Title / Agency Risk Advisor
Role number / 437
Location / Sydney
Classification / Executive Level 1
Branch / Legal, Governance and Risk
Type of vacancy / Non-ongoing
Contact officer / Russell Wilson 02 6120 2605
Eligibility / The successful applicant will be required to undergo a security assessment, maintain an ongoing security clearance and satisfy AUSTRAC’s pre-engagement checks.
To be eligible for assessment, applicants must be an Australian citizen.
Closing date for applications / 20 October 2015
Application information
The job description and selection criteria are attached for your information.
Applications should be forwarded to by 5pm AEDST on the specified closing date.
Further details advising how to apply for the role, including ‘preparing your statement of claims against the selection criteria’ is available on the AUSTRAC employment website.
Job description
Working under the broad direction of the National Manager, Legal, Governance and Risk and in close co-operation with the Agency Security and Integrity Advisor (ASIA), the Information Technology Agency Security Advisor (ITASA), the Internal Auditor and Senior operational business unit managers; the Agency Risk Advisor will be responsible for developing an integrated risk management framework for AUSTRAC; and for coordinating the implementation and on-going management of that framework to ensure the agency meets its objectives in a low risk-exposure environment. Duties in this regard will include, but are not limited to:
· developing and implementing agency-wide and integrated risk management strategies, plans, policies and procedures; and an associated compliance monitoring and reporting arrangement
· coordinating the integration of risk management and business continuity planning, to ensure the agency effectively identifies, assesses and appropriately treats its key areas of risk
· contributing to the development of a culture within the agency that recognises and respects risk management and compliance as integral elements of normal business unit operations; including through the delivery of regular staff training
· providing coordinated advice to the Executive and senior business unit managers onrisk management issues and related activities across the agency
· undertaking and/or coordinating, as required:
o business continuity and emergency response planning and testing
o corruption and fraud risk assessments and control planning
o specific business unit risk profiling and other risk assessments
o benchmarking (and other similar) risk surveys (eg. Comcover)
o protective security risk reviews.
· undertaking reviews of, and preparing reports on, risk management and compliance-related issues and activities across the agency.
Selection criteria
You must make a statement of claims against each of the six selection criteria. When preparing your claims, please refer to the job description.
1. Shapes strategic thinking
2. Achieves results.
3. Cultivates productive working relationships.
4. Exemplifies personal drive and integrity.
5. Communicates with influence.
6. Possesses relevant qualifications and/or experience.
Attachment 1: Selection criteria explanatory notes
EL1 capabilities in AUSTRAC
This section sets out the capabilities expected of all EL1 employees in AUSTRAC as they achieve the requirements of their job description. These capabilities do not need to be addressed specifically in your application, but rather they may be drawn on to provide guidance in the drafting of your application.
· Support AUSTRAC’s strategic goals by ensuring that all tasks align with AUSTRAC’s strategic direction, that required outcomes are clear and that people understand the importance of their work and how it aligns with AUSTRAC’s goals.
· Show leadership skills by providing impartial and forthright advice, challenging constructively, taking responsibility, showing initiative, achieving goals, controlling pressure, accepting challenges and acknowledging and learning from mistakes.
· Provide strong management skills by considering long term issues, identifying critical gaps, exploring new ideas, monitoring the business environment, seeking guidance and advice and solving problems.
· Manage outputs by establishing and achieving clear project plans, delegating, seeking assistance as necessary, reviewing project performance, encouraging continuous improvement and remaining flexible and responsive.
· Manage teams by identifying and utilising specialist expertise, talents and knowledge whilst contributing own expertise to achieve outputs and outcomes. Foster the team by agreeing clear performance standards, dealing promptly with underperformance and providing praise and productive feedback.
· Contribute to an environment of information sharing, relationship building, proactive assistance, client service, involvement, consultation, collaboration, diversity and empowerment.
· Show strong communication skills by confidently presenting messages, seeking to understand others, clearing up misunderstandings and negotiating persuasively.
· Adhere to APS Values and Code of Conduct.
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Job specification