Held in the Church Sanctuary on 23 March 2009

Present: Revd Mark Dunn-Wilson (Chair), Deacon Malcolm Salmon, Mrs Jenny Skinnard (Secretary), Mrs Pam Carbis and Mrs Jo Harris (Treasurers) and 63 members and adherents.

1.Opening Devotions were led by Revd Mark. He welcomed everyone to the meeting but pointed out that only Church Members were eligible to vote.

2.Apologies: Ann Boorman, Olive and Mike Bridges, David Brown, Janet and David Crocker, Will and Jeeva Gothard, Tricia Kent, Richard Lander, David Rabey, Jean Robinson, Penny Smith, Chris Soper and John Varcoe.

3.Minutes of the AGM 24 April 2008 were accepted and signed as a correct record after the correction of ‘Cole’ to ‘Cobb’ in 3(ii).

4.Matters Arising
(i) Audio Tape Ministry – 11 people are receiving recordings of the Sunday services.
(ii) TRIO – Revd Mark reported a remarkable result of £30,000 increase in direct giving, following the TRIO project. He asked, on behalf of Oliver Powning, that people should consider the transition from envelope- or cash-giving to giving by bankers order. This reduces much administration work.
(iii) New Audio System – it was reported that a thorough survey had been carried out and a quotation for £22,500 received from DM Music. A quotation of £20,000 was given for the AV system. The Church Council agreed that work should proceed for the PA system and, at the same time, cabling should be put in place for the AV system. Pam Carbis explained that £20,000 has been paid by the Circuit, with the Church paying £2,500. Work has not started yet.

5.Election of Church Stewards
Revd Mark explained that John Flatt and Stella Plummer have completed their term and that Kevin Bray has asked to step down as a Steward with effect from the beginning of May. He expressed thanks, on behalf of the Church and himself, to all three stewards for commitment and dedication during their time of office. Revd Mark said nominations had been received for Philip Boorman, Dennis Hawke, Angela and David Woolcock (who will share the role).
The meeting approved the appointments.
Revd Mark thanked them for being willing to serve. He said that, with effect from the beginning of May, Alan Johns and Diane Earnshaw would be the senior Church Stewards.

6.Election of Church Council Representatives
Revd Mark said that Philip Boorman would continue to serve on the Church Council in his capacity as Church Steward; therefore one additional elected member was needed. John Willcock nominated Stella Plummer, she confirmed her willingness to serve and the meeting approved her appointment.

7.Financial Report
Pam Carbis said that there was nothing to add to the annual report for 2008-9, however it was noted that the Actual 2007/8 figures for Incoming Resources appeared incorrectly. The figures have now been corrected to read £56,009 for Other Income, in place of £36,896.
Philip Boorman thanked Pam for the clarity of the accounts. The meeting accepted the accounts, as corrected.

8.The Pastoral Community – building the church out there
Revd Mark announced that, following a year’s work, everybody within the Church community had been listed and placed in a group. He invited everybody at the meeting to check their name and number of their allocated community group and take the list of names of other people in that group. He asked people to let him know of any mistake or names of people who had not been included who should be included by completing a suggestion form and returning it to him within a week.
He said that everyone listed will receive a pack containing a leaflet (a copy of which is attached to the original of these Minutes), list of names and community group. He hoped that these packs will be handed out at Easter.
Revd Mark said that the system of Pastoral Leaders and Visitors will continue but there will be a change of emphasis in their role. They will be visiting the elderly and housebound and those who really need visiting.
Revd Mark explained that people living further away and small groups may be combined for meeting.
He said that he and Deacon Malcolm will reallocate pastoral referrals and will have a dedicated telephone and number for this purpose. The intention is that Deacon Malcolm will answer calls to this number most of the time but reassurance was given that, in any event, there will always be somebody to reply.
Revd Mark said that the Prayer Circle will continue and, hopefully, expand. He and Deacon Malcolm assured the meeting that people’s privacy will be respected and confidences kept.

