Foundation Stage 2 TERMLY PLANNER AutumnFirst Half Term Topic: All About Me
Wk 1:1.9.14Settling in
3 day week / Wk 2: 8.9.14
All About Me / Wk 3: 15.9.14
Hearing / Wk 4: 22.9.14
Sight / Wk 5: 29.9.14
Jubilee Open Afternoon 2-4pm Evening 7-10pm
Jewish festival Yom Kippur (Day of Attonment). 4.10.14Muslim festival of Eid Al-Addha 4.10.14 / Wk 6: 6.10.14
Smell / Wk 7: 13.10.14
Harvest festival 14.10.14 / Wk 8: 20.10.14
Diwali 23.10.14
Role play / Home corner / Home corner / Home corner / Home corner / Shop / Shop / Home corner / Home corner
PSED / Welcoming the new children and getting to know each other, and the rules/ expectations of class/ school.
Playing circle games to help the children learn each other’s names. / Getting to know each other, and the rules/ expectations of class/ school.
Playing circle games to help the children learn each other’s names / SEAL: New beginnings Making someone feel welcome: continue name games. / SEAL: Doing something brave/ overcoming feelings of fearfulness.
Discuss greetings – refer to bunting. / Try first whole school assembly
SEAL: Solving a problem/
remembering to use problem-solving process / SEAL:
Calming down/ helping someone to calm down.
Preparing for Harvest Festival discussing sharing with those who have less than we do. / 14th October Harvest Assembly Tuesday am
SEAL: Reflect and review / Discussion about looking after resources/tidying up in the classroom.
Discussing Diwali
CLL / Story time reading a selection of stories.
Giving library books. / To introduce the skills for good speaking and listening; news verbally; adult modelling recalling an event. Recalling a favourite event from the weekend.
Introducing ORT characters – follow-up with colouring sheets. / News followed by recording in yellow books as appropriate to the children’s ability using drawing and writing. / ‘All About Me’ booklets / Setting up a shop, children to choose which type of shop. Introduce writing a list in group time. Adult to support use of lists in role-play. / Bring in and discuss your favourite book – circle time.
Writing/drawing favourite book for display. / News writing / Focus on rhyme.
Input – a story containing lots of rhyme, children to circle rhyming words and consider alternatives
Follow on: Slug in a jug
Maths / Number: Singing number rhymes, counting in games and other familiar contexts. / Number: Singing number rhymes, counting in games and other familiar contexts. / Number: Recognising and ordering numbers and counting.
Counting games. / Shape: describing and using familiar shapes in pictures and models / Data handling about ourselves/ families - pictograms / Size: Comparing and ordering objects according to their size. / Number: Introduce basic addition. / Rangoli patterns Diwali art
ICT / Tour of the school, what are the different parts of our school? What do we do there? Rules and routines / Learning about school and the classroom. Introducing different areas of classroom and the variety of resources/ activities they may choose. / Hearing – sound walks, Bingo Soundtracks, discussing hearing impairments, L&S Ph1 games / Sight – discussing blindness, role of the eye, blind drawing, object memory game / Touch – feely boxes, messy play, describing / Smell – parts of the nose, describing smells, favourite smell / Taste – how bread is made. Tasting bread from around the world. / Family – family trees
Free choice of classroom computers / Free choice of classroom computers / Introducing ICT suite rules and routines – exploring Tux Paint – a picture of our favourite part of school so far.
/ Introducing Education City - UW / Introducing Type with Tizzy / Education City - maths / Draw fruit in a fruit bowl on Purple Mash. Drag to label fruits. / No ICT – 4 day week
PD / Circle games in the Hall e.g. rolling ball across the circle. / Explain safety rules for PE.
Attempt getting changed and playing games / Developing throwing skills with beanbags / Developing throwing skills with balls (range of sizes) / Parachute games / Parachute games / Dance: Let’s move- light and dark; session 1 to see what I can see. Autumn 97 / Dance: Let’s move- light and dark; session 2 Sunlight, dark night. Autumn 97
Music / To paint a self-portrait, free choice painting and drawing. Hand printing to make helper hands. / Finish off self-portraits.
Drawing family pictures. / Painting to music / Blind drawing / Paint printing with different resources / Cut and stick activity / Harvest festival art – choose observational painting or collage.
Vegetable printing. / Continue with harvest festival art – choose observational painting or collage.
Vegetable printing.
Singing number songs / Sing familiar songs and introduce clapping patterns. / To learn/ practice different clapping patterns and keeping the beat. / Senses songs with actions / Introduce an instrument e.g. egg shakers.
Start learning Harvest Festival song / Harvest Festival song / Sing nursery rhymes accompanied with music. / Continue nursery rhymes – linked to Literacy. Action songs.