Cell Project
You will be required to construct a model of a plant or animal cell. Your project must be labeled or have a key. The key or labels must state what the function of each part is.
Your cell should include the following organelles:
Cell wall(plants only) Ribosomes Nucleus
Cell membrane Mitochondria Vacuoles
Lysosomes(animal only) Cytoplasm Golgi Bodies
Chloroplasts(plant only) Smooth E.R. Rough E.R.
You may choose to make your cell out of edible materials (jello, cake, brownies, candy, fruit, etc.) or non-edible materials (clay, playdough, plaster, Styrofoam, pipe cleaners, etc.). The model must be 3D to receive full credit. Partial credit will be given for projects that are only 2D, such as drawn on poster board. Points will be deducted for leaving edible cells for the teacher to clean up! If any student feels that they will be unable to purchase materials for the project, please see me BEFORE the due date. I will be more than happy to provide materials.
Students may work alone or in groups of up to three. Everyone in the group will receive the same grade, so chose wisely who you want to work with and consider the fact that it may be best to work alone! I will not change the grade of anyone’s partner just because another partner whines that they didn’t help. Again, it may be best to work alone or change partners if you feel someone will not do their share. You must notify the teacher and your partner if you decide to change and work alone or with someone else, before the due date. No exceptions!
1. Name(s) on Project 0 5
2. Type of Cell Labeled (plant or animal) 0 5
3. Cell is 3D 0 20
4. Model contains all the organelles,
In the correct place 0 5 10 15 20
5. Organelles are correctly labeled 0 5 10 15 20
6. Labels have correct functions 0 5 10 15 20
7. Appearance/Creativity 0 5 10
Total _____________
*Bonus points may be awarded for exceptional projects.
Due Date: _______________
*You may also turn in your project before the due date. Anything after, will have points deducted for each day it is late.