Student Reading Profile (Beginning of Year)
KOREH L.A. Volunteer: Please fill out this form at the beginning of your KOREH L.A. assignment. This will help you to assess the progress your child has made.
Date: _________________
Your name ________________________________________________________________________________________
Student name _____________________________ Grade ______ Primary language ________________________
School name ______________________________________________________________________________________
Teacher’s name ____________________________________________________________________________________
Student Attitude Comments
q Very shy and quiet ___________________________________________
q Somewhat shy and quiet ___________________________________________
q Somewhat outgoing and talkative ___________________________________________
q Very outgoing and talkative ___________________________________________
Student Reading Ability
What books can the student read by himself/herself? Comments
(student should be asked)
q No books ____________________________________________
q Only picture books ____________________________________________
q Can identify some words in simple picture books ____________________________________________
q Can read some passages of texts ____________________________________________
q Books that tell a story from start to finish ____________________________________________
Student Letter Awareness
Can the student identify each letter of the alphabet Comments
in print and pronounce the sound each letter makes?
q No ____________________________________________
q Repeatedly misses many letters ____________________________________________
q Yes, although struggles over many letters ____________________________________________
q Yes, with minor delays in a few letters ____________________________________________
q Reads all letters with ease ____________________________________________
Student Fluency Comments
q Student simply stops or skips the word _____________________________________________
q Student guesses, without reference to the letters in _____________________________________________
the word _____________________________________________
q Student makes some attempt to sound out the word _____________________________________________
q Student uses a few strategies and often is correct _____________________________________________
q Student uses many strategies and usually _____________________________________________
identifies the word _____________________________________________
Student Reading Comprehension Comments
q Student is unable to understand basic content _____________________________________________
q Student understands some content but struggles _____________________________________________
q Student shows basic understanding of the story _____________________________________________
q Student pays close attention, can answer questions _____________________________________________
about the story, and even anticipates what may come next _____________________________________________