A Surfeit of Blasphemy Including The Rushdie Report
From Edifice Complex to Occult Theocracy
© 1992/1412 David Musa Pidcock / MUSTAQIMTypeset, published and printed by:
MUSTAQIM - Islamic Art and Literature
PO Box 844, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2YT
All rights reserved
ISBN 1-871012-03-1
published on the Internet March 2002
Most of the people who have helped in this enterprise have done so posthumously; and in some cases, inadvertantly. Nevertheless they deserve recognition. Nesta H. Webster deserves a very special mention. Her courage in taking on the occult ‘Establishment’ is an inspiration to us all. Other sources are provided in the bibliography, and the rest mentioned in passing. Some important contributors do not appear in this particular work, and warrant an entire book dedicated to them, and their selfless dedication to justice and the establishment of a benevolent system of government. Foremost among these is Abraham Lincoln whose 1864 ‘Islamic’ monetary policy caused him to be assassinated, by the owners of the ‘Satanic Purses’.
For his tireless efforts in trying to expose the corruption and instutionalised fraud in our occult banking and judicial system, a special thank you goes to John Derek Pett, co-founder of The National Association for Victims of fraud and Banking Malpractice; along with Mr and Mrs Alfred Cullinane, Paul Jenkins, Robert Owen, J. Watson, Richard Walster, Jim Salt, and other victims of fraud.
To Sheikh Zaharan Ibrahim Muhammad Ali, a true muslim, whose actions always matched his words; Abdel Wahid El’Wakil who achieved the impossible; Dr Hany El-Shestawy Nasr and his father and brother; Prof Abd Al-Maaboud, Dr Muhammad Bujerami, Ahmed Darwish, (Dr) Sobhat Hussein, Dr Yousri Shaheen, Br. Gamal, Dr Narayn Swamy, Dr P.J. Foster, George Anthony, Professor Bill Eastwood, Mr & Mrs Wendy-Scott James, Ahmed Jamal Sadiq, Mr Arthur Swan, Mr Jack (CHD) Hornsby, Martin Short, Zorah T___, Stephen Knight, Donald Martin, Eric De’Mare, Raymond Gazzo, Isa Darby, Frazer Dodwell, Ken Palmerton, John E. Dodds, John Bubba Ash, Anson Parker (Texas), Abbas Marshall, James Gibb Stuart, Miles Copeland, Shelley David Kettle, Nabil Turner, Ibrahim Hewitt, Dr Rashid Skinner, Mike and Penny Mullin, Prof Ahmed El Naggar, Mohammed Nazir, Patrick and Denise Barratt, Abdel Aziz Morgan, Samir Ghadi, Khalid Fahmy.
A Special than you to Navid Butt, Anwar Rashid, and Nadim Butt, Brother Shamoon and Amjad Khan, and all those who contributed their time and efforts in fund raising and propagation activities, and those who for various reasons wish to remain anonymous.
Last but not least my wife and family, who for many years have had to put up with a house full of books, papers and me.
The road to hell is paved with bad intentions
By our mockeries and our attacks upon them, we shall make their priests ridiculous then odious, and then their religion as ridiculous and as odious as their clergy. [‘The Luciferian Doctrine’, better known as ‘The Protocols of the learned elders of Zion’ or ‘Sion’]
There must be no let up in the war against religion, because as long as religions exist, communism cannot prevail. We must intensify the destruction of all religions, wherever they are being practiced and taught. [ Mikhail Gorbachev, on the 25th of November 1986 to officials and military personnel in Uzbekistan]
Film, the most expensive art form, is the least subversive. Bergman, Fellini and others made the most successful secular revolts into the territory of the sacred; I prefer the greater possibilities of the novel." [Salman Rushdie via Harold Pinter]
Marx will surely chase God from his heaven, and will even sue Him. [George Jung ’Conversations with Marx & Engels’]
Satan is the first freethinker and Saviour of the world. He frees Adam and impresses the seal of humanity and liberty on his forehead, by making him disobedient.[Bukharin: Anarchist Satanist and associate friend of Marx in the First International]
Then answered Jesus: “Verily I say unto you, Satan ever seeketh to annul the laws of God; and therefore he with his followers, hypocrites and evil doers, the former with false doctrine, the latter with lewd living, today have contaminated almost all things, so that scarcely is the truth found. Woe to the hypocrites; for the praises of this world shall turn into the insults of hell.” [The Gospel of Barnabas]
The purpose of this book is to place on record an alternative view and interpretation of historical events, which on the eve of the 21st century continue to influence and disrupt our day to day lives.
