In Year 8, Humanities and Social Sciences consists of Civics and Citizenship, Economics and Business, Geography and History.

Students develop their historical understanding through key concepts,includingevidence,continuityandchange,cause and effect, perspectives,empathy,significanceandcontestability. These concepts are investigated within the historical context of the end of theancientperiod to the beginning of themodernperiod, c. 650 AD (CE) – 1750. They consider how societies changed, what key beliefs and values emerged, and the causes and effects of contact between societies in this period.

1 / Key features of the medieval world (feudalism, trade routes, voyages of discovery, contact and conflict) (ACOKH009 / Identifies the Middle Ages and why they were often called Medieval or Dark Ages.
Brief definition and identification of Feudalism
2 / The way of life inmedievalEurope (e.g. social, cultural, economic and politicalfeatures) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society (ACDSEH008) / Identification of peasants and what was involved in their daily life on the manor.
Identification of role of peasants and their relationship to other groups in society.
3 / The way of life inmedievalEurope (e.g. social, cultural, economic and politicalfeatures) and the roles and relationships of different groups in society (ACDSEH008) / Identification of fief, lord and vassal and what is involved in the relationship between a King, Nobles and Knights.
Identification of the role of knights and their relationships to different groups in society.
4 / Continuity andchangein society in one of the following areas: crime and punishment; military and defence systems; towns, cities and commerce (ACDSEH051) / Identification of castle design and development during the Middle Ages. Identification of military and defence systems.
Case Study: The Battle of Hastings
Students to investigate using source images from the Bayeux Tapestry the causes and events in the Battle of Hastings.
5 / The role of significant individuals in themedievalperiod (e.g. Charlemagne) (ACDSEH052) / Identification of the role of Charlemagne in the Middle Ages.
Identification of the role of the Church in the Middle Ages.
Identification of the role of religious men and women in Medieval Society
6 / Significant developments and/or cultural achievements, such as changing relations between Islam and the West (including the Crusades), architecture,medievalmanuscripts and music (ACDSEH050) / Identification of the causes and events of The Crusades.
Identification of the impact and relations between the West and Islam during and following the Crusades.
7 / The role of expandingtradebetween Europe and Asia during the Black Death, including the origin and spread of the disease (ACDSEH069)
The causes and symptoms of the Black Death and the responses of different groups in society to the spread of the disease, such as the flagellants and monasteries (ACDSEH070) / Identification of trade operations between Asia and Europe.
Identification of the origin and spread of the Black Death.
Identification of causes of the Black Death.
Identification of symptoms of Black Death.
Identification of how different groups in society responded to the spread of the disease. / ASSESSMENT TASK:
Front page of a newspaper with articles on major events in the Middle Ages.
8 / Living conditions and religious beliefs in the 14th century, including life expectancy, medical knowledge and beliefs about the power of God (ACDSEH015) / Students to identifyliving conditions and religious beliefs of people in Europe in 14th Century.
Students to identify medical knowledge and beliefs of the time and why this led to spread of the Black Death.
9 / The effects of the Black Death on Asian, European and African populations, and conflicting theories about the impact of the plague (ACDSEH071) / Students to identify impact the Black Death had on Europe and world populations.
10 / Significant developments and/or cultural achievements, such as changing relations between Islam and the West (including the Crusades), architecture,medievalmanuscripts and music (ACDSEH050) / Students to identify medieval art and architecture as primary sources / ASSESSMENT: