Pediatric Imaging Council Board Meeting
Sunday, June 10, 2012, 7:00am-8:30am, Room C223
Miami Beach Convention, Miami Beach Florida
Members in Attendance:
Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH; Susan Sharp, MD; Gunsel Acikgoz, MD; Mike Gelfand, MD; Fred Grant, MD; Massoud Majd, MD; Helen Nadel, MD; Ted Treves, MD; Zvi Bar-Sever, MD; Ruth Lim, MD; Meg Parisi, MD; Fred Fahey, DSc
Guests in Attendance:
Chris Fahey
Staff in Attendance:
Sabrina Robinson
1. Welcome and Call to Order:
Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH, Council President called the meeting to order at 7:26am.
No Quorum was established
2. Financial Report:
Susan Sharp, MD, Council Secretary/Treasurer gave the financial report. The membership is slightly down from what expected, generally down for everyone, can get more as year progresses, expenditures have been on par or on budget.
3. Membership Report:
Susan Sharp, MD, Council Secretary/Treasurer gave the membership report, total numbers down, currently at 144 members (99 physicians and scientists and 45 technologist). Numbers are slightly higher than anticipated, close to previous years, equal to 2010 and close to 2011.
4. Educational Activities:
Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH reviewed the Council’s current education activities. The Council had 4 CME’s this year instead of 3 and one categorical course.
5. Intern Update:
Meg Parisi, MD gave an update on the intern project, which is coming along, it is a slightly more difficult task than previously expected.
6. Stand Alone Pediatric NM meeting:
Ted Treaves, MD discussed the idea of promoting PET in pediatrics. The Board discussed organizing something in conjunction with the 2013 Annual Meeting in Vancouver Canada.
7. Image Gently Collaboration Update:
Ted Treaves, MD gave an update on consensus guidelines from 2010. From which a couple of articles were published in 2011. We reached out to the EANM and suggested it would be good to work with them and collaborate about dose reduction, they will be having their Annual Meeting in Milan in October 2012.
8. Pediatric Dose Reduction Update:
Mike Gelfand, MD gave a report and passed out a handout on the dose reduction initiative. There was a survey on people who get the CT. It would be good to see of the posters that went out, how many actually ended up on hot lab walls, survey those and see if they are changing anything they are doing.
9. Communications:
Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH discussed the Council’s accomplishments. There was a Fall 2011 and a Spring 2012 Newsletter. The website is being updated all the time.
10. Election Update:
Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH gave an update and introduced the newly elected board members Susan Sharp, MD was elected to the new position of Vice President.
Dr. Beth Hingsbergen has agreed to serve the remainder of the Secretary/Treasurer role, which will end in June 2013.
New Board members (2) Zvi Bar-Sever, MD and Ruth Lim, MD.
Dr. Spottswood also reviewed the officer roles and responsibilities hoping to get more volunteers to participate in the committees that are in the SOP’s.
11. Business Planning for 2012/2013:
Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH discussed the goals and objectives for 2013. The Council has submitted one session for the MWM 2013, we will find out if it has been accepted in July.
12. Adjournment:
Stephanie Spottswood, MD, MSPH adjourned the meeting at 8:23am.