Before writing your resume take some time to assess:
- Your strengths, KSAs (knowledge, skills, abilities). What are your competencies?
- What type of job/opportunity are you looking for? Look at various sources (,, company websites) to read job descriptions that appeal to you and where your skills are aligned. Stop by to meet with Katherine for discussion if need be.
- Target companies/jobs that are right for you. Research organizations online, narrow down on geographies, company size and industry. Take some time to assess your preferences.
- As you did in your initial assessment prior to matriculating, write down your success stories. Are they conveyed on your resume? You can use the PAR formula outlined below.
- What specific accomplishments have you achieved (not responsibilities; see below)? How have you demonstrated that you in fact, have the skills that you say you have in Step 1 above?
- Create a master resume or a brain dump where you list down the most granular details regarding work experience, education, awards, competitions, skills and leadership roles.
PAR Formula
P = Problem:What was the challenge or opportunity?
A = Action:What did you do to solve this problem?
R = Result:How did your action(s) impact or affect the company or operation for the better?
Be specific where you can, use numbers/data, quantify.
Responsibilities vs. Accomplishments
Responsibilities will read like a job description. Accomplishments are demonstrations that you have exercised your skills to add value to a company in a real, (hopefully) measurable way. Notice that responsibilities do not have as much as an impact like accomplishments do.
Responsibilities / Accomplishments- Responsible for improving sales team revenue.
- Led team of three to produce $10 million in revenue, an increase of 30% from prior year.
- Developed a new process to save company money on production costs.
- Researched and analyzed viable process improvement options resulting in implementing a new system reducing production cost by 50%.
General Information:
1 - One Page vs. Two Page
Companies preferone page resumes. There must be a valid reason (length of experience > 8 years) to have two pages (never more than two). If you have two pages, the second page must have at least 60% used (no more than 40% white space).
2- Brevity and Clarity
You have 5-7 seconds to make an initial impression. Therefore, in addition to having a prominent and relevant heading or profile you need to be concise and clear throughout the body of your resume. Be thorough, include as much as you can that is relevant to the job you are seeking (yes, you may need to tweak your resume for each job you apply to). Remember, the resume speaks for you. If it’s not clear and easy to understand, you may not be afforded the chance to explain a particular item on your resume.
3- Font Type and Size
Font size should be 10-11 point, never smaller than 10. Resume sections should always be in bold caps (EDUCATION, WORK EXPERIENCE, etc.) Use one of the 2 easy-to-read fonts and use them consistently throughout your resume: Calibri, Arial
4- Name and Headings
Name:Use the name as it appears on your driver’s license or passport – Just your first name and last name (avoid multiple middle names). If you are a foreign national and have adopted an American name, you may put the American name first so that it is clear to the reader that this is the name you want to be called. However, always include your birth name in parentheses.
Address: Today, as hardcopy mail is infrequently used, you may omit using a physical address. Sample resumes provided will show examples of this. If you’ve moved to Connecticut for your education you should list your CURRENT ADDRESS
Phone: List only one phone number. Employers do not want to guess which number to call. Your phone number should be in the XXX-YYY-ZZZZ format. Do not prefix country codes.
Cell phone will likely make the most sense. Whatever number you list, be sure to make sure your outgoing voicemail message is professional. Employers take into account how you represent yourself as they are assessing how you will represent the organization.
Email Address: Brand yourself! List your email address.
LinkedIn URL: List your customizedLinkedIn URL on your heading. I.e. after updating your resume, update your LinkedIn profile too. Click hereto learn how to customize your LinkedIn URL
F-Name L-NameStreet Address • City, ST 12345 • 860-555-0000 •
5- Experience: List your jobs in chronological (reverse) order, listing most recent position first, followed by the position you held prior to that one, and so on. Within each section/job, list the most relevant accomplishment statements firstand quantify your work if possible. While mentioning the dates, use one of the following two formats: (list them on the FAR RIGHT)
Mon YYYY – Mon YYYY (Sep 2015 – Dec 2015) OR
Month YYYY-Month YYYY (September 2015 – December 2015)
Here are some tips on how to write a good resume:
- Do not write in the first person. Avoid using words like “I”,”me”,”my”,”mine” etc.
- Avoid writing certain words of your resume in bold to bring attention to them. It confuses many recruiters in the United States and is better to have your content in a normal format
- Start each bullet point with a verb. Avoid using weak verbs like “worked”,”helped” etc.
- Write your resume in the past tense
6- GPA: If your cumulative GPA at UConn School of Business is 3.5 or higher then you should list it on your resume. GPAs should always be carried out two decimal places. You do not round up. In other words, list it as 3.87/4.0, not 3.9/4.0. Include your undergraduate GPA only if it is high enough that you stand out amongst peers. If your GPA from undergrad was calculated out of 10 LEAVE IT that way, it’s not your job to convert any GPAs. If this is your first semester, do not write any GPA.
7- Margins:
Resumes can look too busy if there is not some white space to make it easier on the eye, especially if an employer has been reading resumes for an extended period of time. Margins should be between 0.50” and .75” (top, bottom, left, right). It’s easy to remember to keep your left margin aligned, but be sure to make sure the dates on the right side of the resume are aligned too.
