P.O. Box 681
Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Bradley Chapter Meeting
June 2, 2010
7:00 p.m. – Bradley H.S. – Aux Commons
Officers: D. Manger, D. Lairson
Chairs: D. Fralick, N. Hunkar, F. Hoop, K. Graham, Cheryl Vassaux
Directors: M. Oppenheimer
Also in attendance: Chris Vassaux, Leslie VanLaningham, Gabriele Colon, Brenda Ribble
1. Douglas Manger opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m.
a. Fred Hoop moved to accept the February, March, April and May minutes. Donna Fralick 2nd.
b. D. Manger turned the meeting over to Chris Vassaux, current Bradley Chapter Vice President.
2. Treasurer Report –
a. Nationwide payments need to be added to Charms. Everything else should be up to date.
3. Committee Updates:
a. Charms –
i. Charms has been rolled over to next year.
ii. Incoming freshmen choir list needs to be loaded. Everyone else has been loaded.
iii. There will be a link to a classified section in the near future. This will be a great way to sell used instruments, hats, shoes, etc.
b. Concessions –
i. Spring season was a very big success.
ii. F. Hoop personally thanked Gabriele Colon, Donna Fralick and his wife for their hard work.
c. Fundraising –
i. We have an opportunity to sell Flyers cards. We could make $6 per card.
ii. We will be moving ahead with the fundraising opportunity presented at the April meeting. This is a student fundraiser where a portion of the proceeds will go into the student accounts.
iii. Krispy Kreme donuts will be sold again in the fall.
d. Ice Cream Social – Keri Graham shared that the supplies for the ice cream social are well on their way to being donated. There will not be any cost for the ice cream social.
4. Current Business
a. F. Hoop formally thanked Doug Manger for his years of service to HMB.
5. Program Updates
a. Band –
i. M. Oppenheimer reported that so far we have 8 or 9 bands signed up for the Hilliard invitational (including our three) so far.
ii. Permanent color guard uniforms are being ordered.
iii. Thirty new band uniforms have been purchased.
iv. The district gave $12,000 for new instruments.
v. Lisa Galvin is writing the contest show. Practice for the show will begin tomorrow.
vi. A trombone clinician will be coming to work with low brass. This is a student from Ohio University.
vii. PhD students from OSU and Indiana University will be helping with band camp.
viii. June 14th, there will be a percussion band camp.
ix. M. Oppenheimer will not be available over the next few weeks. He will be ready to begin again for percussion band camp and parade week.
x. The leadership team for next year is ready to go.
xi. We will have two shows for next year.
xii. There are three weeks of camp. There is money set aside for band camp. M. Oppenheimer would like to keep the children at camp all day one week. This would involve feeding the children lunch and dinner. He would like the children to pack for lunch and dinner will be provided. Leslie VanLaningham has agreed to be in charge of dinners for the week.
xiii. D. Manger shared that we have a verbal donation of manpower and equipment to build the band tower from Turner Construction. He has also applied for a $1500 grant from Sam’s Club for materials.
b. Choir – not present
c. Orchestra – not present
6. Our next meeting will be August 4, 2010 at 7 pm in the Auxiliary Commons.
7. Motion to adjourn made by L. VanLaningham and seconded by N. Hunkar.
8. The meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm.
Minutes submitted for review and acceptance by D. Lairson – June 2, 2010.