A meeting of the Ratby Parish Council will be held at the Methodist Church Rooms, Chapel Lane, Ratby on Tuesday, 9th May 2017 at 7.30pm

Linda Fogg

Clerk to the Council

Public Participation: During this time residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on the Agenda or raise issues for future consideration, at the discretion of the Chairman. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council itself.


1.  Apologies for absence

2.  Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th April 2017 (copy attached)

3.  To record declarations of personal/prejudicial and pecuniary interest and dispensatIon from Members on any item to be discussed.

4.  Election of Officers:

5.  (a) Chairman (b) Vice-Chairman (c) Delegates to LRALC (2) (d) Planning Group

(e) Quarterly Financial Checks (f) Responsible Finance Officer (g) Delegate(s) for Youth Activities (h) Delegate for allotments (i) Delegate to Churchyard (j) Publicity

6.  To adjourn for public participation

7.  Reports (i) Borough Councillors’ Report (ii) County Councillor’s Report

8.  Planning Applications: (i) 17/00334/TPOCA Mrs Doyle, 59 Church Lane,Ratby – Removal 1 x |Lawsons – no objection (ii) TEN Appln. Ratby Parish Church, Church Lane – Sale by retail of alcohol 13.00-16.30 – 24th June 2017 (iii) 17/00354/ADV

Everards Brewery – The Railway Inn, 191 Station Road – Replacement & additional illuminated advertisements (iv) 17/00356/FUL Everards Brewery – The Railway Inn, 191 Station Road – New front entrance porch & associated stepped access & railings & relocation of existing decorative entrance door canopy

9.  Arriva Bus route (Cllr. K Hunnybun)

10.  To adopt End of Year Accounts (papers attached)

11.  To approve/adopt Annual Audit Accounts

12.  To discuss/approve quotation for repair of stone walls (i) Information Board (ii) Surrounding wall War Memorial site

13.  To consider request for use of Community Orchard for Wedding Blessing 28/04/18

14.  HBBC – Making a Difference Awards 2017

15.  Items for Information (a) List of payments (copy attached)

16.  Clerk’s Report


1.  Minutes of previous meeting (copy attached)

2.  Ratby Allotments Association

Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 6th June 2017

Ratby Parish Council, 13 Station Road, Ratby, Leicestershire LE6 0JQ

Tel: 0116 239 0167 Email: