Appendix G: Resources for Applicants

  • Pre-School and Kindergarten Standards in the Domains of Social-Emotional Development and Approaches to Play and Learning
  • Guiding Change, Impacting Quality: A Guide to Technical Assistance in Settings Serving Infants & Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Children in Out-of-School Time Programs and Their Families

GUIDING CHANGE, IMPACTING QUALITY: A Guide to Technical Assistance in Settings Serving Infants & Toddlers, Preschoolers, and Children in Out-of-School Time Programs and Their Families SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL

  • Massachusetts Association for Infant Mental Health (MassAIMH) Birth to Six, Inc.
  • Massachusetts Core Competencies for Early Education and Out-of-School Time
  • The Pyramid Model Consortium
  • Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center
  • The Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center
Sample Educator Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for your referral to[Agency/Program Name].
We value your feedback on the quality and effectiveness of the early childhood mental health consultationservices provided.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions in order to help us continue to improve our services.
Please check your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Not Applicable
  1. I have a better understanding of what early childhood mental health consultation services are and how they can help.

  1. The consultant valued my input throughout the consultation process.

  1. I was involved in developing the child/classroom behavior support plan.

  1. I gained a greater understanding of children’s’ social-emotional development and behavior from the observation and feedback process.

  1. The consultant helped me understand how children’s history and experiences can affect their development and behavior.

  1. The mental health consultation services helped me learn strategies to promote healthy social-emotional development.

  1. I have applied the strategies taught to me by the consultant to promote healthy social-emotional development of children in the classroom.

  1. I feel more confident in supporting children’s social-emotional development and behavior.

  1. I have noticed an improvement in the child(ren)’s classroom behavior.

  1. Mental health consultation services have improved the quality of our classroom environment(s).

  1. The mental health consultation services helped me to better engage with families around the social-emotional and behavioral needs of their child(ren).

  1. I would use mental health consultation services again, if needed.

  1. I participated in mental health consultation services for ______weeks between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017. (Enter number between 1 and 52)

  1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the mental health consultation services? (Please circle one)
/ Highly Dissatisfied / Dissatisfied / Neutral / Satisfied / Highly Satisfied

Please tell us what was most helpful to you from the mental health consultation services:

Any suggestions to make mental health consultation more helpful?

Name (optional) please print:

Sample Parent/Caregiver Satisfaction Survey
Thank you for working with / [ECMHC PROGRAM NAME] / and / [Early education & care provider] / to help your child have a positive
early education & care experience. We value your input on our work and hope you can take a few minutes to share your thoughts.
to improve our services.
Please check your level of agreement with the following statements:
Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neither Agree nor Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree / Not Applicable
  1. The role of the early childhood consultant was clearly explained to me.

  1. The consultant valued my input about my child.

  1. I have a better understanding of my child’s social-emotional development.

  1. The consultant helped me and my family access additional resources/services in the community.

  1. The consultation services helped my child have a positive early education & care experience.

  1. The consultation services improved my communication and comfort with the staff of my child’s early education & care center.

  1. I feel comfortable seeking consultation services or other resources again, if needed.

  1. I worked with a consultant for _____ weeks this year. (Enter number between 1 and 52)

  1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the consultation services? (Please circle one)
/ Highly Dissatisfied / Dissatisfied / Neutral / Satisfied / Highly Satisfied

Please tell us what was most helpful to you from the consultation services:

Any suggestions to make the consultation services more helpful?

Name (optional) please print:

Phone number if you would like a follow-up phone call to discuss services or survey:

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