8- Never, EVER falsify information: And for that matter do not mislead the reader or embellish an experience. Remember, you will need to “defend” your resume in an interview, so there’s no point in misrepresenting yourself. You will likely be rejected anyway and your reputation will surely suffer.
9- Proof-read, edit, proof-read again!
It’s so easy to get blurry-eyed when working on a resume for a length of time. But this one page of information is critical to get right the first time (and every time) you send it out. As stated, you only have 5-7 seconds to make this first impression. Regardless of your knowledge and skills, if there is a typo, your resume will likely end up being passed over. Consider having someone proofread your resume for you. Read your resume backwards to prevent typos and catch errors.
10- Education: List your education also in reverse chronological order. Do not abbreviate the name of any institution. Write “University of Connecticut” as opposed to UConn. While listing education, you may list relevant coursework or awards received at the institution.
What to avoid in a resume:
- Informal language
- Interests/religious and political affiliations and hobbies
- High school achievements
- Company logos/certification logos
- Borders
- Full mailing address
- Indenting your bullets
- Period at the end of bullet points
FOUR resume templates follow.
Use one or a variation of formats to be included in our resume book.
Send your resume to
byJanuary 7th
F-Name L-Name
Street Address • City, ST 12345 • 860.555.0000 •
University of Connecticut School of Business Hartford, CT
Master of Business Analytics and Project Management, GPA: 3.89/4.0 Expected Month Year
- Coursework: (optional)
- Scholarship / Award
Undergraduate University’s Name City, ST or City, Country
Bachelor of Science in ______, GPA: 3.65/4.0 Jan 2009
- Scholarship / Award
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Topic or Company - Add any applicable academic projects you participated in Date
- Topic or Company - Include technical tools used and the value of your experiential learning Date
- List, all, of, the, tools, you’ve, used
(Any additional info, Headings could include LEADERSHIP, AWARDS/HONORS, CERTIFICATIONS, etc.)
- Include leadership roles/experiences, Year
- Special awards, certifications, Year
- Languages
- Community service or volunteer work, Year(s)
F-Name L-Name
Street Address • City, ST 12345 • 860.555.0000 •
Business Analytics Professional ● Consultant ● Tableau Certified
University of Connecticut School of Business Hartford, CT
Master of Business Analytics and Project Management, GPA: 3.89/4.0 May 2015
- Coursework:(optional)
- Scholarship / Award
Undergraduate University’s Name City, ST or City, Country
Bachelor of Science in ______, GPA: 3.65/4.0 2009
- Scholarship / Award
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Topic or Company - Add any applicable academic projects you participated in Date
- Topic or Company - Include technical tools used and the value of your experiential learning Date
- List, all, of, the, tools, you’ve, used
(Any additional info, Headings could include LEADERSHIP, AWARDS/HONORS, CERTIFICATIONS, etc.)
- Include leadership roles/experiences, Year
- Special awards, certifications, Year
- Community service or volunteer work, Year(s)
F-Name L-Name
Street Address • City, ST 12345 • 860.555.0000 •
University of Connecticut School of Business Hartford, CT
Master of Business Analytics and Project Management, GPA: 3.89/4.0 Expected May 2015
- Coursework: (optional)
- Scholarship / Award
Undergraduate University’s Name City, ST or City, Country
Bachelor of Science in ______, GPA: 3.65/4.0 2009
- Scholarship / Award
SKILLS:(these are for you to customize for your background)
Business AnalyticsProject ManagementBusiness Process Modeling
Predictive Modeling Data ManagementBusiness Decision Modeling
Project LeadershipStaff Training & DevelopmentProject Risk and Cost Mgmt
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Topic or Company - Add any applicable academic projects you participated in Date
- Topic or Company - Include technical tools used and the value of your experiential learning Date
(Any additional info, Headings could include LEADERSHIP, AWARDS/HONORS, CERTIFICATIONS, etc.)
- Include leadership roles/experiences, special awards, certifications Year
- Languages
- Community service or volunteer work, Year(s)
F-Name L-Name
Street Address • City, ST 12345 • 860.555.0000 •
Business Analytics • Project Management • Market Research
Graduate student with experience in (list your top skills). Strong background in (add your additional experience). Proficient in analytical software including: (list your top technical skills). This quick summary / introduction can take up 3 or 4 lines of your resume, depending on available space.
University of Connecticut School of Business Hartford, CT
Master of Business Analytics and Project Management, GPA: 3.89/4.0 Expected May 2015
- Coursework: (optional)
- Scholarship / Award
Undergraduate University’s Name City, ST or City, Country
Bachelor of Science in ______, GPA: 3.65/4.0 2009
- Scholarship / Award
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
Company Name, City, ST
Title Year - Year
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Accomplishment statement, quantify when possible
- Topic or Company - Add any applicable academic projects you participated in Date
- Topic or Company - Include technical tools used and the value of your experiential learning Date
- List, all, of, the, tools, you’ve, used
(Any additional info, Headings could include LEADERSHIP, AWARDS/HONORS, CERTIFICATIONS, etc.)
- Include leadership roles/experiences, special awards, certifications Year