Purpose of this document is to identify all state, federal and local resources, along with intake points, made available to the UPWard Region businesses.
Intake Points:
The Upper Peninsula has a collaborative business service network work that includes Federal, State and local agencies. All will mostly like gain training on the programs offered and be in the position to make referrals to the proper sources. Contact information for these resources is shared at the Michigan One Stop.
SBTDC and MI Works both have staff members that have completed Export Consulting certification from SBA
Over 140 online educational modules have been created for the academic and business communities, most notably the 17 export modules created in collaboration with the U.S. Commercial Services from the book A Basic Guide to Exporting (
Small Business Administration (SBA) 800-827-5722
Approximately 70 percent of all U.S. exporters have 20 or fewer employees. SBA has placed a
priority on helping these small business exporters by providing a number of loan programs
specifically designed to help them develop or expand their export activities. If you own or wish to start a small export business, the following loans may be available to you:
Export Express Loan Program
Export Working Capital Program (EWCP)
International Trade Loan Program
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) (202) 336-8799
OPIC is the U.S. Government’s development finance institution. It mobilizes private capital to
help solve critical world challenges and in doing so, advances U.S. foreign policy. Because OPIC
works with the U.S. private sector, it helps U.S. businesses gain footholds in emerging
markets catalyzing revenues, jobs and growth opportunities both at home and abroad. OPIC
achieves its mission by providing investors with financing, guarantees, political risk insurance, and support for private equity investment funds.
Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
Michigan is the nation’s eighth largest exporting state and global trade is responsible for
thousands of jobs here. Our mission: to help increase exporting opportunities for
Michigan businesses by helping them identify and enter key emerging markets. The Pure Michigan State Trade Export Promotion (STEP) program was launched to help small and medium-sized businesses launch, expand and enhance exporting opportunities.
State Trade Export Promotion (STEP)
Michigan companies with fewer than 500 employees can now qualify for financial assistance for
export-related activities. Launched by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), program is designed to: Increase the number of Michigan companies that exportIntroduce current exporters to new foreign markets and buyers
Michigan U.S. Commercial Services Export Assistance Centers (USEACs)
The U.S. Commercial Service offers a wide variety of products and services to help U.S. companies increase international sales, identify potential markets, meet buyers, partners, agents and distributors, navigate export channels, and much more. Their Export Assistance Centers provide free trade counseling and advice in all aspects of the export process. Contact one of Michigan's four centers and let them help you expand your business. Visit export.gov for more information on USEAC services.
U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) (703) 875-4357
USTDA's program creates a win-win scenario by promoting U.S. exports to advance economic growth in developing and middle-income countries. Its' program has been a catalyst for opening new markets for U.S. companies, large and small, looking to expand sales overseas.International Business Partnership Program: Connecting U.S. Firms with Foreign BuyersIn support of the National Export Initiative, USTDA launched the International Business Partnership Program (IBPP) to connect international buyers with U.S. manufacturers and service providers in order to open new export markets and commercial opportunities around the world for American companies. Key activities include:
Reverse Trade Missions
Conferences and Workshops
U.S. Department of Commerce (202) 482-2000
To drive U.S. competitiveness in the global marketplace, the Commerce Department works to strengthen the international economic position of the United States and facilitates global trade by opening up new markets for U.S. goods and services.
U.S. Export-Import Bank (202) 565-3946 (EXIM)
The U.S. Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) is the principal government agency responsible for aiding the export of American goods and services, and thereby creating and sustaining U.S. jobs, through a variety of loan, guarantee, and insurance programs. Generally, its programs are available to any American export firm regardless of size. Similar banks, or export credit agencies (ECAs), are operated by a number of foreign countries. Many ECAs agree to conduct their activities by following a set of common rules and principles through their membership in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); these ECAs are generally in the so-called "developed" countries. The goal is to permit exporters in various countries to compete on the basis of the quality of their goods and services, not on preferential financing terms. Other ECAs, such as the China Exim Bank] (in the People's Republic of China) do not abide by the OECD rules.
