of Leisure World
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Pastor's article November 2017
“Saints Among Us”
Dear Friends:
When you look at the calendar in the middle of this Newsletter you will see that November 1st is All Saints' Day and Sunday the 5this all Saints' Sunday, the Sunday that we especially remember and thank God for our members, that are listed on page 10, who are now in the Church Triumphant. . . For some God-given reason, looking at those names and reflecting on their lives among us has caused me to think back over the years of ministry to think about and thank God for the privilege of knowing so many of his saints. The first one was Louise.
Louise was a hard working farm wife, living about twelve miles out of town, in a not very fertile part of southern Idaho. She lost a son in a tragic farming accident. Besides all the chores of a farmer's wife, she ran a little store to help make ends meet. There was no whining. Instead, she gave thanks for what she had. Yes, she certainly knew the hardships in this life, but she also knew God's love. She saw it clearly in His Son, Jesus Christ, who through His death and resurrection had redeemed her from sin to joy and peace. So much so, that she invited neighbors to her home for instruction in the Christian faith. And we added over a dozen new members to the congregation. Yes, she was quick to share the joyous message of Jesus' salvation with others.
As we celebrate another All Saints' Sunday, we remember not only our own Christian members, who have passed on to glory, but many others that we know, and those who have been taken by the recent tragedies in our country. And I also think of the saints still living in this troubled world, who point us keenly to the wealth that is ours in Jesus, our Savior.
Blessings to you saints,
PS: I again call your attention toanarticle prepared by Margo at the end of this Newsletter. Give it some serious thought.