October 26, 2017
ChairmanHarlacher called the Public meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Supervisors Present:Steve J. Harlacher, Chairman
Dave Markel, Vice-Chairman
Rosa Hickey, Supervisor
Staff Present:Kelly Kelch, Township Manager
Lori Trimmer, Assistant Twp. Manager/Recreation Director
Keith Whittaker, Finance Director
Stephen Callahan, Public Works Director
Rachelle Sampere, Zoning Officer
Art Smith, Chief of Police
Clif Laughman, Fire Chief
Craig Wilson, Township Engineer
John Herrold, Township Solicitor
Tricia Smeltzer, Stenographer
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Chairman Harlacher announced an Executive Session was held prior to tonight’s meeting to discuss personnel matters. No action was taken.
A.The minutes of theSeptember 28, 2017 regular Public Meeting were presented for approval. Motion to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2017 regular Public Meeting as presented.
MOTION:R. Hickey
SECOND:D. Markel
A.ALBRIGHT CARE SERVICES REZONING REQUEST: Motion to approve a recommendation from staff to establish a public hearing date of December 14th to allow proper advertisement and consideration of the request.
MOTION: D. Markel
SECOND: R. Hickey
B.YORK COUNTY RAIL TRAIL LETTER OF SUPPORT: The following people conveyed their opinions regarding this agenda item:
- Gwen Loose of the York County Rail Trail thanked the Recreation Advisory Committee on their time and commitment at their Board meeting in discussing the pros and cons and for recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve the Rail Trail extension.
- Karla Farrell of 911 Smith Drive asked how Zoning is affecting the Rail Trail not being allowed into the Township. She thinks the extension of the Rail Trail in West Manchester Township would be good for the entire community.
Manager Kelch responded by stating that the Trail head is proposed to be a parking lot and it’s not a permitted use in any of the townships Zoning areas.
Karla Farrell responded by stating the Township recently allowed an armory in the Township, which isn’t a permitted use either.
Manager Kelch advised her to speak to the federal government regarding the location of the armory.
Karla Farrell would like to see a letter of support sent to DCNR for the Rail Trail extension.
- Darlene & Tom Senft of 890 Stoverstown Road stated a lot of people in the community are anxious for the Rail Trail to be in our township. They ask the Board to take into consideration the recommendation of the Recreation Advisory Committee in extending the Rail Trail for the kids of Bair Station.
- Ronald James of 820 Stoverstown Road stated that he initiated the petition for the Rail Trail extension. He found that 70 people wanted the Rail Trail and only 3 people were opposed to it. He feels as though there aren’t many areas for kids to get exercise and he feels like the tax dollars of people living in Bair Station always go towards other areas of the Township.
- Barry Montag of 2066 Golden Eagle Drive feels as though the other side of the Township gets more recreation than the Bair Station area.
- Felicia Dell of 1021 Stoverstown Road stated that she is speaking as a resident, not in any capacity related to the York County Planning Commission. She reminded the Board that the Rail Trail is not a permitted use within our Township according to our Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. She stated that if the Board agrees to this extension, there might be a good chance there will be further extensions requested later. She also suggested there would be a lot of terrain issues associated with the extension. She recommends the Board not support this extension.
Karla Farrell reminded the Board that this extension would only be from Bair Station to Jackson Township. She also reminded the Board that just because it was mentioned that only 1% would be bike riders on the trail doesn’t mean that it will always be that way.
- Richard Renn of 1420 Greenmeadow Drive stated that zoning is only an issue if the Board wants it to be an issue. He feels as though a pathway going along a right of way will not change the Agricultural area. He noted that someone made the comment that the private citizens haven’t brought this issue up to the Board until the Rail Trial presented it. He suggested the Board go back to the 2000 survey from West Manchester Township and see that the residents want recreation areas.
Felicia Dell stated that the linear right of way may not be a lot of land but the Agriculture land that we do have is precious and she feels as though it’s the development of the corridor and changing of the zoning that will cause pressure on future issues.
- Darby Jo Campbell of 2255 Church Road doesn’t feel as though the parking lot would be an issue. It could be worked out and she feels the community needs a recreation area.
- Supervisor Hickey spoke regarding the Board educating themselves on this topic. She realizes 2017 is a year of moving toward advocating wellness and safety. She appreciated everyone sharing their views. She asked if there were any other comments.
Felicia Dell re-iterated that she spoke in the capacity of a resident, not in any professional capacity of the York County Planning Commission.
- Chris Wagman of 2271 Chestnut Road wanted to know if tonight’s agenda item is to approve the Rail Trail or is it to approve a feasibility study to see if it’s possible to have a Rail Trail. He would think a feasibility study would need to be done first.
- Chairman Harlacher appreciated everyone’s comments and views on the topic. He showed the feasibility study that was already completed years ago. He reminded everyone that the Board heard from Township staff, the Rec. Advisory Board, residents from this township, as well as residents from other townships. He completely advocates health and fitness. He has a lot of concerns regarding the extension of the Rail Trail, but he is not opposed to it being extended into West Manchester Township. He is concerned about the lack of information that the Board received regarding long term Rail Trail plans. He is opposed to the extension of the Rail Trail because of the No Growth Zone. He stated there was a proposal in 2003 and it was not approved then. He sees no changes in the proposal of 2017.
