It is the time of year when we begin the Middle School Scheduling Process! Shortly after returning from WINTER BREAK, counselors from Brookland Middle School will be visiting Dumbarton to talk with all 5th Grade students about middle school scheduling. In Henrico County, we will be using the POWERSCHOOL system for this process. (If you have had older students that went through the process in the last few years, you may be familiar with the interface used.) **Even if your child applied to the IB Program at Moody, they should STILL proceed as if they will be going to Brookland until they hear otherwise (decisions mailed after 5pm on February 26th). Schedules will be adjusted at a later date if accepted.
Here are some helpful web resources that I have put together to aid in this process. With the help of these resources, you will have 24/7 access to information in order to answer any questions you may have.
*Mrs. Mayo will be getting an influx of phone calls during this time and, therefore, response time may be delayed. If you have internet access, please use the following as a resource before calling to avoid an extended wait time to have your questions answered. Of course, she will make every effort to get back with you as soon as possible. Please understand that her services are very student centered and she is working with students most of the day. Mrs. Mayo will return calls during breaks or afterschool. Your understanding is appreciated!
Presentation from Middle School Transition Workshop on 10/5:
Mrs. Mayo’s Blog – “Middle School Transition” Section:
Brookland Middle School Website:
(804) 261-5001
Brookland Middle School Counseling Website/Blog:
(804) 261-5007
Moody Middle School and M.Y.P. I.B. Website:
(804) 261-5024
January 7th, 2016- 9:00am-9:30am
BMS Counselors visit and talk with students about scheduling
January 21, 2016
Curriculum Night at Brookland Middle School
(A flier will be send home with more details at a later date.)
February 15th-19th, 2016
Parent Window Open
(To confirm recommendations and choose electives)
March 7, 2016
Recommendations sent home for parent signatures
March 11, 2016
Signed recommendation sheets (yellow) due
STEP 1: During parent visitation (Parent/Teacher Conferences), on February 15th, teachers will go over course recommendations for middle school. Teachers will have copies and instructions for the POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL to hand to you at the end of your child’s scheduled conference. Copies will also be sent home to accommodate parents who are unable to attend conferences.
STEP 2: Parents will then go home, discuss these recommendations with their student and confirm/review recommendations/choose electives online through the POWERSCHOOL PARENT PORTAL. (Parents who do not have computer/internet access will have the opportunity to use computers in the DES Library to confirm recommendations and choose electives during conferences.)
**Mrs. Mayo, School Counselor will be set up in the library during conferences to assist parents and answer questions. **(Parent Window: February 15th-19th, 2016)
STEP 3: Mrs. Mayo, School Counselor, will print all recommendations and send them home on Monday, March 7th.
STEP 4: All recommendation sheets (yellow copies) will be due NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, MARCH 11th.