Not all projects require a full impact assessment. Please ensure you have completed the pre-appraisal checklist (Link) which defines this requirement.
Name of Business Unit / Sector DeliveryName/designation of person(s) responsible for managing/ conducting this process / Catherine Lamont
Name of Policy / Function / Service / Strategy / Action Plan / Programme / Project etc. / Interactive Scotland Phase 2
Is it (*delete as applicable) / *Existing with changes
Is the policy contracted out or delivered under a service-level agreement? (*delete as applicable) / *Yes
If yes, who delivers this policy for your organisation? / Some activities will be delivered by Contractors. New service has yet to be procured.
Is responsibility for delivery shared with others? (*delete as applicable) / *No
If yes, who are your partners?
Which of the following equality areas are relevant to this policy/project?
Age / No / Disability / Yes
Gender Re-Assignment / No / Pregnancy & Maternity / Yes
Race / No / Religion or Belief / Yes
Sex / Yes / Sexual Orientation / No
Human Rights / No
Timescale for
Assessment / 1 week / Timescale for Involvement/Consultation / n/a
Start Date / 19 Jun 12 / Completion Date / 25 Jun 12
EO Champion review by / Jacqui Cosgrove / Date / 29 June 2012
SRO Approval / Andy McLaughlin / Date / 06 July 12
1. Identify ALL the Aims of the Policy/Project (consider these questions to prompt answers)
1. What is the purpose of the policy/project? (consider explicit and implicit aims)2. Who does the policy/project affect?
3. Who does the policy/project benefit directly? (e.g. employees/service users; equality groups, other stakeholders)
4. What results/outcomes are intended?
The project is an advisory service, providing information, resources, collaboration opportunities and events for companies in the Digital media sector. It aims to help grow the digital media business community. It is primarily aimed at NRM companies, however DRM companies can access the service.
The project’s success will be measured by
· The number of companies getting involved in the project
· The number of companies accessing the advisory and information services
· The number of companies increasing turnover/employment due to their involvement with Interactive Scotland
2. Consider the Evidence (data and information) - (consider these questions to prompt answers)
1. What information or data would it be useful to have? What data (quantitative and qualitative) is available? (in-house/external) How reliable/valid/up-to-date is it?2. What does the data/information tell you about
· Different needs?
· Different experiences?
· Different access to services, information or opportunities?
· Different impacts/different outcomes?
3. Are there any gaps that you should fill now/later by further evidence gathering/commissioning or by secondary analysis of existing data?
4. Are there any experts or stakeholders you should involve/consult now? Have you involved/consulted any experts already? What were their views?
The diversity of this sector, caused by its wide range of products/applications and its low business barriers to entry, means the sector has a range of small businesses, some with one employee. All those contacting the project will be eligible for some level of support, depending on enquiry and also stage of business development.
The project will have a range of events, as these will not have fixed dates( ie not always on a Wednesday ) this should maximise the chances for all interested parties to attend. Most events will take place during the working day which should mean less interference with attendees family/other commitments. Also it is assumed that attendance at the event should directly benefit attendee/business this should be acceptable to businesses.
The project will also see a development of online information. It will be important to ensure the information is available, where requested, is easy to access and in formats to ensure company employee’s with any visual disabilities have equal access to the information. SE guidelines in this will be followed.
Information on the companies engaged, and the contacts within the companies, should be closely monitored to see if there are any gaps / issues that need to be considered during the project.
3. Assess the likely impact on different groups - (consider these questions to prompt answers)
1. Does your analysis of the evidence indicate any possible adverse impact on a particular group (age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy & maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.) or does it breach human rights legislation.2.If it is adverse,
- Does this amount to unlawful discrimination? See guidance
3. In what areas does it have an impact? E.g. access to information, experience of services.
4. Even if there is no evidence of adverse impact, is there an opportunity to actively promote equality or foster good relations between different groups?
There is a potential adverse affect on the disabled, those who are pregnant and from certain religious backgrounds accessing events, however this will be addressed by adhering to the Greener, More Accessible events guide. This does not however amount to unlawful discrimination. Current opportunities for feedback are through event feedback and occasional surveys. In the new project, this will be monitored.
Company involvement through attendance at events / workshops, etc does give an opportunity to promote equal opportunities and good relationships between companies (and possibly groups). These promotion opportunities shall be built in as appropriate where possible.
