

Time: Tuesday 12.00-13.40

Venue: MBlg 54

Instructor: Csató Péter ()

Office: Main Building, Room 108/2

Office hours: Tue & Wed 16.00-17.00

In this course, we will be taking a close look at advertising as a cultural phenomenon, including its relation to consumerism, stereotyping, rhetoric, and gender. As part of the course requirement students will be asked to perform a full critical analysis of a number of advertisements of their choice as well as come up with a (make-believe) advertising project of their own.


Regular class attendance

Regular attendance is required: more than three absences will result in “no grade” for the course.

Analysis of an advertisement

By the end of the semester, you will need to submit a written analysis (1000-1500 words in length) of an advertisement of your choice, which you will analyze in detail in terms of any of the aspects (one or several) we will have discussed in the course of the semester, such as rhetoric, cultural context, stereotyping, gender, etc. The medium (textual/printed or electronic/visual) and age of the advertisement is up to your choice. Date of submission to be announced.

Pitching an advertising project (presentation)

You will be asked to prepare a presentation of approximately 15 minutes in which you will have to “pitch” an advertising project for any kind of product (existing or imaginary) to your peers. It means that you are not asked merely to prepare an advertisement for the product, but also to explain why the given advertisement/commercial will work, why it is the best way to advertise the product, and what would be the best way to run an advertising campaign. In short, you will be asked both to come up with the idea of an advertisement of any available media and be able to analyze it. The presentations will take place in the final three classes of the semester.


Week 1: Orientation

Week 2: The history of advertising

Week 3: Consumerism and the media

Week 4: The rhetoric of advertising

Week 5: Stereotypes

Week 6: Gender in advertising

Week 7: Consultation Week – No Class

Week 8: Creativity in advertising: what makes the consumers tick?

Week 9: Advertising and postmodernism

Week 10: The semiotics of advertising: how to read advertisements?

Week 11:Presentations

Week 12: NO CLASS

Week 13: Presentations

Week 14: Presentations/Closing

Recommended reading

BOWLBY, Rachel: Shopping with Freud. London: Routledge, 1993.

COOK, Guy: The Discourse of Advertising. London: Routledge, 1992.

FREITAS, Elsa Simões Lucas: Taboo in Advertising. Amsterdam: Johns Benjamins, 2008.

GODDARD, Angela: The Language of Advertising. London: Routledge, 1998.

SINCLAIR, John: Images Incorporated: Advertising as Industry and Ideology. London: Routledge, 2000.

WILLIAMSON, Judith: Decoding Advertisements: Ideology and Meaning in Advertising. London:

Marion Boyars, 1994.