Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ) Conference Policy and Certification Form

The Office of Justice Programs (OJP) revised its “Policy and Guidance for Conference Approval, Planning and Reporting”. This policy defines conferences broadly to include meetings, retreats, seminars, symposiums, events, and group training activities. It also provides spending limits for conference costs.

Costs associated with a conference (including meetings, retreats, seminars, symposiums, events, and group training activities)may not exceed: $25 per person for meeting space and audio visual combined, $50 per person not to exceed $8,750 for a logistical planner, or $200 per person not to exceed $35,000 for a program planner (if you are using a logistical or program planner a DCJ Form 16:Professional Services/Consultant Certification is required).

* Grant funds spent on a trainer/speaker should not exceed $450 per day/$56.25 per hour per speaker/trainer. There may be special circumstances that necessitate a higher rate, in these circumstances prior approval from your DCJ Grant Manager is needed. Prior approval should have been requested at the beginning of the grant period using DCJ Form 16: Professional Services/Consultant Certification. If you are requesting an exception and have not yet submitted DCJ Form 16 for prior approval you must do this no later than 90 days prior to your conference.

Category of Expense / Definition/Rule
  1. Meeting Room/Audio Visual Services
Spending grant funds in the amount of $ / Cost of the venue (room) along with audio visual cannot exceed $25 per person? Will the cost of the venue and audio visual exceed this amount?
Yes No
  1. Trainers/Speakers
Spending grant funds in the amount of $ / Costs of a speaker/trainer cannot exceed $450 per day or $56.25 per hour. Does the cost of any of the speakers/trainers paid with grant funds exceed this amount? Yes No
* If yes, DCJ Form 16 submitted at least 90 days prior.
  1. Conference Supplies
Spending grant funds in the amount of $ / Supplies may be purchased for the conference if necessary this includes printing, folders, name tags. Are all purchases with grant fundsnecessary?
Yes No
  1. Logistics Planner
 Spending grant funds in the amount of $ / Performs logistical planning necessary to hold a conference, which may include: recommending venues, registration, advertising, setting up audio visual equipment, securing hotel rooms, etc. Does the cost of the conference logistical planner exceed $50 per person or $8,750 total?
Yes No
  1. Program Planner
Spending grant funds in the amount of $ / Develops conference agenda/content, and/or written materials. Does the cost of the conference program planner exceed $200 per person or $35,000 total? Yes No
  1. Food & Beverage
/ Not allowed with Office of Justice Programs federal funds. Are you spending grant funds on food and beverage? Yes No
  1. Refreshments
/ Not allowed with Office of Justice Programs federal funds. Are you spending grant funds on refreshments? Yes No
  1. Trinkets: Includes items such as hats, coins, mugs, portfolios, t-shirts, gifts, prizes, gift cardsand other non-essential items.
/ Not allowed with Office of Justice Programs federal funds. Are you spending grant funds on trinkets? Yes No

I certify the responses to the questions above are accurate and that we are not spending grant funds in excess of the established limits for these items unless we have received prior written DCJ approval.

Project Director Signature: Date:

October 2012