The Treaty of Versailles (WWI) left the defeated nations feeling bitter

 Felt shut out of economic growth

 Envious of British/French colonies, raw

materials and trade

Problems with T.O.V.

 Too harsh – occupy Germany (w/ troops)

-Disarm (no subs, navy/air force, army =

100,000 men)

-Reparations (pay war debt – 33 billion marcs)

-Lose colonies in Europe & throughout world

-War Guilt Clause: Had to accept blame for

entire war

Weimar Republic (set up by Allied Powers)

accepts terms Treaty – Blame

- Democracy seen as burden of the


 Leads to widespread unemployment,

inflation, starvation and desperation


1. Nationalism = extreme loyalty/pride for nation

- Nations are wounded by the T.O.V. and want

to prove their greatness

2. Alliances = partnerships between nations

3. Rise of Dictators = leaders who abuse their


4. Imperialism = all seeking more land

- Germany/Italy/Japan all want territory

- Believe they are at a disadvantage in world


-More land = more power + more money

5. Militarism = build of military/arms

6. Appeasement/L.O.N. = other nations do not

stop war-like acts for fear of war

7. Depression = all nations face severe economic




war-like acts by one country against another without just cause

* League of Nations does little to stop aggression

- preoccupied/worried about own nations

- need to help own nations with depression


Manchuria -> 1931: part of China (warlords fighting for dominance)

- want Manchuria b/c rich in natural


- could increase control & strength in East

Asia: move on to conquer all of Northern

China then expand elsewhere

League of Nations only condemns Japan, U.S. doesn’t recognize conquest

China -> 1932: invaded near Shanghai but withdraw

- start campaign against Chinese commerce:

fighting breaks out 7/7/37; undeclared war

spreads quickly

Little aid & sympathy to China, most nations continue sell war supplies to Japan



Ethiopia -> 1935:

- Mussolini promises build new Roman Empire

- Invades Ethiopia (N. Africa)

- Use modern technology (tanks, airplanes,

poison gas) = slaughter poorly armed soldiers

League of Nations orders economic sanctions against Italy, but withdraw b/c of depressions

Spain -> 1936:

- Spanish Civil War

– Hitler/Mussolini aid Franco (Fascist)

-- Stalin helps loyalists (Republic)

-1939: Franco wins, sets up dictatorship



Rhineland -> 1936:

- Hitler sends troops into demilitarized zone

-German soldiers at French border

League of Nations does not respond; France wants to send in troops to back them into Germany but fear TOTAL WAR

Austria -> 1938

-Hitler wants to unite Germany/Austria

(Claims they speak German therefore really

part of Germany)

- Supports revolutionary Nazi Movement

- Sends in troops 1938

No response from League of Nations


- Sudeten Germans live in Czech.

- Hitler says should be under his command

-Czechs prepare to fight

French & Russians vow to stand by

T.O.V. alliances/allegiances to protect

new nations

-Leads to Munich Conference: Chamberlain, Daladier meet with Hitler, Mussolini in Munich

- Britain and France want to avoid conflict

- Policy of Appeasement:will allow Italy/Germany to keep the lands they have already taken but must agree that won’t demand any more land

Poland -> 1939: “Last claim”

- Orders Poland give up all vital territories

- Occupies rest of Czechoslovakia

- Seizes Memel from Lithuania

- Italy occupies Albania

Chamberlain says will aid Poland if they resist attack

-Spring 1939, Germany plans to attack Poland

in September

British/French ask Russians to help support Poles – Russia says it will stay neutral

- Russia (Stalin) already in secret talks with

Hitler called a non-aggression pact and

agree to divide Poland after conquest

  • September 1, 1939  Hitler invades Poland (believing British and French won’t really support the Poles)

British/French ask Germans to withdraw: WON’T



Where is U.S. throughout Agression?

- October