WEA Course Information Sheet 2013-14
Course title: A Fresh look at the BrontësCourse reference: C2416771 / Tutor(s): Calix Eden
Venue: Scouts Hut, North Harrow / Fee: £ 79 or free on proof of income related benefits
Start date: 09/01/2014 / End date: 20/03/2014 / Day(s)/time(s): Thu 13:00
Number of sessions: 10 / Hours per session: 2 / Level:
Title of qualification to be gained (if any): NA
Awarding body (if any): NA
Essential materials E.g. books and equipment to be provided by the student
The Professor - Charlotte Brontë
Agnes Grey – Anne Brontë’s
Vilette or Shirley by Charlotte Brontë (to be confirmed by class discussion
Course aims:
Even if learners know the Brontë sisters’s work thoroughly, the course aims to give them new perspectives and encourage different ways of thinking about their extraordinary writing. The course aims to be friendly and inclusive so all learners feel at ease and interact with the class as a whole.
Course description: (This is displayed on the WEA website.) Summarise the course and its content in 40 words or fewer.
Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre are imprinted on the mind of every reader. However, the Brontës produced an extraordinary body of work, and this course will focus on two comparatively neglected works, The Professor and Agnes Grey. This course will be lively, interactive and inclusive.
Any prior knowledge or entry requirements?
No prior knowledge required.
Course content: what topics will the course cover?
The Professor - Charlotte Brontë
Agnes Grey – Anne Brontë
Vilette or Shirley by Charlotte Brontë (to be confirmed by class discussion)
Teaching, learning and assessment methods: tick those to be used ü
Demonstration / ü / Discussion / Group work / Individual work
Project work / Research / ü / Role play / Written work / ü possibly
Question and answer / ü / Activity outside class time / ü / Observation / Practical work
Presentation / ü / Field trip / Other (state)
How will I receive feedback on my learning progress and achievement?
The tutor will talk to each learner on an individual basis during the course to assess their needs and give them feedback.
The class will be encouraged to express their opinions throughout the course and to shape its content and direction.
Individual Learning Plans and targets set by learners in discussion with the tutor will be assessed formally and informally throughout the course verbally and in writing.
Learning outcomes: these are the intended outcomes and may be revised in discussion with the class. Students are encouraged to think about and identify their own individual outcomes.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
1) Appreciate the range and genius of the Brontë sisters, and (re)discover some lesser known works
2) Understand the historical and cultural context of their writing
3) contribute with confidence to group discussion and presentations
4) give individual presentations
5) demonstrate the ability to read closely and appreciate subtleties and a variety of textual interpretations
Reading and information sources: Is any reading/preparation essential or desirable?
See novels in course content. However, there will be time during the course to read these works so no preparation is essential.
Suggestions for progression to further study or for using the skills and knowledge gained:
The course should give learners tools to discover or read afresh other works of literature independently.
Learners can join other WEA literature classes, or try other WEA or adult courses.
Learners could look at a University course. The Open University may be suitable for learners who cannot travel to a University.