- Vice Chairman D. Markel stated he is not in favor of the Rail Trail due to No Growth Zoning and costs / manpower to upkeep the trail. Vice Chairman Markel made a motion to oppose the extension of the York County Rail Trail. Chairman S. Harlacher seconded the motion.
Motion to oppose a request from the York County Rail Trail Authority to issue a letter of support for the extension of the Hanover Trolley Trail to Bair Station.
MOTION: D. Markel
SECOND: S. Harlacher
OPPOSE:R. Hickey
A.T-816 FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN : Grant Anderson from Site Design Concepts presented the subdivision proposal and was available for questions. Motion to approve a final subdivision plan for Manchester Mall Associates, LLC located at 1800 Loucks Road (West Manchester Town Center), 82.62 acres, creating 4 new lots and 1 residual lot with the following:
- [SLDO:121.15.E, 121.14.E.2, & 121.34] – Provide notice from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection that a Sewer Facilities Plan Revision (planning module or exemption) has been approved.
- [SLDO:121.10.G] – Provide all signatures and seals prior to final plan acceptance.
- An access easement should be placed on the eastern portion of the ring road. Access agreements/easements should be to the satisfaction of the Township Solicitor.
- All administrative items shall be addressed prior to plan recording.
- Financial Security shall be established for placement of property corner markers.
- [SLDO:121.9] – Provide a preliminary plan.
- [SLDO:121.15.C & 121.14.C.3 & 4] – Provide all required items when located within two hundred (200’) feet of the subject tract.
- [SLDO:121.14.A.3] – Sheet size shall be no larger than 24”x36”.
MOTION: S. Harlacher
SECOND: R. Hickey
B.2018 STRAY ANIMAL HOUSING AGREEMENT: Motion to approve a request to enter into an agreement with the SPCA for stray animal housing at a cost of $9,447.00 for 2018, which is the same cost as 2017.
MOTION: D. Markel
SECOND: R. Hickey
C.2018 GENERAL FUND BUDGET: Presentation of the 2018 General Fund Budget draft. Final presentation of the budget will occur at the November 9, 2017 meeting, after which it is anticipated to be advertised for adoption at the December 14, 2017 meeting. Manager Kelch noted there will be a slight tax increase from .8 mil to 1 mil. This increase was necessary due to rising insurance costs, collective bargaining agreements and increased government regulations.
D.ROAD CLOSURE RATIFICATION: It was originally thought that a motion was needed to ratify a previous road closure for a portion of Sunset Lane on October 20, 2017 for an evacuation drill at Wallace Elementary School, but Chief Laughman and Chief Smith secured a different route for the evacuation drill, which was safer and more efficient for everyone involved.
E.RELEASE OF ESCROW FUNDS: Motion to approve a request to release escrow funds for completed or inactive land development projects. Engineer Wilson and Finance Director Whittaker are working on other outstanding projects.
MOTION: D. Markel
SECOND: R. Hickey
- Recreation Director/Assistant Manager: Trimmer’s report was reviewed. Supervisor Markel commended the Recreation Department on another excellent Truck Touch event. No additional comments.
- Finance Director: Whittaker’s report was reviewed. In addition to his report, he added the overall budget increase for 2018 is 5.2%, which he noted is excellent compared to other townships. No additional comments.
- Fire Chief: Chief Laughman’s report was reviewed. No additional comments.
- Police Chief: Chief Smith’s report was reviewed. No additional comments.
- Manager: Manager Kelch’s report was reviewed. He introduced and welcomed Rachelle Sampere as the new Zoning Officer. He also asked for authorization from the Board to participate in a Green Light Go Grant project, in which traffic lights would be upgraded/refurbished/re-installed. Specifically, the traffic lights at the intersection of Zarfoss and Market streets are in need of repair. By consensus the Board approved participation in this grant project.
- Engineer: Engineer Wilson’s report was reviewed. No additional comments.
- Zoning Officer: The Zoning report was reviewed, although at the time of the report, the Zoning Officer position was vacant. No additional comments.
- Solicitor: Solicitor Herrold’sreport was reviewed. He mentioned that he and Chief Laughman are working on a Fire Ordinance for next month’s meeting. No additional comments.
- Public Works Director: Callahan’s report was reviewed. He reminded everyone that leaf collection has begun. He added that paving starts the week of October 30th. No additional comments.
Zoning Officer Samperenoted the Township’s MS4 Storm Water Inspector is available Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm to answer any questions relating to storm water management.
Bills: Motion to pay the following bills as presented:
FundCheck No. Amount
Warrant 17-10 Fund 0124744 - 24862$ 1,317,488.87
WMT Sewer Fund 3317-3343$ 505,411.33
Liquid Fuels397-410$ 24,964.57
Payroll20: Pay Period Ending 09/30/17 Paytime Vouchers$ 152,817.99
Payroll21: Pay Period Ending 10/14/17Paytime Vouchers$ 151,320.60
MOTION:D. Markel
SECOND:R. Hickey
Motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 8:05 pm
MOTION:R. Hickey
SECOND:D. Markel
Respectfully Submitted,
Kelly K. Kelch, Secretary
Trish Smeltzer/Stenographer