Name ______

Evaluating an internet source - 10 points

Subscription databases are excellent sources of information. However, there may be times when you need to use an internet source. How can you decide if the website is reliable?

Here are some things to examine. Use these tips to help you to find a reliable website. You will be given a grade from zero to ten based on how many positive signs your website has.

Write the complete web address for your website:


Start with the web address. Look at the ending of the address.

Endings with .edu indicate a college. Use this information to help you decide how reputable it is.

Endings with .us or .gov indicate a government source. These can usually be trusted.

Endings with .com or .org or .net can be obtained by any individual or group. In other words, anybody could have published this information and there is no guarantee that the information is accurate. In this case look carefully at the home page and consider additional factors as you try to decide how trustworthy the information is.

What is the ending of your web address? This may not actually be the last 3 letters. ______

After looking at the ending of the address, look at the beginning.

Usually the first part of the address gives some indication of the group that has published the site. What is the name of the group that has produced the page?


Try to go to the home page. Usually the home page gives some information about the group. If there is one, read the "About Us" link or the "About our Organization" link. Is there an “About Us” link? _____

What information can you find about this group? Try Googling the group to find reliable info.




Does the information you found make them seem like a reliable source of info? Why or why not?



Does the information contain a copyright? (Yes is best) _____ If so, what is the date and what name is mentioned with the copyright?


Is the author listed? ______Who is the author? ______

What info is given about the author? How do his or her credentials make him or her seem like a reliable source of info for this topic. Google the author to see if you find useful info about him or her.





Is a date of publication given? When? Is there mention of when the site was last updated? When? Is the informationcurrent?



Are sources listed? (Yes is best) ______Is there a Works Cited or Works Consulted for the article? If so, this is an excellent sign.

How many sources are included in the Works Cited? ______

(You may even consider going directly to the sources that are listed in the Works Cited.)

Are there links within the article that take you to other sources where the information is from? ______

Are there any other positive signs that this is a reliable website? If so, write those signs here.



Are there any negative signs that make the accuracy of the information questionable? (spelling errors or signs of bias?)

