Dear colleagues: May 3, 2013
As you know, we’ve embarked on an academic and administrative program prioritization process based on the model developed by Robert C. Dickeson in the book, Prioritizing Academic Programs and Services. Since we are nearing the end of the academic year, we wanted to provide an update on where we are in the program prioritization process.
In March we asked for nominations for the two task forces that will be charged with analyzing data and evaluating our programs and services at UAA. We also held open forums for the UAA community to learn more about the program prioritization process and anticipated outcomes.
In April we established a formal facilitation team who will be responsible for providing the resources necessary for the task forces to successfully complete their work. This team consists of professionals from institutional research, budget & finance, communications, human resources and information technology, among others. The roster for the facilitation team includes the following people:
John Dede, co-chair, Institutional Effectiveness
Kelly Thorngren, co-chair, Budget Office
August Axtell, Information Technology Services
Brian DeZeeuw, Financial Services
Bridgett Dooley, Human Resource Services
Chris Axtell, Information Technology Services
Charlene Robertson, Financial Services
Coy Gullett, Community and Technical College
Joe Howell, Facilities
Kristin DeSmith, University Advancement
Marian Bruce, Academic Affairs
Rhoda Brown, Budget Office
Ryan Belnap, Human Resource Services
Sonya Stein, Financial Aid
Susan Kalina, Academic Affairs
Yuan Fang Dong, Institutional Research
In late April the Faculty Senate’s Executive Board (E-Board) met to discuss the academic programs prioritization task force. We received a number of excellent nominations for both task forces. Thank you. Our criteria in filling these important seats included:
· Faculty and staff members who could bring a university trustee model of representation to the task force on which they were asked to serve.
· Faculty and staff members who have the trust and respect of university colleagues.
· Faculty and staff members who could dedicate the intense time required by task force members during the AY12-13.
· Faculty and staff members whose teaching and/or workload could be absorbed by the department or unit without significantly impacting the functionality of the unit, program or department.
With these criteria in mind, the E-Board recommended the following individuals to serve on the academic programs prioritization task force:
Robert Boeckmann, co-chair, College of Arts and Sciences
Mark Fitch, co-chair, College of Arts and Sciences
Tara Smith, co-chair, Community and Technical College
Tracy Burke, College of Health
Diane Hirshberg, ISER, Center for Alaska Education Policy Research
Travis Rector, College of Arts and Sciences
Jennifer Brock, School of Engineering
Bill Hazelton, School of Engineering
Shannon Gramse, Community and Technical College
Douglas Causey, College of Arts and Sciences
Marny Rivera, College of Health
Ron McGee, College of Arts and Sciences
Bogdan Hoanca, College of Business and Public Policy
Sharon Chamard, College of Health
Keith Cates, College of Education
Herminia Din, College of Arts and Sciences
John Mouracade, College of Arts and Sciences
Paul Herrick, Community and Technical College
Maria Williams, College of Arts and Sciences
John Riley, College of Arts and Sciences
There are still one or two members of the academic programs prioritization task force that have yet to be confirmed.
The administrative programs prioritization task force will include the following members:
Sandi Culver, co-chair, Financial Services
Dewain Lee, co-chair, Dean of Students
Jared Brandner, ANSEP
Geeta Kolean, College of Education
Soren Orley, College of Business and Public Policy
Monica Kane, Academic Affairs
Dede Allen, Athletics
Lonnie Mansell, Facilities
Ryan Buchholtz, Facilities
Ron Kamahele, Human Resource Services
Bob McDonnell, Business Services
Larry Foster, College of Arts and Sciences
Kathy Stephenson, College of Health
John Olofsson, School of Engineering
Ivy Spohnholz, Advancement
Dawn Dooley, Dean of Students
Diane Kozak, Student Affairs
Andre Thorne, Multicultural Center
Lora Volden, Enrollment
During the second week of May, members of both task forces and the facilitation team will take part in training sessions with Larry Goldstein, the consultant we’ve hired to help guide us through this process. Mr. Goldstein has worked with several universities in the Lower 48 on program prioritization. Also during that week task force members will be establishing the appropriate criteria to be used in evaluating all of UAA’s programs.
Since the majority of our faculty members are away from campus during the summer months, the administrative task force will begin its work in May, with the launch of the academic program prioritization work in the fall. Also during the summer the facilitation team will work to develop the tools and infrastructure needed for a fall launch of the academic task force.
Thank you to all who have provided us with valuable feedback, and to those who have volunteered to serve in some capacity in support of the program prioritization process.
Tom Case, Chancellor
Robert Boeckmann, Faculty Senate President