Heron Cay Homeowners Association, Inc.
November 10, 2015
An Open Information Meeting was called to order by Elsie Quintero, president, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Following the pledge of allegiance a moment of silence was observed in memory of those who had passed away.
The minutes of the October 13 Open Meeting were approved.
The treasurer’s report has been accepted by the Board and is available for review by members in the office on request.
Elsie Quintero presented a certificate of appreciation to Bob Towle and to Maureen Peterson for their contributions to the safety and security of the community through Neighborhood Watch.
President’s Report
Elsie Quintero reviewed items discussed with Penny Markland, park manager.
- golf cart parking area located; paving next year
- plantings added along entry
- vents in clubhouse cleaned; plans to clean stage curtain
- plans to add sun block on windows in auditorium
- pool furniture to be cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis
- correction explored for timing of pool lights and clubhouse entry
- use of library to be limited to library purposes
- one-way travel considered for clubhouse entry circle
- irrigation options under considerations
- financial contribution received from ELS for newsletter and website
- complaint form on website can accept pictures
Committee Reports
- Welcoming – replacement of chair will be enlisted; plans to be reviewed
- Sunshine – Get well wishes extended to Bob Towle
- Nominating – Pauline Moldenhauer expressed need for candidates; final slate of candidates due at December 1 Board of Directors meeting
- Communication – John Meikle reported updates on website; urged residents to check spam folder to assure receipt of newsletter and blasts
He offered to assist residents to set up filters for smart phones
-- Marilyn Meikle noted the Thursday deadline for updates of data for ResidentTelephone Directory to assure entries of newcomers. A team of volunteers will convene to proofread data.
-- Elsie noted that contributions from advertisers pay for printing.
-- Membership – Elsie asked that newcomers bring proof of ownership to assure membership eligibility. She noted the importance of membership to strengthen communication with management.
- Marilyn Meikle accepted dues from 23 members tonight.
-- Safety / Security – Bob McGill and Nancy Dawe have assumed positions as co-captains of Neighborhood Watch. The next meeting is at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, December 1. Nancy reminds all of the 15 mph speed limit and of the bikers & walkers rules of the road. In questionable circumstances call 911 or 978-6240 non-emergency.
Bob McGill noted the availability of nextdoor.com for early and timely reports.
-- Mary Ann Strickulis reported that a team of residents is trained as part of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). HAM operators can be enlisted to help.
She encouraged investigation of the installation of AED for early intervention.
-- Legislation – Gwen Ripp noted the availability of the revised Chapter 723 from the State. Call 1-850-488-1122 for a free copy of this governing document.
She encouraged membership in FMO as or agent with the State and legislature.
-- Sports – Gwen Ripp issued a last call for shuffleboard participants in the upcoming tourney. The tournament will begin in January.
-- Social – Elsie reported that 23 vendors will be available at the November 21 Craft Fair.
-- A Chinese Auction is scheduled for items submitted by Directors.
-- Diane Giaccio noted the many participating in the accompanying bake sale.
-- Elsie noted that a Christmas Dog Parade is scheduled for December 6 at 1:00 PM.
-- Kathy Hill reported that Bingo games are held on the second Sunday of each month.
-- Ralph Giaccio noted that the VeteransMemorialMonument is to be dedicated at a brief ceremony at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, November 11.
-- Al Sandham reported that future bus trips are being considered.
-- Ruth Stevens reported that Fun ‘n Games is offering a lunch on November 11. A Veterans Dance is scheduled on November 14. Thanksgiving dinner is planned here, with F&G preparing the essentials and participants donating a vegetable dish or dessert. Volunteers are asked to assist in decorating the community for the holidays on Saturday, November 28.
Open Discussion
-- Paul Mesaros reported that the extensive holiday lights and music display at his home will be initiated on the day after Thanksgiving.
-- Mary Ann Strickulis asked for participants to join in a singing group planned for the gazebo.
-- Ralph Giaccio urged attention by ELS to operation of the hot tub.
-- Esther Pernesiglio urged attention by ELS to the lighting at the RV storage area and encouraged installation at that site of motion sensor cameras.
The Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.
The 50-50 in the amount of $ 40 was awarded.
Respectfully submitted,
Gwendolyn G. Ripp