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Around the World Raffle Ticket Order Form

Please fill in the information, print this form, and mail it with a check of the appropriate amount made out to St. Patrick's Epsicopal Church with "Raffle" in the memo line.

Mail to St. Patrick's Epsicopal Church, 341 Village Boulevard, Incline Village, Nevada 89451. Your numbered ticket stubs will be entered into our drawing with the correspondingly numbered tickets mailed to you as your receipt and your "passport" to come to our Happy Hour "Around the World" event on Sept. 28th. Good luck!

Mailing address
eMail address
Number of Tickets
Amount Enclosed
·  Ticket prices: One ---- $75.00
·  Two ---- $135.00
·  Three -- $195.00 / ·  Four --- $255.00
·  Five --- $315.00
·  Six ---- $375.00

Do you plan to attend the Happy Hour Drawing? Yes / No / Not sure