~ Natural Gas Society of East Texas ~

21stAnnual Sporting Clays Tournament

Monday, OCTOBER 19, 2015

The Natural Gas Society of East Texas will be holding its 21stAnnual Sporting Clays Tournament at Prairie Creek Sporting (see map). This event is open to NGSET members and their guests in the oil and gas business.

The tournament will consist of 100 targets shot from 10 stations with 5 shooters per team. Teams will be picked randomly, with prizes awarded for First and Second Place plus “Broadside of the Barn” and “Top Gun.” Registration will begin at 12:00 with shooting starting at 1:30. A BBQ dinner will be served beginning at 5:00.

Your entry fee of $100 covers course fees, targets, shells, and dinner. You will need to provide your own shotgun, ear protection, and eye protection (sunglasses are fine). Those wishing to attend the dinner only may do so for $25 each. Please fill out the attached entry form and return as soon as possible to Carol Ogea at . If your company would like to make a donation towardor provide door prizes, please contact Carol at (903) 592-3200.

From I-20, turn north at the Joy-Wright Mountain Road exit (Exit 579). Pass church & stay to the right at the “Y.” About 3 miles from I-20.

Prairie Creek

Sporting ClaysRange

(903) 845-6431




!!!!Bonus Door Prize!!!!

In addition to our usual great door prizes, an extra drawing will be held for a new shotgun for those whose entry fee is received byOct. 9th

~ Natural Gas Society of East Texas ~

21STAnnual Sporting Clays Tournament



Guest of:(non-members)

Gauge:12 ga.20 ga.(check one)

Dinner Only Shooting+Dinner (check one)

Number of times at skeet/trap/sporting clays course in past 12 mo:

Expected score (out of 100 targets):

A check payable to NGSET for $100 (shooting+dinner) or $25 (dinner only) must be included. Entry deadline is Thursday, October 11th. Return to:


Attn: Carol Ogea

P.O. Box 9571

Tyler, TX 75711

~ Waiver ~

Each participant does agree, by using the premises, to hold Prairie Creek Sporting Clays, its owners, management, and employees, harmless from any and all loss, damage, or injury caused by any participant’s, designee’s, or guest’s negligent use or operation of firearms while on the premises, and each participant, designee, or guest shall indemnify Prairie Creek Sporting Clays from any and all claims, suits, or other actions brought against Prairie Creek Sporting Clays as a result of any participant’s, designee’s, or guest’s negligent conduct.
