Group (5 members MAX) Task: Constitutional Convention Event Script and Commentary
DUE: Thursday, Jan. 14th
Students will produce a fully scripted, edited, and directed production of the events of the Constitutional Convention, provide a play by play of events and issues that surfaced during the convention while highlighting the role of key figures.
- Divide yourselves into groups. You MUST tell me who you are working with prior to completing the project.
- Use class lecture notes to generate a script (play by play of events) of the Constitution Convention including: the desires of the big states, small states, outline the Virginia Plan, outline the New Jersey Plan, the terms of the Great Compromise, and the terms of the 3/5th Compromise.
- All scripts must be historically accurate and use adequate details to describe the events above
- Scripts MUST be typed in your OWN WORDS
- ONE copy of the script may be turned in per group but script must contain ALL student’s names
- Use device to film the production using the script and the casted roles from above
- Cast roles to group members (2 commentators, Roger Sherman, James Madison, and William Paterson) and act it out!!
- Perform script commentary and edit as needed.
- Email movie to Mrs. Martin or have it on a flash drive to turn in by Tuesday, Jan. 19th
Constitutional Convention Commentary Rubric
Excellent (15-10 pts.) / Great (10-5 pts.) / Needs Improvement(5-0 pts.)
Events of the Constitutional Convention / All 6 events of the Constitutional Convention are discussed and strong details add to the overall narrative. / 4-5 events of the Constitutional Convention are discussed and most details support the overall narrative. / Less than 4 of the events of the Constitutional Convention are discussed and some details support the overall narrative.
Turned in completed script / Script is typed, organized, has NO grammatical errors, and meets all requirements per the instructions. / Script is typed, well organized, contains LIMITED grammatical errors, and meets most of the requirements per the instructions. / Script is not typed or well organized. Script has MANY grammatical errors and does not meet the requirements of the instructions.
Completed Project by Due Dates / All components were turned in on time. / Components of project were turned in late.
Extra credit points available for Video / (10 points) / (5 points) / (0 points)
Video of group performing commentary / Video uses all group members and all 5 roles well. Students used inflection and theatrics to make commentary appear exciting and interesting. / Video uses most group members and all 5 roles well. Students attempted to make commentary exciting but struggles to connect emotion to the content. / Students do not utilize group members well and produce video commentary that lacks a cohesive meaning OR students did not turn in video portion for extra credit.
Example Script Formatting:
Commentator #1: Good-afternoon, I’m John Madden…
Commentator #2: And I am Ray Lewis…
Commentator #1: We are coming to you live from the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia inside Independence Hall. We are joined here by delegates from 12 of the 13 new states, apparently Rhode Island wasn’t feeling it. They were hoping to hold onto the Articles of Confederation so they didn’t send a delegate.
Commentator #2: Good luck with that Rhode Island! These men have arrived representing their state in the hopes of fixing the flawed Articles of Confederation,and we can tell you things are getting hot in here, no pun intended. It is the middle of the summer with no air conditioning ya know. Currently, we are deadlocked between the large and small states between what direction this new government should take. Before we get into what the large states and small states want…..
Commentator #1 interrupts: And we hear from William Paterson and James Madison, the gentlemen proposing paths for the new government for the large and small states…
Commentator #2: I am going to go to the floor where we have with Roger Sherman from Connecticut who believes he has a solution.
Roger Sherman:………….
Commentator #2: Well that may work, but we James Madison rolling his eyes…let’s give him a chance to speak
James Madison: ………..
Continue on…….