Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

August 20, 2017

10:30 AM Worship

At the ringing of the carillon, please silence your cell phones and conversations and prepare your hearts and minds for an encounter with the Living God. Bolded textis read or sung by all.

*Please rise in body or spirit.


Voluntary Chanson de Matin, Op. 15, No.2 Edward Elgar

George Pope, flute

*Call to WorshipSheila Svoboda

We gather together to recall stories of faith and courage.

We listen for the ways in which God has acted in the Creation and in our lives.

Our ancestors in the faith listened for God’s word.

If we are open to the Spirit, it’s possible something may occur in our hearts and minds.

*Hymn 229From All That Dwell Below the Skies LASST UNS ERFREUEN


Prayer of Confession

Here we are again God, ready to confess and yet not always sure what we should confess. At times, we do not even believe that we have committed a “sin.” Oh yes, we know we yell at our loved ones, but doesn’t everyone? We drove above the speed limit, but isn’t it true that we have perhaps five miles above the limit in grace? So too God, nearly everyone I know has thoughts that, if spoken would embarrass us! We look about to find some other to blame for the conditions in our community, and we know the world is a place of threat, so what’s so bad about blaming them? Is that a “sin”? The truth is God, we do not want to sin, so when we do, help us to recognize what had taken place, and then in your mercy, FORGIVE US! Amen.

Silence is observed.

Response 574 Lord, Have MercyKyrie

Lord have mercy upon us. Christ have mercy upon us.

Lord have mercy upon us.

Assurance of Forgiveness

*Response 567 Glory Be to the FatherGloria Patri

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; as it was in thebeginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

*Passing the Peace

Greet both friends and strangers saying, The peace of Christ be with you.

Time for Church Life

Please sign the friendship pad and pass to those seated near you. If you are the last person to sign on that page, please tear it out and leave it on the pew for the ushers to pick up after the service.

Offertory ElégieJean Donjon

*Response 592Praise God from Whom All Blessings FlowDoxology

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all

creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly hosts;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Time with Young Disciples The Rev. Dr. Donald N. Nichols

Following the Time with Young Disciples, 3 through 5-year-olds

are invited to Room 104 for age-appropriate activities.

Kindergarteners and older are welcome to stay in worship.


Prayer for Illumination

The First Lesson Genesis 1:1-8Pew Bible, Old Testament. Pg. 1

The Second Lesson Mark 1:16-20Pew Bible, New Testament Pg. 35

This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God!

SermonGod Calls Worlds and Humans into Being

The Rev. Dr. Donald N. Nichols


*Affirmation of Faith Salem Church Covenant 1629

We covenant with the Lord and one with another and do bynd our selves in the presence of God, to walke together in all his waies, according as he is please to reveale himself unto us in his blessed word of truth.

Prayers of the People, Silent Reflection and The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

*Hymn 434Today We All Are Called to Be Disciples KINGSFOLD

*Charge and Benediction

Voluntary Allegro giocoso from Suite Modale Ernst Bloch

Funding for summer soloists is provided by the

Brideweser Music Endowment Fund.

Welcome to our worship this morning!

Join us for coffee and fellowship

in Wright-Herberich Hall after worship today.

THE FLOWERS IN THE CHANCEL are given by Jim Mismas and Bruce Stebner in loving memory of Jim’s Mother, Ann Mismas.

USHERS Brad Hall (head usher), James Lee, Sook Lee, Bob Pulling, Andi Jopperi and Mike Grau.

LARGE PRINT BULLETINS are available. Please ask an usher.

HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES are available. Please ask an usher.

CHILDREN’S BIBLES AND ACTIVITY BOXES are available in the Narthex. Please ask an usher.


CHURCH WIDE NOMINATING COMMITTEE is accepting recommendations for the positions of elder, deacon, endowment trustee and nominating committee member.Please enter your suggestions on the flyer in the literature racks and submit to the office no later thanSunday, August 20.Thank you for helping identify our church leaders!

A CONGREGATIONAL MEETING will be heldonSunday, August 27following worship. The purpose of the meeting is to elect new officers to serve in the life of our church.

OUR ANNUAL LABOR DAY POTLUCK PICNIC will be heldat the church on Sunday, September 3 following 10:30 worship. Bring a dish to share, chicken and drinks will be provided by Discipleship. Please also bring your own place settings. Sign-up at the Connection Point in Wright-Herberich Hall and let us know you are coming. Fun, fellowship and food for all!

ACME CASH BACK PROGRAM has resumed. Please ask family and friends to save Acme receipts from August 10 – December 30, 2017. Drop the receipts in the boxes at the church doors. The Presbyterian Women earn 5% on all Acme products purchased and use the proceeds to support missions. Thank you for your support.

