Lesson Two Template

School Counselor: Heather HaynesDate: October 8, 2015

Activity: Organization

Grade: 8

School Counseling Program Goal(s) Addressed: By May 20, 2015, 100% of students scoring 810 below on the 2014 Reading and/or Mathematics CRCT will meet academic promotion requirements.

ASCA Student Standards:

A:A2.2Demonstrate how effort and persistence positively affect learning

A:B1.5Organize and apply academic information from a variety of sources


  1. Folders with handouts from first session
  2. School Supplies for Extreme Makeover: Backpack Edition
  3. Trash/Recycle Bin


  1. Icebreaker
  2. Have students think back over the previous week and create a “hashtag” to describe it.
  3. The School Counselor will begin the activity by providing their own personal example (#funbutfrustrating). Students will then go around the circle and each take a turn.
  4. Review from last week
  • Rules
  • Schedule
  • Purpose
  • Absent students complete pre-evaluation
  • HW Tips: Who remembers a homework tip we discussed?
  • What HW assignments should you complete FIRST?
  • How long should you spend on HW & studying each night (on average, for all classes combined together)?
  • Where should you put your HW when you finish it?
  1. Organization Discussion
  • Ask group members: How would you rate yourself on organization on a scale of 1-10 (1-not at all organized, 10-VERY organized)? Students do not have to share this information out loud but can if they choose.
  • Discuss with students the importance of using their agenda to keep track of assignments and due dates.
  • Encourage students to follow their teacher’s organizational instructions
  • Share maintenance ideas – clean out your binders, backpacks & lockers on a regular basis, come to peer leader help on Tuesdays if you need extra help with organization
  • Encourage students to see the School Counselor if they are in need of school supplies
  1. Extreme Makeover: Backpack Edition
  • Have students give their backpacks a makeover by recycling un-needed papers, organizing their binders, and stocking up on new supplies. Provide access to trash and recycle bins, a three-hole punch, or any other needed supplies.
  1. Set a Goal
  • Have students complete the following statement and share with the group: “One thing I’m going to change to improve my organizational habits is…”

Process Data: The School Counselor will keep track of attendance using an Excel Spreadsheet. Ideal group size would be 6-8 students.

Perception Data: The School Counselor will distribute a pre-and post-evaluation to demonstrate students’ increase in knowledge over the course of the group. The pre-evaluation will be taken during the first group session and the post-evaluation will be taken during the last group session.

Outcome Data: The School Counselor will review group members’ grades at the end of the first and second semesters to determine if students are on track for promotion.

Follow-Up: Once the group has concluded the School Counselor will follow-up with group members through individual counseling sessions to monitor grades and encourage continued academic success. The School Counselor will also attend Kid Talks, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and/or Student Support Team meetings for group members as needed.