4. Consider alternatives (what to do if you find adverse impact) - (consider these questions to prompt answers)
1. How can you change your proposal in a way that is proportionate, and will· Remove unlawful discrimination or comply with human rights?
· Reduce any adverse impact?
· Advance/promote equality?
· Foster good relations between different groups?
2. If there are none, can the policy/project still be justified?
3. Can the aims be met in some other way? What can you do now/later?
4. What are you recommending?
The project will follow SE procurement guidelines, ensuring that EO is considered at time of contract.
There is an opportunity to highlight good equality through information / marketing materials for companies (e.g. use examples of women, disabled, etc in any case studies as appropriate).
It is recommended that the project goes forward as proposed but care is taken in the development of:
· Event Management (event venue, timings, start/finish time)
· Market Information and Online information (complies with SE guidance regarding access)
· Company Support (company meetings available face to face at suitable venues & tele-conference)
5. Involve/Consult formally (relevant stakeholders) - (consider these questions to prompt answers)
1. What are the views of the people who are likely to be affected or who have an interest about· Whether you have identified the right issues?
· Whether you have proposed suitable modifications?
· Whether your proposals will meet their needs?
2. Should you involve people in the re-design of the policy?
3. How will you consult once changes have been made?
4. Whom do you need to get views from?(internally/externally)
5. What methods will you use? (consider “hard to reach” groups)
6. What formats will you use for communicating with different groups?
Consultation/monitoring will be carried out by building in project monitoring process
( survey, feedback forms and evaluation)
These will be reviewed and addressed by the project team.
6. Decide whether to adopt this policy/project - (consider these questions to prompt answers)
1. What were your findings from the consultation?2. Taking into account all of the data, information, potential impact issues and consultation feedback, what will you recommend?
· Reject the policy – there is evidence of actual/potential unlawful discrimination or breach of human rights.
· Accept the policy – The EIA demonstrates the policy is robust with no adverse impacts and all opportunities to promote equality/foster good relations have been taken.
· Modify the policy – Adjust the policy to remove barriers or better promote equality
· Continue with the policy – Issues with the policy have been identified but you wish to continue with the policy. Clearly set out justification for doing this. Compelling reasons will be needed.
3. If the EIA is on a high level policy/strategy state here if further EIAs need to be
carried out on projects emanating from the policy/strategy and inform project
Adopt the current project with the following actions:
1. Procurement – ensure EO consideration on the recruitment of contractors and that Equalities will be expected to be monitored and reviewed by contractors with SE, by including in brief.
2. Advisory Support – Offer company most appropriate method to meet the needs of the company / contact (e.g. face to face, teleconference, etc)
3. Event Management – consideration given to potential discrimination of certain groups due to the event location, event timing, and start / finish times. The Greener and More Accessible Events guide should be considered and relevant actions taken for each event:
Greener and Accessible Guide
4. Market Information/Online resources – Take into account SE guidance on accessibility for the provision of these resources
5. Feedback – Utilise feedback from routés previously described to ensure equalities are continuing to be addressed through the project management process
7. Make Monitoring (and review) Arrangements - (consider these questions to prompt answers)
1. How will you know what the actual effect of the policy/project is?2. In what ways will you monitor? e.g. continuously or irregularly, quantitative methods such as surveys, qualitative methods such as interviews
3. How often will monitoring information be analysed?
4. When will you review the policy/project taking into account any monitoring information?
Utilise project management reviews for the purpose of overseeing monitoring and reviewing and addressing feedback( approx. 6 monthly)
8. Equality Impact Assessment review
Please forward the completed document to your equality champion for review. This should then be approved by the SRO and kept on file.9. Summary of Actions
List any actions agreed and indicate dates for review.Summary as follows:
1. Procurement – ensure EO consideration on the recruitment of contractors and that Equalities will be expected to be monitored and reviewed by contractors with SE, by including in brief.
2. Advisory Support – Offer company most appropriate method to meet the needs of the company / contact (e.g. face to face, teleconference, etc)
3. Event Management – consideration given to potential discrimination of certain groups due to the event location, event timing, and start / finish times. The Greener and More Accessible Events guide should be considered and relevant actions taken for each event:
Greener and Accessible Guide
4. Market Information/Online resources – Take into account SE guidance on accessibility for the provision of these resources
5. Feedback – Utilise feedback from routes previously described to ensure equalities are continuing to be addressed through the project management process. ( at approx 6 monthly project reviews)