • Identify the various categories
  • Discuss the principles of categorisation and the application possibilities
  • Discuss the characteristics of preventative, routine, first line, second line and outsourcing maintenance categories

Configuration Management /
  • Describe the concepts and terminology of configuration management
  • Purpose and methods
  • Documentation standards
  • Understand the philosophy of configuration management
  • Components of various configuration systems

Workshop Tools, Equipment & Techniques /
  • Describe the concepts and principles of tool and equipment application and utilisation as it relates to efficacy
  • Discuss the impact of appropriate utilisation of tools and equipment
  • Identify special equipment requirements
  • Cite appropriate legislation and regulations
  • Explain the requirements, purpose and application of safety equipment
  • Discuss the storage requirements of selected equipment in terms of its maintained condition and work application
  • Identify specific qualification requirements for workshop equipment

Spares/ Inventory Management /
  • Discuss the concepts and terminology of inventory management
  • Summarise Health and Safety requirements and other appropriate legislation
  • Discuss the storage requirements of selected spares/inventory in terms of maintained condition and work application

Physical Asset Operations / Operating Environment /
  • Define the system framework specifications which expresses the needs of the operating environment
  • Define the safety and regulatory environment and the compliance requirements
  • Describe the implications of industry specific guidelines and operational procedures and prescripts on physical asset operations
  • Describe the impact of applicable policies and procedures on physical asset operations
  • Discuss and evaluate the practical application of applicable policies and procedures
  • Identify applicable industry related legislation
  • Evaluate delegations and the impact thereof on physical operations
  • Evaluate practice notes and the impact thereof on operations
  • Describe physical assets in terms of operations and performance
  • Describe specific industrial and civil environments and requirements and the implication thereof on practices and processes

Physical Asset and Facilities Management

Subject Title: / Physical Asset and Facilities Management (2nd Year)
Purpose of the Subject: / The main focus of the learning in this subject is to build an understanding of the necessary physical asset management requirements for service delivery through sound physical asset life cycle management
Credits: / 16
NQF level: / 6
Exemptions from educational programmes: / No Exemptions.
This module can be achieved in full through a standard RPL process
Topic / Topic elements / Assessment Criteria
Facilities Management Classification / Basic Classification Principles /
  • Assess the application of classification principles
  • Describe the drafting of various physical asset classification criteria
  • Develop classification guidelines
  • Discuss concepts of urban and regional planning and the impact thereof on facility management processes
  • Analyse the interaction and cooperation of land and space
  • Discuss the application of sustainable development planning

Types of Facilities /
  • Determine specification requirements of various types of facilities
  • Distinguish between facilities maintenance requirements of various facilities
  • Discuss the characteristics and properties of infrastructure, movable and immovable assets
  • Evaluate the design features of various facilities

Operating Requirements /
  • Distinguish between different engineering (e.g. civil, electrical and mechanical) environments
  • Discuss the application of operating requirements fit for human functioning
  • Discuss the role of ergonomic requirements for operating conditions

Introduction to property administration /
  • Explain the principles and concepts of property administration

Aspects of Life Cycle Physical Asset Management / Investment Decisions /
  • Explain the principles and concepts of investment decision making
  • Apply acquisition principles and procurement options
  • Discuss the concept of capital budgeting inputs (recommend, advise on investment in assets)

Introduction to valuation principles /
  • Compare the various types of valuations
  • Discussvaluation models
  • Analyse valuation methods and techniques

Project Management /
  • Principles of PMBOK
  • Analyse the role and composition of investment project teams

Documentation Management /
  • Discuss the application of principles for documentation management
  • Assess the application of configuration management principles
  • Identify the specific documentation requirements for specific assets
  • Evaluate the impact of organisational filing systems on efficacy in the workplace

Operational Reporting Management /
  • Discuss reporting principlesand the application thereof on operational management
  • Identify reporting formats for specific sets of data
  • Design reporting plans taking into account various reporting processes and timelines and its effect on operational management
  • Compare and contrast methods for verifying integrity or credibility of information
  • Appraise reporting purposes such as for presentation
  • Assess electronic and manual reporting techniques
  • Assess the physical asset register in accordance with minimum requirements

Disposal of physical assets /
  • Identify and discuss risks of further utilisation and liability of assets
  • Compare and contrast disposal principles and options in terms of the asset system
  • Research decommissioning procedures of selected physical assets

Physical asset Management Supporting Systems / Call Centre / Helpdesk Logistics /
  • Analyse and evaluate the inter-dependencies of report information
  • Justify timely availability of information to other user needs
  • Consider the feed back loop from call centre to physical asset manager
  • Describe the impact of communication protocols on the flow of management information
  • Discuss and present a case for the logistical closure of incident report

