43rd Annual Meeting

17th and 18th May 2007

Stormont Hotel,


Thursday, May 17th

14.00 Opening of Meeting and Welcome

Mr. John Gray, President, Irish Neurological Association.

Session 1.

O1 / 14.10 / Predictive Value Of Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring During Cervical Spine Surgery: Prospective Consecutive Series Of 1055 Patients
Kelleher MO, Sarjeant R, Fehlings MG.
O2 / 14.20 / High-Grade Spondylolisthesis; Gradual Reduction Using Magerl External Fixateur Followed By Circumferential Fusion. (A Safe And Effective Technique).
Nagaria J, Shafafy M, Grevitt M, Webb J.
O3 / 14.30 / Endoscopic surgery for Symptomatic suprasellar Arachnoid Cysts in Paediatric Patients.
Yousaf I, Allcutt D.
O4 / 14.40 / Vestibular Schwannomas: The Dublin Experience
Tambirajoo K, Rawluk D
O5 / 14.50 / The impact of antibiotic impregnated catheters on shunt infection
O’Brien D.F, Hayhurst C, Eldridge P, Mallucci C.
O6 / 15.00 / Familial occurrence of oligodendroglial tumours – case report
Flannery T, Cawley D, Al-Derazi Y, Farrell M, O’Brien DF
O7 / 15.10 / Diffuse Leptomeningeal Gliomatosis – a clinico-pathological series.
Flannery T, Advani V, Al Derazi Y, Farrell M, Rawluk D.
O8 / 15.20 / Bone Marrow Transplant for Adult onset cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy –
A case report and literature review.
Fitzpatrick AS, MorrowJI, Jones, Loughrey C
O9 / 15.30 / Superficial Siderosis of the CNS. A case series
McVerry F, McKinstry CS, McCarron MO
O10 / 15.40 / Fatal Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A 6 year audit
Fernandez DM, MurphyA, Gantly S, Farrell M

15.50 - 16.10 Tea, Coffee, Posters and Exhibits.

Session 2.

O11 / 16.10 / Audit of new inpatient neurology referrals to a District General Neurology service: Value of a Consulting Neurologist
Fitzpatrick AS, McCarron M
O12 / 16.20 / Headache in the Medical Admission Unit of a District General Hospital
Gray OM, Fulton AJ, Gibbons MJ, Murphy P, Forbes RB
O13 / 16.30 / Management of traumatic head injuries in a peripheral general hospital - implications of the NICE guidelines.
Kelly JC, O’Callaghan A, Clinton O, Binchy J.
O14 / 16.40 / Neurological Disease in the Intensive Care Unit of a District General Hospital
Stewart D, McAllister C, Forbes R.
O15 / 16.50 / Neurophobia - alive and unwell in Irish medical teaching
Flanagan E, Walsh C, Tubridy N
O16 / 17.00 / Is Telemedicine Good for Health?
Murphy K, Breen P, Lee M, McGee M, Browne G, Connolly S, Delanty N, Doherty C, Hickey P, Moran A, Mulpeter K, Reid V, McQuaid L, Ronan L, Kenny T, Connolly P, Kelly D, McCrohan M, McKenna B, Pender A, McLoughlin D, Rooney P, Molloy F, Fitzsimons M.
O17 / 17.10 / Neurolink- a simple way to make patients lives easier
Tubridy N
O18 / 17.20 / Email Triage Slashes Neurology Clinic Waiting Times
Patterson V, J Humphreys

