CaswellCounty Partnership for Children

Visit:1084 NC Hwy 86 North, Yanceyville Mail: PO Box 664, Yanceyville, NC27379

phone:336-694-1538 fax: 336-694-7666 email:

Child Care Training Policies and Procedures


Registration forms must be completed with all requested information. Complete one form per participant.

Pre-registration and advance payment is required for all trainings. Participants are not registered until the payment is received by the Caswell County Partnership for Children (CCPFC).

Registration forms must be completed with all requested information. Complete one form per participant.

RTraining registration and payment will be due by 5:00 pm five (5) business days prior to the training. Registration and payment will not be accepted after the deadline date. The CCPFC Caswell County Partnership for Children is not responsible for registration forms or payment lost in the mail or not received on time.

The minimum cost per training will be $3.00. Other charges will be noted on training calendars.

Checks and money orders should be payable to the Caswell County Partnership for Children. If payment is being made by cash, please provide correct amount.

Registration Cancellations:

A training may be cancelled by the CCPFC if the number of participants registered does not meet the minimum number of participants needed to provide the training.

If a training is cancelled by the Caswell County Partnership for Children CCPFC, staff will notify the registered participants two business days prior to the scheduled training. Participants will be refunded for the payment or can elect to have the payment applied towards another training..

When a training has less than (8) eight participants registered, it is likely to be cancelled.

If a participant has registered for a training and is not able to attend, she may contact the CCPFCaswell County Partnership for Children office by 5:00 pm two business days before the scheduled training to request that her payment be credited towards another training.

If a participant registers for a training and fails to attend, no refund will be issued.

Credit and Participation:

Participants will be given one training certificate upon successful completion of the training.

In consideration of presenters and participants, no one will be allowed to enter 15 minutes after the training has begun. Participants arriving more than 15 minutes late or leaving more than 15mi minutes early will not be given credit. Training credits will only be issued for completed workshops. Participants will be given one training certificate upon successful completion of the training.

Child Care:

Training credits can only be issued for completed workshops. If a participant chooses to leave a workshop early, no credits will be issued.

Child care is not provided at the trainings. Because it is inappropriate to expect young children to sit quietly through workshops designed for adults, iIndividuals who bring children with them to a training will not be admitted and no refund or credit will be given.

Unprofessional, disruptive or rude behavior from any participant will be addressed with the individual. If the behavior continues, the individual will be asked to leave and no credit hours will be given for that training.

Only child care providers working in regulated child care facilities are allowed to attend trainings provided through the CCPFCaswell County Partnership for Children.

Policies and Procedures Approved by Board of Directors September 15, 2010

- Effective September 16, 2010

Revised Policies & Procedures Approved by Board of Directors September 28, 2011

- Effective September 29, 2011

Revised Procedures - Effective July 1, 2014