Quality Management practices /
  • Compare and contrast various quality management philosophies and methodologies (e.g. TQM, 6 Sigma)
  • Compare and contrast quality performance management techniques
  • Justify compliance to standards

Strategic Physical Asset Management

Subject Title: / Strategic Physical Asset Management (1st Year)
Purpose of the Subject: / The main focus of the learning in this subject is tobuild understanding of physical asset management as a key component for the performance of the organisation as a whole
Credits: / 24
NQF level: / 5
Exemptions from educational programmes: / No Exemptions.
This module can be achieved in full through a standard RPL process
Topic / Topic elements / Assessment Criteria
Physical Assets and Business Strategy / Introduction to Planning techniques /
  • Describe generic planning techniques
  • Discuss planning concepts and principles

Maintenance Management / Maintenance Philosophies and planning /
  • Life cycle maintenance management
  • Describe the principles of predictive, planned and reliability centred maintenance
  • Appraise physical asset diagnostics and prognostics
  • Appraise maintenance strategy or - tactics
  • Justify the scheduling of maintenance requirements
  • Justify assessment for maintenance according to physical asset categories

Teamwork / Team operations /
  • Describe productivity concepts and principles as it relates to physical asset management
  • Describe motivation principles and concepts as it relates to performance of a team
  • Describe performance concepts and principles (incl. time management, etc.)

Training and coaching /
  • Assess the role of training and coaching in the workplace
  • Assess the impact of training outcomes and impact on the team performance
  • Justify personal development
  • Justify continuous professional development

Teamwork and group dynamics /
  • Assess team work and group dynamics as it relates to:
  • Team interaction
  • Team composition
  • Interpersonal relations
  • Ethics
  • Goals and targets

StrategicPhysical Asset Management

Subject Title: / Strategic Physical Asset Management (2nd Year)
Purpose of the Subject: / The main focus of the learning in this subject is to build an understanding of the process of strategic business planning of the organisation through appropriate physical asset management processes
Credits: / 24
NQF level: / 6
Exemptions from educational programmes: / No Exemptions.
This module can be achieved in full through a standard RPL process
Topic / Topic elements / Assessment Criteria
Physical Assets and Business Strategy / Functional and Physical Asset Management Systems /
  • Compare and contrast various functional management systems specific to types of assets
  • Analyse the constraints and limitations of functional systems
  • Make a distinction between functional systems and physical asset management systems
  • Justify the need for and methods for integration of information

Role of Physical asset Management Strategy in the Strategic Plan /
  • Describe strategic planning and its purpose
  • Asses the role and purpose of infrastructure
  • Describe the concept of the integration of strategic planning and physical asset management strategy
  • Introduction to advanced planning techniques (task planning, task definition, resource availability, workshop load, etc.)

Policy formulation /
  • Describe the principles of policy formulation
  • Evaluate the role of policies in the workplace
  • Justify the use of maintenance statistics for policy formulation
  • Analyse methods and techniques of sourcing and collation of information
  • Describe policy formulation constraints and techniques

Organisational Capability Development /
  • Justify capacity development
  • Describe Business Resumption Planning (BRP) etc
  • Explain the concept of culture as applied to team and organization
  • Discuss the importance of values in underpinning individual, team and organisational culture
  • Discuss the principles of change management within teams

Physical asset Management Systems / Multiple technology project management /
  • Discuss the concepts such as Planning of Enterprise Physical asset Management (EAM) and Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems (participation/principles)
  • Justify the integration with Logistics Management
  • Justify principles of :
  • Manufacturing Requirement Planning (MRP) I
  • Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) II and
  • Distribution Requirements Planning DRP I
  • Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) II
  • Workflow planning

Business infrastructure /
  • Analyse service level monitoring
  • Describe the role of Call Centres and Centres of Excellence
  • Give and overview of flow and availability of business information

Legislative and Regulatory Environment / Legislative Requirements /
  • List and describe the statutory and fiduciary obligations

Regulatory environment /
  • Discuss the regulatory environment with reference to:
  • Policies, Procedures, Standards & Guidelines (PPSG Generation)
  • ISO 55000;
  • Safety, Health Environment and Quality (SHEQ), etc.