The choice of Satanic Voices for the main title relates to the voices of anarchy, blasphemy and dissent that have been audibly polluting our environment throughout history. In modern Rushdie’s Satanic Verses serve as an adequate illustration. In Old Testament the Satanic Voice of Corah, the subversive financier, is raised loudly in opposition to Moses and The Ten Commandments; pre and post-Flood examples also exist in the “authorised Apocrypha”, to say nothing of the “unauthorised versions”, particularly the Gospel of Barnabas, together with the Nag Hammadi Codices and the Dead Sea Scrolls. And of course, last but not least, the Holy Qur’an. The ideas behind these Voices of Satanic dissent and anarchy have been described along with atheism, blasphemy and revolution as:- “ The opium of intellectuals”. We must now also add financiers and bankers to the list of addicts.
The Rushdie report was commissioned by the Islamic Party of Britain in order to obtain a clinical view of Rushdie’s mental state, following the Radio 4 announcement by Marjorie Wallace of S.A.N.E. - Schizoprenia A National Emergency - that Rushdie’s Satanic Verses contained the best descriptions of someone undergoing Psychotic Schizophrenic Breakdown that she had ever read. When speaking to a member of the Islamic Party, she said that it had not been her intention to imply that Salman Rushdie was suffering from schizophrenia, but when pressed she said, “...neither can I state categorically that he is not.”
The Qur’an is its own best defence, but because of our impatience we lack wisdom, allowing hope to overcome experience, following those who promote themselves at the expense of Islam. The fact that the former leader of the Bradford Council of Mosques stated that he didn’t want the Rushdie issue solving until the government gave in to their other demands, is a good example of ignorance in action. Former British diplomat Hasan Gai Eaton said, that while Muslims will sagely nod in agreement when you state that ignorance, hypocrisy and fanaticism do exist in the Muslim world, they usually assume that they themselves are not guilty. The fanatical book burning scenes in Bradford should be interpreted as the signs of repressed doubt. As C.G. Jung stated in his Tavistock Lectures:- “Fanaticism is always a sign of repressed doubt. You can study the history of the Church. Always in those Verdanawhen the Church begins to waver, the style becomes fanatical, or fanatical sects spring up because the secret doubt has to be quenched...”
The Blasphemy Industry, like some other branches of the news media, rely heavily on book banning in order to stimulate the circulation of their bread and butter through adverse publicity. Peter Wright and the Spy Catcher affair highlight the effects “Banning” has on sales demand. The primary objective of advertising is to first create the demand through publicity and then saturate the market.
There are much earlier examples of Satanic Verses. “Oulanem” by Karl Marx, for example, is a most revealing work. His father wrote to him saying that he did not know if the spirit that was driving his son was Angelic or Faustian.
Edgar Marx, who died at 8, wrote to his father addressing him as “My dear Devil”. Nietzsche, Bukharin, Proudhon, Aleister Crowley & the Maquis de’Sade all wrote in the same Demonic style. It is not surprising to learn that Stalin’s pseudonym was in fact “Demonshwile”, meaning Demoniac.
This section deals with members of Secret Societies and Subversive Movements who over the centuries have acted as Judas Goats to many of our leaders and potential leaders who wittingly or otherwise have betrayed the interests of their country and its people for financial institutions and personal advancement. For example, a recent Swiss Publication [Memopress, Ausgabe D, 4/1991] stated that Shadow Chancellor John Smith and Labour Party Spokesman Gordon Brown were among the guests at the Super Masonic One World Government Bilderberger Conference held at Baden-Baden in Germany between June 6 and 9th 1991. Permanent members are people like Banker Lord Roll of S.G. Warburg & Co Ltd.
On page 25 of ‘The Global Manipulators’ Robert Eringer wrote in 1980: “Every British Prime Minister of the past 30 years has attended Bilderberg, so have Lord Carington, Davd Owen and Sir Keith Joseph. Dennis Healey was a regular attender of Bilderberg and was on the Steering Committee long before he became Chancellor.” Apparently Oswald Spengler was perfectly correct when he said in his monumental ‘Decline of the West’ (1918-1922):- “ There is no proletarian, not even a Communist movement which does not operate in the interests of money, or move in a direction other than the one indicated to it by money, or exist longer than the time permitted to it by money, and without the idealists among its leadership having the slightest notion of that fact.”
