MPACE Board of Directors Meeting
April 24, 2013
9:08am-10:50am Conference Call
- Call to Order 9:08am (P Bishop)
- Roll Call (D Dobbs)
- Present: Patty Bishop, Kelly Lerch, Barbara Aarestad, Kara Weller, Michael Carmine, Deb Crane, Yiftach Levy, Heather Kraus, Margaret Paulin, Judy Brobst, Jessica Heidemann, Jeff Brzozowski
- Not Present: K. Vining, R. Casanova
- Ex Officio: Deb Dobbs
- Quorum Established
- Minutes from February 2013 meeting (P. Bishop)
- Reviewed pending and completed action items.
- Motion & 2nd to approve minutes as presented by J. Brzozowski, 2nd by K. LerchPassed unanimous approval.
- President and Treasurer Report (P Bishop)
- Patty announced the RAPCE reception at NACE meeting for June 4, 8:30 pm
- Action Item:Dobbs will email out NACE RAPCE reception invite by May 10th if no changes arrive in office
- Update on Financials – change in fiscal year will change the budget numbers. Reporting only.
- Travel payments and reimbursements were discussed for the June Transition meeting. New forms posted on the website.
- Action Item: Dobbs will confirm room nights via email with all participants at this meeting.
- Discussion held on the reserve amounts relative to whether to raise the dues. No consensus to do that from the FAC meeting previously or from this conference call.
- K. Lerch injected the FAC discussion around this at this point in agenda.
- President Elect Report (K Lerch)
- Sponsorship Policy was approved and will be posted on website. Development Chairs for Phoenix have been working with this document for conference sponsorships.
- Working on agenda and timeline for Transition meeting in June.
- Executive Director’s Report (D Dobbs)
- Future Conferences:
- For 2014 and 2015 we are going to San Francisco and Anaheim, respectively.
- Dobbs asked Board members to think about possible chairs for these conferences and have ideas to present before or at the Transition meeting
- Action Item: Dobbs will send the names of possible co-chairs that came up directly during the meeting to Ann Jones, President during these conferences, after the call.
- Past President Report (M Paulin)
- Margaret has reached out to all of the newly elected Board members about transitioning to the positions and has introduced out-going Board members to the team members coming on board.
- Patty mentioned that she would like to see more information sharing going on between outgoing and incoming because this has been a falling down point in the past several years. We collect the data but it doesn't get passed along.
- Margaret described what's happening at the upcoming NACE conference in Orlando, where she is the co-chair.
- Action Item: M. Paulin will share how NACE selects programs with Phoenix program chairs. (FYI. T. Lopez was a co-chair of Programming for NACE recently)
- SIGs will try to meet up at the NACE conference.
- Action Item: Dobbs will message this possible meeting out when any schedule is available.
- Communications (M Carmine)
- Michael talked about the messaging for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter & Pinterest and told the group that Chris Haruta is the point person to send anything to put on those social media outlets.
- Postcards for membership were completed and mailed in conjunction with membership Committee
- Kara Weller joined the discussion of how the LinkedIn ads work and how we will monitor their outcomes.
- Michael will complete the next VISTA in the 2nd week of June.
- Action Item: board members with VISTA articles to submit to Michael should do so by May 24.
- Education and Research Report (D Crane)
- Deb reported the next All-ACE webinar will be on May 10. She was asked how we will get any of the funding from these
- Action item: D. Crane will find out about Webinar results & income from the rep on the committee and report back to Board
- Deb submitted the newly revised application for the CMS student. Discussion on whether we are limited applicant pool by requiring a Mentor/Designee to be present at conference with winner.
- Action Item: Board members decided the requirement for a Mentor/designate was valuable to the intent of the award and would be kept.
- RD Reports
- Pac Centralwas given by J. Brzozowski. He is working on a July winery trip, a visit to Symantec. they are looking for a new member to the small advisory group that helps put these together. Very successful student panel discussion at St. Mary's this spring.
- Pacific South report was given by H. Kraus. Sheis working on an early Fall event, summer site visits (possibly to the Amazon fulfillment center or Excel)
- Pacific North report was given by P. Bishop in R. Casanova's absence. She reported nothing is in the works as yet.
- Mountain South report was given by B. Aarestad. She is focusing on the special interest group.
- Mountain North report was not given over the phone as J. Brobst had to leave the call prior to the report being given.
- Phoenix Conference (J Heidemann)
- Quotes are being obtained for the exhibit contractor (setting up the exhibit hall)
- Development committee is being chaired by Korrie Gernert & Ron Gaschler
- Save the Date postcards are in the works. they will be shipped directly to the office.
- Keynote Selection Group has it down to a list of 12. Hope to have 6 by next week.
- Action Item: J. Heidemann will mention the ideas of a Veteran's Panel discussion as part of the progam for Phoenix to the committee chairs.
- Action Item: P. Bishop & M. Paulin will coordinate to get workshops from the SIG's on the Phoenix program
- Other items
- Brief discussion was held on the dates for the Transition meeting June outlining the schedule of "events". There will be a 1 pm FAC meeting with a 2 pm board meeting
- Adjourn 10:50am
Motions from this meeting:
- Motion & 2nd to approve minutes as presented by J. Brzozowski, 2nd by K. Lerch Passed unanimous approval.
Action Items
- Action (Kelly): provide a final copy of sponsorship policy to Dobbs group for posting to MPACE website.
- Action Item: Dobbs will confirm room nights via email with all participants at this meeting.
- Action Item: Dobbs will send the names that came up at the meeting for conference Co-Chairs directly to Ann Jones, President during these conferences, after the call.
- Action Item: M. Paulin will share how NACE selects programs with Phoenix program chairs. (FYI. T. Lopez was a co-chair of Programming for NACE recently)
- Action Item: Dobbs will message this possible meeting out when any schedule is available.
- Action Item: board members with VISTA articles to submit to Michael should do so by May 24.
- Action item: D. Crane will find out about Webinar results & income from the rep on the committee and report back to Board
- Action Item: Board members decided the requirement for a Mentor/designate was valuable to the intent of the award and would be kept.
- Action Item: J. Heidemann will mention the ideas of a Veteran's Panel discussion as part of the progam for Phoenix to the committee chairs.
- Action Item: P. Bishop & M. Paulin will coordinate to get workshops from the SIG's on the Phoenix program