Vantage Learning and MY Access! Product/Program Descriptions for use in Conference/Other Descriptions
Please note – these are the officially approved versions of our About Vantage Learning and About MY Access! for marketing purposes. You’ll see these used on our collateral, our websites, our press releases, and conference program descriptions
The Vantage Learning descriptions have been approved by Bob P. in terms of our mention of specific clients, etc., and all have been approved by Marketing and/or Product Marketing for branding purposes. Please do not alter these without checking with Marketing first, as it is very important for us to maintain our consistency of branding!
About Vantage Learning – Short (122 words)
Delivering more than 193 million online test transactions last year, Vantage Learning is recognized as the leader in cost-effective, high volume, secure, scalable online assessment and instructional programs for K-12 and higher education. Leveraging technology such as artificial intelligence, natural language understanding, and web-based learning objects, Vantage provides educators with high-quality tools and resources that motivate students to learn and that create meaningful interactions between students, parents and teachers.
Acknowledged by industry leaders as the gold standard for scoring quality, consistency, reliability, and scalability of automated essay scoring using the patented IntelliMetric® engine, Vantage Learning has received accolades ranging from the prestigious CODiE Award for best instructional technology to recognition by Eduventures as one of the eight most innovative educational technology companies.
About Vantage Learning – Long (225 words)
Delivering over 193 million test transactions last year, Vantage Learning is the world’s leading provider of online assessment and reporting, automated essay scoring, and instructional writing tools and technology. Recognized as the gold standard for scoring quality, consistency, reliability, and scalability, Vantage Learning’s award-winning education tools meet the needs of school and district administrators, teachers, students, parents, businesses and government agencies.
The Vantage Learning Platform™ (VLP) is designed as a secure, functionally-rich, flexible and cost-effective testing platform for those that need a comprehensive Internet-based test authoring, delivery, scoring, and reporting platform. VLP is used for summative, formative and benchmark assessment systems as well as for test preparation.
Vantage developed IntelliMetric™, the first automated essay scoring technology in the world to reach human level performance and score responses to open-ended and constructed-response questions instantly over the Internet using advanced artificial intelligence technology. IntelliMetric provides the core technology for Vantage Learning’s MY Access!® writing instructional program, and is utilized by agencies such as The College Entrance Examination Board, ACT, the Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®) and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) for college readiness and admissions testing.
Vantage Learning has won numerous awards ranging from the prestigious CODiE Award for best instructional program to the Technology and Learning Award of Excellence to recognition in Eduventures as one of the eight most innovative educational technology companies.
About Vantage Learning– Extremely Short (30 Words)
Delivering over 193 million test transactions last year, Vantage Learning ( is the world’s leading provider of online assessment and reporting, automated essay scoring, and instructional writing tools and technology.
About MY Access!® (250 words)
MY Access!® is an online instructional writing program designed for students in grades 4-12 and at the college level. Designed to diagnose and assess the writing ability of students, MY Access! dramatically improves writing skills and helps students prepare for high-stakes writing events.
MY Access! features a fun, interactive writing environment that offers unlimited opportunities to write and prescriptive feedback thatmotivates students to edit, learn and write some more. Its award-winning automated scoring engine, IntelliMetric™, grades essays immediately with a holistic (overall) score and analytic scores on five specific domains of writing. All work is stored in an online portfolio so students can view their progress, improve their weaknesses, and bolster their strengths. Since MY Access! is a web-based program, students can work on their assignments anywhere and anytime they have access to a computer and the Internet.
While MY Access! is known to drive student learning, it’s also an invaluable tool for teachers. Instead of spending time grading papers, teachers can focus on targeted instruction for areas that need improvement. Using MY Access!, educators have seen their students edit and revise the same essay as many as 12 times in order to improve their score! MY Access! can also help non-native speakers master the English language by providing feedback in their native tongue, such as Spanish and Chinese. Plus, comprehensive reports keep educators and administrators up-to-date on student progress and pinpoint areas in need of intervention, so students can achieve their full academic potential.
About MY Access!® (75 words)
MY Access!® is an award-winning, web-delivered instructional program that diagnoses and assesses the writing ability of students in grades 4-12 and at the college level. With MY Access!, students are motivated to write more and attain higher scores on writing assessments. The program’s powerful scoring engine grades students’ essays instantly and provides targeted feedback, freeing teachers from grading thousands of papers by hand and giving them more time to conduct differentiated instruction and curriculum planning.
About MY Access!® (50 words)
MY Access!® is Vantage Learning’s award-winning, web-delivered instructional writing program proven to dramatically improve student’s writing skills in as few as six weeks.By instantly scoring assignments and providing detailed feedback, MY Access! motivates students to write frequently and enables teachers to make timely, data-driven decisions for successful differentiated instruction.
About MY Access!® (35 words)
MY Access!® is Vantage Learning’s award-winning, web-based instructional writing program that scores student essays instantly. The robust online reports provide up-to-the-minute student performance data, enabling teachers to make timely, data-driven decisions for successful differentiated instruction.
About MY Access!® (25 words)
There are 2 versions to choose from:
Version 1
MY Access!® is an award-winning, web-delivered instructional program that diagnoses and assesses the writing ability of students in grades K-12 and at the college level.
Version 2
MY Access!® is an award-winning online instructional program that improves student writing proficiency by encouraging students to revise their writing in response to immediate feedback.