EFFECTIVE DATE: 5 days from posted date or as per Supplier’s Contract
Submitter’s Name: Ed Williamson
TP: TP76300 Subject: Cable Requirements Action: Add: Modification: Delete:
Section: Q Section Title: Equipment Removal and Cable Mining
Subsection: 4 Section Title: Removals
Subsection: 4.1 Subsection Title: Removing Frame, Bays and Units
Prior to Change:
4.1.3 When frames or bays are removed from under auxiliary framing, the auxiliary framing shall be permanently supported at intervals, not to exceed 6’-0”. Support shall be provided using 5/8” threaded rods from the ceiling inserts or from the floor using 2” pipe stanchions if ceiling inserts are not available. The auxiliary framing shall be level and at the height specified on the cable rack drawing if provided.
4.1.8 If the floor fastener is removed, the hole shall be filled.
4.1.9 The Installation Supplier shall perform frame removal by first removing the switchboard cable and wire back to the cable rack. If the cable rack is open ladder type, re-secure the cable with cord; if the cable rack is pan type, place the cable on the cable rack. Protecting the ends of dead switchboard cable is not required if the cable is on the cable rack. If the cable ends cannot be stored on the cable rack, the ends shall be covered with heat shrink. Cable shall be removed from the cable rack per ATT-TP-76305, Section 6 and 7.
4.1.10b. Remove the unit and protect the equipment in a shipping container as specified by the AT&T Equipment Engineer.
4.1.10d) Remove the frame or bay and protect the equipment in a shipping container as specified by the AT&T Equipment Engineer.
Post Change:
4.1.3 Where equipment frame(s) or bay(s) providing support to existing superstructure are to be removed proper support of remaining superstructure is to be maintained. Additional superstructure support shall be provided by means of additional ceiling support, pipe stand(s), stanchion pole(s), etc.
4.1.8 Removed equipment frame anchorage points are to be conditioned in accordance with ATT-812-000-713.
4.1.9 (Deleted)
4.1.10b) Remove the unit and/or frame and prepare it for shipment in accordance with Implementation Engineers direction.
4.1.10d) (Deleted)
Questions relative to this IRCN should be addressed to Serena Kwong at 510-796-1097
Serena Kwong
Specialist – Technical Process/Quality
Access the TP's on the Extranet Site -
Area Mgr Eng Network Quality
Implementation Eng & Common Systems Date: 02-25-16
(Mike Cassidy)
Principal-Network Design Engineer (Seismic & Infrastructure) Date: 01-24-16
(Edward M Williamson)
Release Approved
Specialist - Technical Process & Quality Date: 04-01-16
(Serena Kwong)
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