- Cryptography - Study of methods of encoding text for purposes of privacy
- Encryption - the process of encoding text
- Decryption - the process of decoding text
- Plaintext/cleartext unencoded text
oInformation before encryption or after decryption
- Cipher – a code
- Ciphertext coded text
oInformation that has been encrypted
- Cryptosystem – a system that employs encryption and decryption
Conventional / Symmetric Key / Single Key Encryption
- Simple algorithm is used to encrypt / decrypt (transform) the text
- Same key is used in encryption and decryption
- Secret is primarily in the key
An Example - Substitution cipher
- Symmetric Key System
- Simple algorithm is used to encrypt / decrypt (transform) the text
oEach letter is replaced with a different letter or symbol
- Caesar’s method
oReplace every letter with letter 3 away in alphabet
A -> D
B -> E
C -> F
W -> Z
X -> A
Y -> B
Z -> C
Back to Symmetric Key / Single Key Encryption
- Both parties need same key
- How to send securely key to receiver
oSeparate messenger
oKey book
- One-time pads
Public Key / Asymmetric Key Cryptosystems
- Two keys are used- public and private
- Distribute public key; keep private key…private (duh!)
A Bit on How This Could Work
- What two numbers when multiplied produce 143?
- Such numbers are called factors
- Now multiply 13 and 23
- Which process took longer? Why?
- Similar to a one-way screw
oCan drive it in, but difficult to remove it
- Also, a trap-door
oAgain, easy to go in, but difficult to come out
- Idea is to have a function that is easy to calculate in one direction, but not the other
oEncryption uses the easy function
- Involves using the public key
oDecryption requires the hard function
- unless you have the private key
- How to use it
oFreely distributepublic key
- Put it on Web page, for example
oSomeone sending message encrypts with public key
- Standard programs (see below) that accepts public key and message and perform the encryption
oReceiver uses private key to decrypt message
Digital Signatures
- Public key systems also allow you to digitally sign your messages
- The message is signed with your private key
- You end up with a new message consisting of the original message and what appears to be an encoded version
- To verify that the message is authentic, the receiver supplies your public key
- The public key is applied to the signed message and checks that the original message and the encoded match
- Any changes to the original message will cause a mismatch during the verification process
Digital Certificates
- Solves the problem of public key authenticity
- Public key is verified by a well-known entity that verifies the authenticity of the key
Well-known Public Key Systems
- RSA - invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman
- DSA - Digital Signature Algorithm by David Kravitz
- Pretty Good Privacy - PGP - uses both conventional and public-key cryptography
The RSA Public Key System
- RSA - invented by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman
- Some symbols
oM – message (cleartext)
oC – ciphertext
oe – public exponent (power)
od – private exponent
on - very large (128 bits) number – product of two primes
- Then:
oThe message is encrypted by …
- C = M e % n
o… and decrypted by
- M = C d % n
- where n = p * q, p and q are prime numbers
- Where d = e -1 mod ((p-1)*(q-1))
- Notice that to decrypt you need to know d
od can be obtained from e, which is public. However
othe calculation is infeasible
- must find all factors of n
- determine which are prime
- must try all pairs of primes to find p and q
- Pretty Good Privacy
- Sending message
oPGP compresses message
- Increases security and reduces transmission time
oPGP creates session key to be used only once. Randomly created (uses keystrokes and randomly selected mouse movements)
oSession key is used to conventionally (symmetric key) encrypt message
oReceiver’s public key is used to encrypt session key
oEncrypted message and encrypted session key are sent to receiver
- Receiving message
oPrivate key is used to decrypt session key
oSession key is used to decrypt message
oMessage is decompressed
- Advantages
oConvention encryption is much faster than public key (10,000 times faster)
- Only using public key on relatively small text (session key)
oOne time session key prevents trying to decode previous messages to break cipher