Team Leadership and Training / Leadership /
  • Appraise the role of the leader in relation to work team efficacy
  • Compare and contrast leadership styles and outcomes
  • Discuss aspects of interpersonal relations
  • Discuss the high performance teams

Training Programmes and Generation of Training /
  • Discuss the importance of an Internal Development program (continuous professional development) and its role in continuous improvement

Financial Management and Business Engineering Principles

Subject Title: / Financial Management and Business Engineering Principles (1st Year)
Purpose of the Subject: / The main focus of the learning in this subject is to build understanding of the financial and logistics processes of the organisation as it relates to the discipline of physical asset management
Credits: / 16
NQF level: / 5
Exemptions from educational programmes: / No Exemptions.
This module can be achieved in full through a standard RPL process
Topic / Topic elements / Assessment Criteria
Financial management reporting / Introduction to financial management and reporting /
  • Define financial management and reporting
  • Apply basic accounting concepts and principles
  • Appraise the role of financial reporting in decision making

Maintenance Accounting /
  • Applymaintenance accounting principles
  • Compare and contrast various accounting models for maintenance operations

Introduction to application of information technology /
  • Define information technology
  • Explain basic concepts and principles information technology

Financial data analysis /
  • Definitions Financial data analysis
  • Apply basic concepts and principlesFinancial data analysis
  • Evaluate the role of financial analysis and evaluation of financial data

Physical asset Management Accounting Systems / Principles of management accounting systems /
  • Define management accounting systems
  • Discuss the basic concepts and principles and the application thereof
  • Demonstrate the practical application of management accounting programmes

Logistics Management /
  • Define logistics management
  • Basic concepts and principles and the application thereof
  • Evaluate Material Requirement Planning (I) and Distribution Requirements Planning (I) as relating to optimum levels management, stock requirements, strategic spares holdings

Basic Business Engineering Principles / Costing and budgeting /
  • Discuss Capital and Operating Budget characteristics
  • DefinitionsCapital and Operating Budget
  • Discuss basic concepts and principles and the application thereof
  • Introduction to various costing models
  • Compare and contrast decision making criteria

Financial Management and Business Engineering Principles

Subject Title: / FinancialManagement and Business Engineering Principles (2nd Year)
Purpose of the Subject: / The main focus of the learning in this subject is to build understanding of appropriate financial and business engineering information contributing to the physical asset portfolio
Credits: / 16
NQF level: / 6
Exemptions from educational programmes: / No Exemptions.
This module can be achieved in full through a standard RPL process
Topic / Topic elements / Assessment Criteria
Assets Reporting and Systems / Financial reporting /
  • Reporting methodology
  • Evaluate methods for extracting data from the financial system
  • Assess data verification principles and processes
  • Assess reconciliation procedures
  • Apply techniques for populating and balancing the reporting template

Depot & Workshop Financial Management Reporting /
  • Apply reporting methodology
  • Compare and contrast methods for extracting data from the financial system
  • Describe data verification principles and processes
  • Apply reconciliation procedures
  • Apply techniques for populating and balancing the reporting template

Physical asset performance reporting /
  • Apply reporting methodology
  • Compare and contrast methods for extracting data from the financial system
  • Describe data verification principles and processes
  • Apply reconciliation procedures
  • Apply populating and balancing the reporting template

Financial Management Policy and procedures /
  • Describe the purpose and of financial management policies and procedures
  • Apply formulation and creation methodologies
  • Appraise the linkage between policies and procedures
  • Discuss basic guidelines for generally accepted accounting practice

Business engineering principles / Costing Management and Budgeting /
  • Evaluate applicable costing models outcomes
  • Indicate adherence to acceptance criteria and norms
  • Establish Life-cycle Cash flow projections
  • Discuss the importance of budgeting and planning coordination

The provider accreditation requirements below pertain to all the above modules.

Provider Accreditation Requirements:

Physical requirements in terms of access to:
Situations /
  • Access to appropriate facilities (conducive environment): (Large room – Table and chairs, space for group activities, good light, good ventilation);
  • Learning material aligned to the qualification;
  • Appropriate learning aids such as DVDs, case studies, forms, checklists, etc.;

  • Human Resources requirements in terms of:
Number of staff
Qualifications of learning facilitators
Facilitator/learner ratios
Professional registration /
  • Staff allocation as per QMS
  • Facilitator – B. Degree (three year) in either accounting, engineering, quantity surveying, financial management, economics or physical asset management and 3 years experience in an physical asset management capacity
  • Facilitator/ Learner ratio not to exceed a ratio of 1:30;
  • Registered assessor and moderator with B Degree in either accounting, engineering, quantity surveying, financial management or physical asset management and 3 years experience in an physical asset management capacity;

  • Legal requirements in terms of compliance with:
Industry charters
 /
  • Legally compliant venue, (i.e. fire protection devices, OHS and other legislation);
  • Quality Management System which includes all relevant policies and procedures;
  • Code of Conduct;