9.Matters raised by the Church Family
(1) Harvest Celebration – Hilda Gray suggested that this service should be held on the first Sunday in October but Revd Mark explained that arrangements had already been agreed for 20 September 2009, however, he was willing to consider moving this service to a later date in 2010.
(2) DVDs for Housebound – Olive Johns asked if DVDs of services could be produced but it was explained that, at present, this would be difficult.
(3) Summary of Sermons – Eric Cordell asked if a summary of the Sunday sermon could be made available to take away. Revd Mark said there would be no problem with his sermons although it would be difficult to produce a summary in advance, but he was willing to explore the idea. Appreciation was expressed from the meeting for Revd Mark’s Thought for the Week in the Church Newsletter.
(4) Reinstatement of Worship Consultation Group – Eric Cordell asked if this group could be reinstated and meet twice or three times a year. Revd Mark replied that there would be no problem with this request.
(5) Organ Refurbishment – Philip Davey explained that this work started on 29 December 2008 and is about half way through to completion. He said it was progressing well and hoped that work will be completed by the end of June, although the organ will not be used for the Church until September. He added that the money-raising has gone well and he thanked Pam Carbis for investing funds, on which interest has been earned.
(6) Website – Keith Plummer asked if the address of the Website could be given on the Church Newsletter, and Philip Boorman suggested that the Website address should appear on the Notice Boards. Revd Mark agreed that this could be done.
Tina Buddle asked if Website could be updated more regularly and, if necessary, could this task be delegated. Revd Mark said this would be considered.
Philip Davey suggested that more information should appear on the Website, such as what was happening in each part of the Church every day. He said this might cut down on paperwork.
(7) Church Newsletter – Daphne Brown asked if ‘Welcome to Truro Methodist Church’ and details of the Loop System could appear on the front of the leaflet, rather than the back. Revd Mark said this would be considered.
(8) Sambells – Revd Mark said more volunteers were always needed for Sambells, which plays a tremendous role in the outreach of the Church. He thanked Ernie and June Kearle and all volunteers for their work. Margaret Hindle said more people were needed who had time to talk to customers of the Café.
(9) Homeless People – Alan Johns asked if helpful details and information could be made available for this group of people who often come to the Church for guidance. Revd Mark said he will consider this.
Revd Mark then went through the Annual Reports and asked for comments from the meeting:
(a) Property – Revd Mark, on behalf of the Church, thanked Viv Cobb who has retired as secretary after 18 years of service.
(b) Revolution Café and Garden – Carey Ann Wills explained to the meeting that the young people using the Revolution Café had planted cress seeds in the garden as a token of their prayers. Revd Mark encouraged everyone to visit the Café and Prayer Cellar.
Rita Soper, on behalf of the meeting, thanked Carey Ann and Margaret Hindle for their work in the Church Garden, which is appreciated by many people.
(c) COSMIC – Tina Buddle asked for helpers for the 3 to 7 year age group, please.
(d) Huthnance Close House Group – Eric Cordell suggested that other house group leaders might like to look at the summaries of the study books used in this group. Revd Mark said resources for use are available from his office.
(e) Pastoral Group – Deacon Malcolm explained that Orchid Tonkin, for 10 years, has been sending out cards to bereaved members. She has now stepped down and he expressed thanks for her valuable ministry over the years. The secretary was asked to write a letter of thanks to her on behalf of the Church.
(Note: Val Flatt will be replacing Jean Robinson as Secretary to this Group).
(f) Churches Together in Truro Lunch Club – Maureen Kelly asked for more helpers please.
(g) Choir – Ruby Goodyear said how much she appreciated the Choir in worship. Revd Mark asked Philip Davey to take that appreciation back to the Choir members.
Revd Mark thanked all those who have written the Reports and thanked Carey Ann Wills for presenting the Annual Reports document. He also thanked everybody who contributed to Church life and thanked God for all that happens within this Church.
Philip Davey, on behalf of the meeting, thanked Revd Mark for all that he has done for this Church.

10.Date of next AGM: Thursday, 18 March 2010 at 7.30 pm.

11.Closing Devotions
Deacon Malcolm led the prayers and the meeting remembered those who had died during the past year:
Marian Burrows, Judith Lumley, Doris Trethewey, Nellie Uttley, Muriel Firth, Ivor Isaac, Kathleen Pound, Margery Savage, Cicely Slater, Stanley Hibbins, Norma Holt, Mr R Wiles (husband of Mrs Joan Wiles) and Mr B Edwards (husband of Mrs Ros Edwards).

The meeting closed with a hymn and the Grace.