NDIS: Getting Started
What is the NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way for people with disabilities to receive their disability services. The Australian Government runs the scheme. Under the NDIS, people will be given money to pay for the disability services they need.You may be eligible if you are under 65 years of age and have a permanent and significant disability.
Can I start applying for the NDIS now?
The NDIS has already started across Australia, and is being rolled out gradually in different areas at different times.It depends on where you live and what age you are. You can generally start registering for the NDIS six months before it starts in your area. To find out when you can start registering for the NDIS, visit the NDIS website at or contact Guide Dogs Your Support Line on 1800 757 738 for NDIS support.
Do I have to register for NDIS?
Applying for the NDIS is not compulsory. However if you are eligible for NDIS, you will need money from NDIS to pay for your disability services (such as services from Guide Dogs). If you don’t have an NDIS Plan, you won’t have the NDIS funds to pay for these services.Guide Dogs is a registered NDIS provider. This means you can choose Guide Dogs to provide your services under NDIS.
How do I register for the NDIS?
Step 1:
Complete the NDIS Access Checklist to find out if you might be eligible. The checklist is on the NDIS website at
Step 2:
Call NDIS on 1800 800 110 or visit an NDIS office to ask for an Access Request Form.
Step 3:
Complete the form and send it back to NDIS.Attach any supporting documents that NDIS ask for.
Step 4:
NDIS will tell you if you are eligible. NDIS will give you a date for your NDIS meeting so you can develop your NDIS Plan together. While you are waiting, start preparing for your NDIS meeting.
Need NDIS assistance? Contact the Guide Dogs Your Support Line:
Phone 1800 757 738
SMS 0457 521 521
Preparing for your NDIS planning meeting
Your planning meeting is when the NDIS will talk with you about what services and equipment you need. This information will be used to develop your NDIS Plan. Here are our top five tips for getting ready for your planning meeting with the NDIS.
Tip 1: Start early
Start preparing well before your meeting. Leave yourself plenty of time to complete the suggestions below.You can use the NDIS Planning Guide and Workbook to help you get prepared.
Tip 2: Think about your goals
Your NDIS Plan will be based on your goals. What are the things that you want to achieve now and in the future? NDIS will assist you to come up with a plan that will help you to reach these goals by listing all the things you might need to achieve them. You can use pages 8–9 of the NDIS Workbook to help you record your goals.
Tip 3: Start a log of your activities
You can use the NDIS Planning Guide and Workbook to help you record the following:
- What does a typical day look like for you? Now think about your life over an entire year, including the good days and the challenging days. What do you do daily, monthly or perhaps only once a year? Do you need different supports or equipment when you are on holiday or in the workplace? Do you expect any life changes (e.g. moving out of home) in the year ahead? (NDIS Workbook Page 3–6)
- What services and equipment do you accessnow, or might need in the future? Do you need any extra support (e.g. carers, transport) to assist you? (NDIS Workbook Page 7)
- Are there any barriers to you achieving what you want in your life? Are there any activities that you’ve stopped because there are too many challenges? (NDIS Workbook Page 8–9)
The NDIS will fund things related to your disability which are reasonable and necessary, so don’t forget to think about why you need these things and why they are importantto you.
Tip 4: Would you like extra support at your meeting?
You can ask for other people to be present at the meeting for extra support if you want. This might include a family member, carer, advocate, or a service provider such as a Guide Dogs staff member. You can also ask NDIS to provide an interpreter at no cost to you.
Tip 5: Will you need support to help you set up your NDIS services?
If you’d like some extra support to get the most out of your NDIS Plan, you can speak with your NDIS planner about having Support Coordination included in your plan. Support Coordination is paid for by NDIS and doesn’t eat into the money on your Plan allocated to other services. Support Coordination can help you by:
- Helping you to understand all of the things on your NDIS Plan
- Help you to set up and start your different NDIS services
- Help you to access and navigate the NDIS My Place Participant Portal on the internet (to help you manage your NDIS money).
IS636e v1.1 Publish Date: 12 January 2017 Uncontrolled
© 2017 Guide Dogs SA/NT when printed