Van Andel Global Trade Center (VAGTC) 616-331-6811
Serves as the REN host for the Western Michigan Region. At Grand Valley State University’s
VAGCT, companies gain the tools and knowledge they need to export through relevant consulting and training programs. VAGTC’s assistance ranges from new market research to customs and export compliance to identifying overseas suppliers. VAGTC provides the research as well as the export sales plan and network to the appropriate team of service providers to assist experienced or new-to-export SMEs Specific services include: training, consulting, resource development, cultural education, language center, matchmaking, trade missions, business development and hosting foreign buyer visits.
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Program (IMDP)
Michigan has a diverse agricultural industry – producing over 200 commodities and leading the
nation in 18 of these. This product mix has resulted in a doubling of Michigan’s agricultural
exports since 1997, totaling more than $1.55 billion and supporting over 12,000 Michigan jobs in 2009. In 2009 Michigan ranked 5th and 9th, respectively, for national exports of fruits and vegetables and its top five export agricultural markets were: Canada, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and Taiwan. MDARD’s International Market Development Program (IMDP) assists Michigan food and agricultural businesses enter or expand into international markets with the following services: trade missions and trade show services, buyer missions, exporter education, international marketing cost reimbursement, and an online export directory. MDARD works closely with Michigan State University, internationally renowned for its agricultural research and projects across the globe.
Michigan Small Business and Technology Development Center (MI-SBTDC)
906-789-0558 Ext. 237
MI-SBTDC Enhances Michigan’s economic well-being by providing counseling, training,
researchand advocacy for new ventures, existing small businesses and innovative\
technologycompanies. With offices statewide, the MI-SBTDC™ positively impacts the economy by strengthening existing companies, creating new jobs, retaining existing jobs, and assisting companies in defining their path to success. Launched in 2009, the Manufacturing Assistance Team (MAT) is a group of specialized consultants helping Michigan’s small business manufacturers with assistance in areas such as financial analysis, strategic planning and capital access. The MI-SBTDC’s overall impact on the state economy is summarized by these statistics: In 2010, MI-SBTDC worked with 16,963 clients, creating 4,461 jobs and raising $248,333,529 in capital for Michigan’s SMEs.
Michigan State University International Business Center (CIBER)
The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management at Michigan State University was designated in 1990 as a National Resource Center by the U.S. Department of Education (or Center for International Business Education and Research). The mission of IBC-CIBER is to leverage our leading-edge competencies to provide superior education, research, and assistance to businesses, public policy makers, academics, and students on issues of importance to international trade and global competitiveness using our guiding principles as the foundation. The Center's projects have been funded by: The Title VI B grants through the International Education Programs Service of the U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, State of Michigan, W.K Kellogg Foundation, U.S. Small Business Administration, U.S. Agency for International Development, U.S. Information Agency, Ford Motor Company Fund, The Chrysler Foundation, General Motors Foundation and Broad China among others. The MSU-CIBER grant for 2010-2014, awarded May 2010, received the top award among 33 peer institutions; continuously funded since 1990. Six full-time staff and approximately 30 undergraduate and graduate students are engaged in these programs.
Michigan Export Growth Program (MEGP)
Involves faculty, staff, and students that provide free industry- and country-specific research and consulting to local businesses to assist them in taking the best possible advantage of opportunities in the global marketplace.
The world's leading online source in "international business" (as ranked by major search engines), globalEDGE is developed by the MSU International Business Center as "Your Source for Global Business Knowledge.” It aggregates thousands of resources into a single point, organized by country and industry.
TechTown (313) 879-5250
Has a number of initiatives with international partners aimed at educating
entrepreneurs on international trade laws and driving research in high-growth industries.
TechTown has specific initiatives aimed at attracting Mexican, Canadian, Chinese,
Indian, and Central European businesses.
We are looking to identify gaps in services and suggestions for improvements to add to this section. Please email your suggestions to Nickie Bowman