The purpose of this section is to show how and why Palestine and the Temple site in Jerusalem were so important in the plans to create a World Super Government run from Jerusalem in an enlarged State of Israel, extending from the Nile in the West; to the Euphrates in the East. Freemasons of all ranks and degrees have been duped into working towards this goal in the belief that it is sanctioned with divine authority. Nothing could be further from the truth. According to the Regus Manuscript and the Halliwell poem at The Grand Lodge of England the original spiritual home of Freemasonry was, until the early part of the 19th century, the Tower of Babel not the Temple at Jerusalem, and its first Grand Master was its builder Nimrod - God’s enemy, and definitely not King Solomon.
The Zionists knew that Christians and Orthdox Jews would never support a movement that held Nimrod and the Tower of Babel in such high regard, so through the age old process which I call Generic Engineering they switched all the names and thus disguised their real intention, which was to expel the true believers in the God of Christ, Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob and the tribes of Israel by installing the forces of Anti-God and Anti-Christ in their place.
This new greater Israel includes Jordan, Egypt, the Northern part of Saudi Arabia including Medina (but excluding Mecca), Kuwait, Iraq and Turkey. Turkey was the first domino to fall in 1908, Saudi Arabia in 1915, Palestine 1948, Egypt at Camp David; the Gulf War has almost completed the circle. By using the United States ‘Freedom from War policy 7277’[The Rockefeller File, page 88-89], George Bush has foolishly tried to enforce Isaiah 2: 3-4 without the necessary justice or mercy.
The United Nations is the Super Government mentioned by master strategist Theodor Herzl and embodied in his notorious Master Plan drawn from Macchiavelli, The Talmud and Satanic Archives from the Luciferian Masonic Brotherhood: The Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion - which in reality are only a dramatised version of his personal diaries and plagiarisms.
The Edifice now under construction is the culmination of efforts by successive generations of materialist Jews, Gentiles, Arabs, and Persians alike. Hamdan Karmath and Abdullah Ibn Maymun, for example, whose disciples have for centuries been working towards the construction of a New Tower of Babel on the site where the Prophet Solomon built the first Temple: the site of the second temple from which Jesus evicted the Money Changers and the site from where the Prophet Muhammad ascended into heaven.
All opposition within the Islamic world towards this creeping annexation of Holy Land for unholy purposes was effectively removed when the West literally blinded the Muslims with their own science and technology. This technology, which was in fact based on their own scientific legacy to the West, had the devastating effect of creating the greatest threat to all systems of belief - “doubt”.
The Prophet Muhammad had warned his followers that this pernicious doubt would affect them when they allowed themselves to be dominated by a Western people professing to be followers of Christ on the one hand, but being in fact the greatest liars the world has ever seen; followers of Anti-Christ or “Dajjal”, as the false prophet is called in Arabic.
This doubt, which almost proved terminal, and from which the Islamic World is only just beginning to emerge after 500 years, would not have had such lasting effects, had the West shown the same degree of gratitude to the Arabs as the Arabs had shown towards the Chinese and the Greeks when recording their contribution towards Islamic science. Under Islamic thinking science developed to reveal the existence of God. In contrast, the learning of the academics and scientists of the West was intended for purely material advancement and secular worldly power which, when combined with their false evidence and assumptions, seemed to establish conclusively that there was and is no God.
Selective integrity is prevalent in the West and peculiar to the Western mind. It will resort at Verdanato falsifying evidence, like the case of Sir Arthur Keith, the ‘Piltdown Faker’, “who perceived that the only way he could become Britain’s most eminent anthropologist was to concoct false evidence to prove his unfashionable scientific theories” [Sunday Verdana23/9/90]. If not, then the self-doubt within the Islamic world would have been short lived. However, one must remember the second rule and prevailing sentiment of the Western academic who, like the Western diplomat, is often sent abroad to lie for his country: “Never give the suckers an even break”. To counter this attack, the Muslims developed an ostrich-like approach, burying their heads in the sand, pretending that it wasn’t really happening to them; forgetting that they, like the Children of Israel before them, were being tested by Islam’s old enemy - Pagan Rome -, but this time from the old empire’s most northerly outpost - Britain.