NEW CHILDREN’S CHOIR DIRECTOR Zack Troyer has recently graduated from Firestone Community Learning Center and the Akron School for the Arts as a voice major. He was a member of the Men's Chorus, Symphonic Choir, and the Vocal Jazz Small Ensemble. He spent time helping middle school students at Litchfield Middle School preparing for OMEA. He was a 6year member of the Heid's ETC School of Musical Arts, and was a dance captain for the Main Street Singers his junior and senior year. Zack will be attending the Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music working towards a double major in vocal performance and music education studying under Jim Mismas. He sang in the choir at Westminster Presbyterian last season and is looking forward to many more years of teaching, learning, and music making. Please take the time to welcome Zack!

Monthly Financial Report

July 2017 / Actual / Budget / YTD Actual / YTD Budget
Total Revenues / $45,291.10 / $44,354.74 / $371,693.92 / **$359,763.36
Total Expenses / $49,264.84 / $53,408.33 / $338,519.44 / $368,952.10
Net / (3,973.74) / ($9,053.59) / $33,174.48 / ($9,188.74)

**Budgeted total revenues include anticipated withdrawals from Rowley investments necessary to balance the budget totaling $63,138 for the year.

Please contact the Finance Office if you would like a copy of the

financial report detail for the period ending July 30, 2017.


Sign-upsare happening before and after worship in WHH. Sign-ups are on the glass top table by the library door. Please select your time and take a flyer with important information about your photo session. Photo Session Dates: Thursday, September 14 from 2:00-8:30 pm. Friday, September 15 from 2:00-8:30 pm and Saturday, September 16 from 10:30 am-5:00 pm.


Online sign-ups are on going. Please note that the online sign-ups are suspended during the weekend so double bookings do not occur due to manual sign-ups on Sundays. The logincan be found on our website under the page CHURCH PHOTO DIRECTORY. Click on the HERE link, enter church code oh2028then enterchurch password wpc


Volunteers are needed to help the Membership Committee organize the sign-ups for the new pictorial directory. Volunteers are needed on September 3 and September 10, before and after the 10:30 worship service, to help attendees pick a time and date for their photo session. We also need volunteers to help on the photo session dates (September 14, 15, 16) to guide people through the process. Contact Germaine Wilson if you are available to help at or 330-836-2226. Let her know the dates you are available.

Calendar of Church Building Events

August 20 – 27, 2017

Sunday, 8/20:

8:30 amEarly Morning Worship (Johnstone Patio)

10:00 amChild Care Center opens

10:30 am Worship(Sanctuary)

11:30 amCoffee and fellowship (Wright-Herberich Hall)

5:00 pmThird Sunday Dinner (Wright-Herberich Hall)

Monday, 8/21:

12:o0 pm Membership Meeting (Library)

Tuesday, 8/22: No activities scheduled

Wednesday, 8/23:

4:00 pmBridges Out of Poverty (Wright-Herberich Hall/Library)

Thursday, 8/24:

9:30 amStaff Meeting (Library)

Friday, 8/25:No activities planned

Saturday, 8/26:

9:00 amCeltic Garden

Sunday, 8/27: Ordination Sunday

8:30 amEarly Morning Worship/Communion (Johnstone Patio)

9:30 amTween and Parent Meeting (Tween Room)

10:00 amChild Care Center opens

10:30 am Worship/Ordination(Sanctuary)

11:30 amCongregational Meeting (Sanctuary)

11:30 amGodly Play Teachers Meeting (Room 105)

11:30 amCoffee and fellowship (Wright-Herberich Hall)

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am–2:00 pm

  • We do our best to answer your phone calls weekday mornings.
  • You may be directed to our automated answering service at other times.
  • We strive to provide access to the church building during office hours through our callbox in the rear of the church building.
  • Please call ahead and inquire about building access if you are coming after 2:00 pm.

WEEKLY DEADLINE for information to be included in the Sunday Update and Sunday bulletin is Wednesday at noon.

OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2017 SCRIPT deadline is September 13, 2017. Please have your articles about activities into the church office by 12:00 noon that day. The publication date will be Sunday, September 24, 2017. Please include information for October and November and preliminary information about December activities if you would like to publicize in advance.

WPC Staff:

The Reverend Jonathan S. Hauerwas, Pastor

(cell phone 330-606-4551) (weekly office days: Monday - Thursday)

Sheila Svoboda, Dir. of Children and Family

(weekly office days: Tuesday and Thursday)

James Mismas, Director of Music/Organist

Eileen Martinez, Staff

(weekly office days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday)

Germaine Wilson, Director of Communication

(weekly office days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Jeremiah Ward, Daytime Custodian (Monday-Friday)

Sean Williams, Youth Ministry

(cell phone 717-271-1221)

Zack Troyer, Director of Children’s Choir

(cell phone 330-645-5184

Kayla Elefritz, Childcare

(cell phone 330-564-7580)

Becky Harlow, Sunday and Special Events Attendant

(cell phone 941-779-3099)