Quickbooks Assignment 2– Chapter 3
Follow the instructions on pages 95-135. Anytime you are asked to print a document to pdf make sure that you do that and upload the file to Canvas as part of your assignment. You do not need to export any documents to Excel.
As with Chapter 2 you will be asked to execute certain tasks, such as recordingchecks, sales receipts, etc. You should continue using the QB Cloud_Student Name (your first and last name) that you set up in Chapter 2. You should be able to access the company and the chart of accounts that you set up previously by logging into your Quickbooks account.
Pay careful attention to the month/day that the book tells you to use for each transaction. If you use the wrong date it could affect your data, and therefore your grade.
You should complete all of the transactions described on pages 95-128 and create the appropriate pdf reports. Then complete Exercise 3-1 and 3-2 on pages 132-135 and create the remaining pdf reports. Upload all pdf files to the canvas assignments folder before the assignment due date.
Notes for Clarification:
On page 97 the book asks you to compare your chart of accounts with the one that is shown. Please be sure your chart of account matches the one on pages 97-98. If you have extra accounts, please delete them. There should only be 5 unnumbered accounts at this point. Please be sure your accounts match the ones shown in the picture. For example, I had to change my Owner’s Equity account to Owner’s Investment. And I had to delete several unnumbered accounts at the end of my chart of accounts. Deleting extra accounts will greatly reduce the chance of selecting the wrong account for journal entries in this and future assignments.
On the bottom of page 104 the book asks you to record a series of checks. Use the information in the “Description of Transaction” column to identify the account that should be charged for each expense.
At the bottom of page 122 in step 3 the book mentions creating an excel file. Instead create the pdf file Chapter 3_Oct1 to Oct 17_Journal.pdf. For all of the assignments this semester if the book shows you the name of a file to create in bold text, you should create the pdf version of the file and label it accordingly to submit as part of your assignment.
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You will submit the following documents for Assignment 2:
Chapter 3_Oct1 to Oct 17_Journal.pdf
Chapter 3_Oct1 to Oct 17_Trial Balance.pdf
Chapter 3_Oct1-17_Profit and Loss.pdf
Chapter 3_Oct1-17_Balance Sheet.pdf
Exercise 3-2_October Journal.pdf
Exercise 3-2_October Trial Balance.pdf
Exercise 3-2_October Profit and Loss.pdf
Exercise 3-2_October Balance Sheet.pdf
Reminder of General Information for all Assignments
For every assignment that you turn in you will submit your PDF files through canvas. Please make sure ALL the files required by the assignment are submitted by the beginning of class time on the due date. Late assignments will be penalized as noted on the class syllabus.
Any time you see a date ending in 20XX, use 2019 as the date. Pay careful attention to the month/day that the book tells you to use for transaction. If you use the wrong date it could affect your data, and therefore your grade.
You do not have to complete “check your progress” or “online learning center” for any of the chapters.
I will be posting supplemental instructions for each QuickBooks assignment. But, in general, Assignment 2 will consist of completing Chapter 3, Assignment 3 will consist of completing Chapter 4, Assignment 4 will consist of completing Chapter 5, Assignment 5 will consist of completing Chapter 6, and Assignment 6 will consist of completing Chapter 7.