How-To Schedule Students into Regents ExamCourses Updated12/5/17

This document explains how to set up courses for students who are taking regents exams so the COGNOS Preprint Extract can be utilized.

To determine what Regents exam test course exists in your Master Schedule, use the following Advanced Search in Scheduling Center > Master Schedule > Master Schedule:


  1. Scheduling>Building Course Setup>CourseCatalog>New

In the Course Catalog, add a separate course for each exam. If the student is in a course leading to the exam, this does not need to be done. (Make sure you put exam in whatever name you givethem).

*These new courses are only a way to record test scores and therefore do not get a NY State Course code in the Course Catalog

  1. Be sure you have enough test periods to accommodate each exam course SchedulingCenter>Set-up>Periods

Uncheck standard period

  1. Make sure your Test periods are in the Timetable Path: SchedulingCenter>Set-up>Timetable

  1. Scheduling>Master Schedule>MasterSchedule>New
  • Add one section of each Course to the MasterSchedule.

•These courses should be Scheduled in a test period that is not yet in a student’s schedule.

•These sections should be set to meet only one Marking period and only onecycle day. Select the marking period that matches the test. For example a June regents course would have MP4checked.

If you need help setting up the test period or Timetable contact eSchool Support.

•Only check REG for a MarkType

  1. At this point you need to decide if you are going to Mass Load these new test courses into a Student’s Schedule or add the scores one at a time in Report Cards>Mark Entry by Course. We will outline bothprocedures.

A.Mass loading the exam courses into a student’s schedule will save you time if you have a large number of students retaking theexam.

B.Adding courses student by student in report cards will allow you to add exam courses as non-scheduled courses into Mark Entry>Report Cards without having to worry about scheduling them into testperiods.

Procedure A: Mass loading exam courses to students Schedule

  1. Go to the Scheduled Course Load/Unload/Lock/Erasescreen

Path: Scheduling Center>Student Scheduler> Scheduled Course Load/Unload/Lock/Erase

  1. Click Search on this screen and search the students you want to Schedule this coursefor:

•Here is an example of a search for all active 9th graders in building10

•Hit search and verify the list of students. Remove individual students as needed by putting a check next to their name and clicking on the removebutton

•Select your Building and the action: 1 –Mass Load (You can use any date before the pre-print extract date as a Date Added… as there is no Staff student linkage for this examcourse.

•Enter the Exam Course or Courses to add to the students schedule in the Course ListSection

1 course at a time:


3.Now that the Exam Course has been entered into the Students Schedule Run a Scheduling Synchronization for the building (you can filter on these courses if needed). Path: MR Center>Calculations>SchedulingSynchronization


This step can also be done on the Mark Entry by Course Screen after the course is selected by hitting Synchronize

Path: MR Center>Mark Entry by Course

Search for your exam course and click on Enter Marks

Now hit Synchronize to create MR Records

You are now Ready to create the export for your Pre-printed Answer Sheets and have created a place to import Scores back into eSchool. Use the extract entitled Regents Test Extract-Schd.

Procedure B: Loading Courses Directly into Mark Entry/Report Cards

  1. Mark Reporting Center>Mark Entry byCourse

 Enter in the course-section previously created

  1. Either enter the student’s ID number or select the student from the drop down search box. Enter all students taking this exam and click“Save”

You are now ready to create the export for your Pre-Printed Answer Sheets using the extract named Regents Test Extract-MR. See Help Document : Preprinting Regents Answer Sheet Extract