(Qualified players from the Fall & Spring Sessions)

8 Ball
2’s & 3’s / Catie Albert / Harley Albert / Deb Anderson / Jamie Blake
Joe Bondi / Todd Bradley (***) / Dave Brooks / Laura Carter / Ashley Coborn
Chad Cluley / Jeff DaCruz / Barb Denomy / Doug Fountain / Gavin Gaughan (***)
Chantal Gauthier (***) / Deb Godin / Tracy Hamlyn Blake / Jordan Haskim / Stacey Haskim
Amanda Hill (***) / Adam Holford / Rob Hume / Ty King / Adam Kehoe (***)
Todd Kitsemetry (***) / Amanda Miller / Michele Morgan / Jamie Law / Dave Lennox (***)
Carole Matthews (***) / Ange Oehring / Ken Rogers / Elaine Knight / Brian Buckley
Pat Smith / Russell Smith / Art Speyer / Steve Stafford (***) / Scott Thomas (***)
Jennifer Thornhill / Shelly Watts (***) / Harry Winter (***) / Katie Wilhelm / Lindsay Wyton (***)
4’s & 5”s
Shaun Aldrich / Alex Augustine / Dave Bannon / Dawn Baxter / Blake Bellamy
Bing Bowie / Mike Buske / Paula Bye / George Cage (***)
Ron Chorniuk / Steve Day / Chris Denomy / Pam Duncan / Michael Edington
Robert French / Don Fisher (***) / Dillen Fromager / Geoff Gaggio / Bill Gilbert
Doug Gorbell / Gio Hackembruch / Melissa Harvey / Laurie Hauert / Mike Hough
LT Jacques / Karen Jeppesen Dodd / Kirk Jones / Chris Kersteman / Dave Kyle
Henry Lachance / Phil Legris / Chris Lippers / Dan Loveday (***) / Bret Matheson
Raymond McGill / Gord McMann / Vicky McPherson / Karen Sockett / Phillip Morgan
Cody Olsen / Lee O’Donnell / Tom O’Neill (***) / Austin Peltier / Gary Phillips
Dan Rapke (***) / Richard Rogers / Theresa Sandy / Patrick Saunders / E. Schandelmeier
Melissa Schultz (***) / Darren Smith (***) / Andy Stivrins / Mark Stivrins / George Sockett
Ron Reid Taylor / Adam Thornhill / Dugan Trayherne / Uroy Wallace / Chris Weaver (***)
Corey Weaver (***) / Dave Wesson / Jorden Wickens (***) / Rich Wilson (***) / Jason Wight
6’s & 7’s
Hal Borchardt / Tristan Brooks / Pat Brennan / John Buchannon / Carl Coombs
Eric Denyar / Tom Doust / Greg Flowers / Trevor Fraser (***) / Dennis Gill (***)
Tim Gillard / Scott Hanson / Bob Harvey / Lee Hatton / Clay Heeks
Mark Hickton / Ted Hildebrandt / Lee Jacques / Greg Johnson
Gary Kurtz / George Louttit / Paul Martin / John McTague (***) / Lachlan Macarthur
Craig Matheson / Barry McBride (***) / Murray McKenzie / Jason Menaul / Alistair Mews
Jesse Mifsud (***) / Nathan Moore / Bruce Nakashima (***) / Matt Power / Pete Robinson
Andre Savoie / Nick Sledzion / Scott Rusnak / Ryan Smith (***) / Arnold Smithson
Alan Thornhill / Glen Tophin (***) / Brian Wood / Chris Russworm
9 Ball
1’s, 2’s & 3’s
Cindy Alton / Dawn Baxter / Joe Bondi / Mike Bondi / Barb Denomy
Scott Doherty / Balbina Flowers / Wes Furlong (***) / Amanda Gallagher / Melissa Giroux
Deb Godin / Ty King / Elaine Knight / Cindy McIntyre / Jason Meyer
Amanda Miller / Lynda Riesco / Melissa Schultz / Karen Sockett / Luigi Vanin (***)
Matt Wideman / Mike Murphy
4’s & 5’s / Sue Axe / Denis Balsicas / Blake Bellamy / Travis Brown
Andrew Charlton / Bing Bowie / Pam Duncan / Pat Gallagher (***) / Jeff Hardman (***)
Gio Hackembruch / Rob Hillyer / Mike Hough / Jeff Kirkwood / Chris Lippers
Don Leslie (***) / George Louttit / Gord McMann / Bob McKay / Derrick Rawn
George Sockett / Claude Robitaille / Steve Robinson / Taso Triantifillou / Uroy Wallace
Betty Weppler / Zack Wilkins
6’s, 7’s, 8’s, & 9’s / Todd Adair / Ken Bravener (***) / Jim Dickey / Eric Denyar
Greg Flowers / Trevor Fraser (***) / Scott Hanson / John Harvey (***) / Lee Hatton
Clay Heeks / Paul Martin / Craig Matheson / Jim McArthur / Jason Menaul
Dean Nerbone / Matt Power / Adam Rhodes / Dennis Rhodes / Chris Russworm
Greg Stewart / Brian Wood / Dean Nerbone
*** = ineligible


The SHOOTOUT Tournament will be held annually during the Fall session (Oct 21 & 22). It is only open to qualified players and is FREE to play. The 2017 SHOOTOUT prize purse will be almost $6,000. Payouts will be approximately $3,000 IN CASH for 8 Ball, plus 3 singles regionals spots (valued at $160 each) and $2000 IN CASH for 9Ball, plus 3 singles regionals spots (valued at $160 each).

To Qualify for this fantastic event, simply finish at or near the top of your skill level group or tier in MVP standings (points per match) in any 8-Ball or 9-ball division in any one of the three qualifying sessions (Fall, Spring, Summer) starting with the Fall 2016 session (tier groups are: 2/3, 4/5, 6/7 for 8-Ball or 1/2/3, 4/5. 6/7/8/9 for 9-Ball).

All qualified players must remain on an active roster and play at least four matches per session to retain their SHOOTOUT eligibility (this includes the summer session). If you play in a division or on a team that does not play in the summer, you must get yourself on another roster to keep your eligibility. The CPA takes no responsibility for a player who loses eligibility because they’re not on an active team. All qualified players must also remain active during the Fall 2017 session. All players participating in the SHOOTOUT will play at the higher of their handicap at the time they qualify or at the time of the SHOOTOUT event.