Interlibrary Loan in MeridianSchool District
(January, 2007)
I. Purpose
The purpose of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) in MeridianSchool District is to provide a means to share resources for academic purposes among staff throughout the district libraries.
II. Definitions
1.District Librariesinclude elementary and secondary libraries. Service is extended to district alternative schools. Charter schools should build their own library collections and loan systems.
2.Borrowing library refers to thehome libraryof the patron where the request for the loan of resource(s) originates.
3.Lending library refers to the library that owns the resource(s) being requested.
4.Patron refers to district employees who borrow the resource(s).
III. General Guidelines
1.Library materials (books, AV media, class sets) are available for ILLaccording to the discretion of the lending library. Equipment may be shared at the discretion of the lending library and the building principal.
2.The primary factor in determining “availability” will be the curricular needs of the staff and students of the lending library.
3.The loan request will originate in the patron’s home libraryand will follow established procedures.
4.The patron will be subject to the lost/damage fees of the lending library.
IV. Library Responsibilities
1.Librarian will train staff in ILL procedures and policies.
2.Librarianwill publicize and promote the program at the building level.
3.Librarian will inform borrowers about procedures (due dates, lost book fees).
4.Libraries will adhere to established ILL procedures and policies.
5.Fees for lost or damaged resources will be assessed by the lending library, collected by the borrowing library and remitted to the lending library.
V. Patron Responsibilities
1.Patron should be in good standing at his/herhome library.
2.Patron will return resources to his/her home library by the indicated due date.
3.Patron will assume responsibility for all resources borrowed, including payment of lost/damage fines.
VII. Procedures
A. Borrowing & Lending Procedures
1.Loan requests may originate with the borrowing library or patron.
2.Librarians or the assistants under their supervision will facilitate all ILL requests.
3.Lending library will determine the due date, and use the most appropriate means of sending the resource and a separate ILL form (including the replacement cost of the item) for each item to the borrowing library, not directly to the patron.
4.Patron will collect the item from the librarian at the borrowing library and will sign a separate Interlibrary Loan Form for each item to acknowledge acceptance of responsibility.
5.If the resource requested is not available for ILL, it is the responsibility of the recipient of the request (at the lending library) to notify the librarian at the borrowing library directly.
6.To request a renewal of a resource, the patron should contact the librarian at his/her home library prior to the due date. The borrowing library should telephone the lending library to request an extension in the borrowing period.
- If the lending library agrees to the renewal, the lending library, borrowing library and the patron should immediately record the new due date.
- If the lending library does not agree to renew the resource, the patron will return it on or before the due date.
B. Recalling a Resource
If the lending library has an extreme need for a resource that has been borrowed, the lending library may telephonethe borrowing library to seek its return before the due date. Upon notification, the patron should return the resource in the agreed amount of time.
C. Returning a Resource
The borrowing library will record the date returned, inspect the resource for damage, and will return the resource to the lending library ASAP.
D. Overdue, Damaged or Lost Resources
1.Transactions involving materials not returned following two overdue notices should be referred to the borrowing library’s principal, then to the District Library Coordinator.
2.If necessary, the lending library or the borrowing library may originate an lost/damaged resource report.
3.Written damage/lost notices should be sent to the patron through the borrowing library. Replacement cost is defined as current list price of in-print resources, as verified in Books in Print, the publisher's catalog or another source, plus a standard processing fee. For out-of-print resources, an equivalent title may be agreed upon, within the same price range.
4.Replacement/repair of a lost/destroyed resource should be via a method mutually agreed upon between the two libraries.If problems arise concerning a transaction that cannot be resolved among the librarians and the patron, they should be referred to the appropriate building principals, then to the District Library Coordinator