DHH Program Communique | Access and Accommodations

Hello Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Student(s):

A number of accommodations, supports, and services are available to Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) students who require them to ensure access to the learning environment. This letter will help you to understand some of the types of accommodations, supports, and services available and will outline important information about the role of the DHH program in supporting students with accessing them. On the second page of this letter, we offer an opportunity to provide us with information and input about the decisions, preferences, and expectations your family has discussed in regards to these types of accommodations, supports, and services so that we can work to provide support and communication throughout the year. Once you have had an opportunity to discuss this together, make decisions, and complete the attached form, please return it to us at your earliest convenience.

Some examples of learning accommodations which may be available, depending on individual needs, include the use of technology, listening devices or interpreters, additional time for assignments and/or exams, preferential seating, a writer and/or scribe, and/or other resources or supports. These accommodations often seek to ensure access to instruction, information, and communication. In high school students are required to track the accommodations they use in order to access them on exams.

All accommodations, supports, and services approved for a student are documented on the Individualized Program Plan (IPP) and students may then access the accommodations across a variety of learning and/or exam situations. Once approved and documented on the IPP, students may choose when to access them and how they prefer to use them within the appropriate use guidelines for each. We encourage you to discuss the use of accommodations, supports, services, and technology with your child/family so that students understand the expectations parents have for them and so that parents are aware of student preferences. As a program, we will work to support your decisions, provide feedback and information to you, and to support students in developing the skills required to make good decisions for their own learning.

It is important to note that if a student has indicated a preference not to use one or more of their approved accommodations during the upcoming school year, we are able to revisit the accommodation access for students throughout the year, as needed. Please rest assured that the accommodations available to DHH students will remain documented on the Individualized Program Plan (IPP) so that individual students have flexibility in accessing the accommodations over time and so that students who have opted not to use accommodations or technology can opt back in at any time. It is important to be aware that documentation of these accommodations in the IPP does not mean that the student has to make use of that accommodation at all times, or at all if they do not want to, but rather indicates that the opportunity to access the indicated accommodations, supports, or services is available should it be of interest to the student. This said, it is important to also know that Alberta Education has specific requirements for requesting and approving the use of accommodations for provincial exams. We work with students on this throughout the year, submit the request forms for them, and help them to document their use throughout each semester so that we are able to gain approval.

If you have any questions, concerns, or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact one of the DHH Program teachers so that we can work together in the best interest of your child.

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program Team,

DHH Students: Name: ____________________

Please tell us about your learning accommodation needs and your preferences for the upcoming school year. We want to hear your voice about what works for you in different situations and what is helpful so that we can best support you in your learning.

Don’t worry if your needs or preferences change – we will still make all of the accommodations available to you and they will still be documented on your IPP so that you can access them at any time. As your needs and preferences change, just let us know and let your parents know so that we can work to support you and respect your preferences.

After you have filled out this form, please show it to your parents and have a discussion with them so that they understand what works for you, what does not work for you, and why. Once you have discussed your needs and preferences with your parents, have them sign this sheet and return it to school as soon as you can.

Please circle your preference and complete the sentence.

v I want to / do not want to use a sign language interpreter or VRI. Indicate when you do want to: ____________________________________.

v I want to / do not want to access an Education Assistant. Indicate when you do want to: ____________________________________.

v I want to / do not want to access a Teacher of the Deaf. Indicate when you do want to: ____________________________________.

v I want to / do not want to use my hearing aids or cochlear implant. Indicate when you do want to: __________________________________.

v I want to / do not want to use a personal FM system. Indicate when you do want to: ______________________________________________.

v I want to / do not want to use closed captioning on TV and movies. Indicate when you do want to: __________________________________.

v I want to / do not want to use real-time voice-to-text services (CART) or scribe, if available. Indicate when you do want to: __________________. I prefer a human/technology.

v I want to / do not want to use extra time accommodations. Indicate when you do want to: ____________________________________.

v I want to / do not want to use preferential seating accommodations. Indicate when you do want to: ___________________.

v I want to/do not want to use a Reader. Indicate when you do want to: _____________________________

v I want to/do not want to use a Intervenor. Indicate when you do want to: _______________________________

v I want to/do not want to have extra time. Indicate when you do want to. ___________________________________

v I want to/do not want to have frequent breaks. Indicate when you do want to. _______________________

v I want to/do not want to have Exams on CD. Indicate when you do want to. ______________________________

*Please note that many of our Deaf and Hard of Hearing classrooms are now outfitted with acoustic modifications. Most classrooms throughout the school also make use of acoustic materials (i.e. Hushhups/Quiet Feet, etc.).

Student Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _____________________________

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