Judge Naidu

Until payout materializes it is important that you know and understand why I am pursuing representation in the United States Senate for the American Indians and going all out to encourage our People to start up police power while collecting, factoring or selling tribal court judgments.

I intend to encourage no new laws in the overcrowded, impotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and seemingly omnipotent Statutes at Large IF you are wondering why I am not seeking representation in the United States House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress. The laws already in existence are sufficient to overwhelm and drown the adversary and create a huge win for our People if and when we do this right and proper.

We have hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tribal judgments ready for payout based on 28 United States Code § 1738 using collection, factoring or outright sales to interested parties. Get involved in this enterprise.

Police power is a must even if it sounds impossible to attain. The 2nd Amendment and the 7th Amendment to the U.S. Bill of Rights must be read, understood and grasped in its entirety to control the goalpost. You don’t want the devil kicking in easy goals without an adequate goalkeeper.


Some of you have been consulting attorneys and lawyers purportedly knowledgeable with the FBI (Finance Banking Initiative). These so-called professionals are trained in the law of the land, NOT the lore of the land when it comes to FBI protocols. So, neither the Multiplier nor I have to deal with their weirdly ecstatic solutions and remedies to effectuate payout. We simply don’t have to listen to their trite propositions. The FBI operates in another frequency; a different wavelength; in a totally separate galaxy under unique lores, customs, traditions, rules, and regulations. NONE of these comply with or adhere to the devil’s ways despite the devil recently inviting me into its lair.

One of you even emailed me demanding your rights to a payout and that a refund is not an option. I shall not dignify that outrageously strange statement with a robust and studious response simply because:

(a) you have not read, or forgot to remember, the original and subsequent agreements when you joined and signed them when deciding to participate in the MCoLB program;

(b) you did NOT make an investment – you merely paid a learning fee which I decided, for the third time, to garner, gather, group and grasp an IBOE with minimum fuss;

(c) you have a privilege and that’s all there is to it – you have no rights;

(d) you do not understand the FBI protocols no matter how much I teach, show and reveal;

(e) some of you have heaped your miserable financial conditions and situations upon my head like I was responsible for all your terribly misguided decisions;

Please let me do my job although completed, and let the Audit Team complete theirs.

AND I ASK FOR THE LAST TIME – P L E A S E refrain from sending in your ideas, concepts, suggestions, solutions, remedies and recommendations to effectuate payout. I shall not be responding to them at all anymore. NONE of them works. Again, I say, if you cannot wait, request for a refund.

Finally, I say this – I am more frazzled, frustrated and furious than you NO BLOODY THANKS TO THE FAÇADE OF THE AFTERMATH OF 9/11.