Accelerated English 1
Course Syllabus / Ms. Gianna Castoria
Classroom: B21

OverviewEnglish 1 is a required course for graduation. Using the MS College and Career Readiness state standards, the scope of the course is to comprehend and analyze text and the rhetoric used by the author in order to write substantiated conclusions while focusing on the grammar and mechanics of the English language.

Evaluation and GradingStudents will be evaluated on class participation, daily assignments, homework, tests/exams, projects, and essays. Parents will be kept informed of student progress via Powerschool, progress reports, and report cards. DeSoto Central High uses a 10-point grading scale for all assignments.

English Breakdown:
40% - Tests
25% - Essays/Projects
20% - Exams (2)
15% - Daily Grades

Cheating and Plagiarism
There is a ZERO tolerance policy for cheating and/or plagiarism on ANY graded assignment. If a student is caught cheating/plagiarizing the offending student will receive an automatic grade of “0” with no chance to make up assignment, parent/guardian will be contacted, and if warranted, student/s will be referred to DCHS administration. There are no exceptions to this policy. Be honest.

Late Assignments
For unexcused absences late assignments will be accepted with a 10-point deduction per missed day for up to 4 days. Students with an excused absence will follow late assignments policy as stated in the DCHS Student Handbook.

Remind 101 - Acc Eng 1: Text @28632h to 81010
Google Classroom – log in with DCHS issued email address. Class code: lzyb8m

MaterialsComposition/1 Subject Notebook (kept in class)BinderPencilPen (Blue or Black Ink)HighlightersDCHS Student Planner

Classroom Rules
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Engaged
4. Follow all rules established in the DCHS student handbook and classroom procedures.

1st offense: Verbal Warning
2nd offense: Disciplinary Assignment and Parent Contact
3rd offense: referral to administration and parent/teacher conference

EXTRA CREDIT (+5, limited 3 items)
Disinfecting Wipes
College Ruled Paper