17.30  INA Business Meeting (Members Only)

19.30 President’s Reception, Ormeau Baths Gallery.

Friday, May 18th

Session 3

O19 / 09.00 / A novel locus for Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy in French Canadian families maps to 10p11
Kinirons P, Verlaan DJ, Dubé MP, Poirier J, Deacon C, Lortie A, Clément JF, Desbiens R, Carmant L, Cieuta-Walti C, Shevell M, Rouleau GA, Cossette P.
O20 / 09.10 / Clinical characteristics and outcome of patients diagnosed with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures: a 5-year review
O’Sullivan SS, Spillane JE, McMahon EM, Sweeney BJ, Galvin RJ, McNamara B, Cassidy EM
O21 / 09.20 / Rhabdomylosis precipitated by an interaction between atorvastatin and fusidic acid.
Kearney S, Forbes R.B, King K, McCarron MO.
O22 / 09.30 / Opsoclonus–myoclonus syndrome in an adult neurological practice: aetiology and outcome.
Monaghan TS, McCarthy Allan J, Rakshi JS, Murphy RP, McCabe DJH
O23 / 09.40 / Myoclonus Dystonia- an under recognised paediatric disorder due to variation on adult phenotype?
Langseth A, Doherty E, Nestor T, Lynch T, King MD
O24 / 09.50 / An investigation of susceptibility loci in benign, aggressive and primary progressive multiple sclerosis in Northern Ireland.
Gray OM, Abdeen H, McDonnell GV, Graham C and Hawkins SA.
O25 / 10.00 / Clinical experience of a Natalizumab-treated cohort at six months
Costelloe L, Duggan M, Tubridy N, Hutchinson M
O26 / 10.10 / Absence of Aquaporin-4 expression in lesions of neuromyelitis optica but increased expression in multiple sclerosis lesions and normal-appearing white matter.
McQuaid Stephen, Brian Herron, Una Fitzgerald, Raeburn Forbes
027 / 10.20 / 20 year follow up of a benign MS cohort
Costelloe L, Tubridy N, Hutchinson M

10.30 – 11.00 Tea, Coffee, Posters and Exhibits

Session 4

O28 / 11.00 / Reduced ADAMTS-13 (von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease) activity in the early phase after TIA or ischaemic stroke
McCabe DJH, Starke R, Harrison P, Brown MM, Sidhu PS, Mackie IJ, Machin SJ.
O29 / 11.10 / Anterior Spinal Artery Infarction – A Case Series
Doherty KMC, KearneyS, McDonnell GV
O30 / 11.20 / Dopamine dysregulation syndrome, impulse control disorders and subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation: a case series and literature review.
O’Sullivan SS, Gallagher DA, Evans AH, Tisch S, Limousin P, Lawrence AD, Schrag A, Lees AJ.
O31 / 11.30 / Compulsive fishing and other unusual behaviours with dopaminergic therapy in parkinsonism.
McKeon A, Josephs KA, Klos KJ, Hecksel K, Bower JH, Bostwick JM, Ahlskog JE.
O32 / 11.40 / Two sporadic cases of Rapid onset Dystonia Parkinsonism
Fitzpatrick AS, Morrow JI, Patterson VH

12.0  Guest Lecture

Professor John Leigh, Blair-Daroff Professor of Neurology, Cleveland, Ohio.

"Using Eye Movements as Experimental and Diagnostic Tools: From Eye Muscles to Cerebral Cortex".

13.00 – 14.15 Lunch

Session 5

O33 / 14.15 / Ocular motor findings in patients with Parkinsonian conditions
Pinnock RA, McGivern RC, Marshall C, McKinstry S, Forbes R, Gibson JM
O34 / 14.30 / Fixational instabilities are a marker of the sub-clinical frontal lobe dysfunction of Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
Donaghy C, Pinnock R, Abrahams S, Hardiman O, Patterson V, McGivern RC, Gibson JM
O35 / 14.45 / Neutralising Antibodies to Interferon beta are associated with loss of efficacy of treatment and reduced side effects.
Farrell R, Leary S, Rudge P, Kapoor R, Thompson AJ, Miller DH, Giovannoni G.
O36 / 15.00 / Clinical features, aetiology, treatment and outcome of 102 cases of non-traumatic myelopathy in Northern Tanzania.
Murphy K, Kisenge P, Maro V.
O37 / 15.15 / Outcome following surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal involvement in preadolescent children: emphasis on mesial temporal sclerosis
O’Brien DF, Smyth MD, Limbrick DD, Ojemann JG, Zempel J, Robinson S, Saneto RP, Goyal M, Appleton RE, Mangano FT, Park TS

15.30 – 16.00 Tea, Coffee, Posters and Exhibits

Session 6

O38 / 16.00 / Rates and determinants of early recurrence after transient ischaemic attack in the North Dublin Population Stroke Study.
Sheehan O, Kelly LA, Hannon N, Duggan J, Kyne L, Moore A, Moroney J, McCormack PME, Harris D, Horgan G, Williams E, Kelly PJ.
O39 / 16.15 / Bone mineral density in patients with disabilities, due to acquired non-traumatic brain injury.
Smith, É, Carroll Á.
O40 / 16.30 / The Belfast Experience Using Optic Nerve Sheath Ultrasound in the Assessment of Paediatric Hydrocephalus
McAuley D, Paterson A, Sweeney L
O41 / 16.45 /

Lamotrigine Therapy in Human Pregnancy. Updated Experience from the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register

Craig J, Hunt SJ, Irwin B, Waddell R, Russell A, Smithson WH, Parsons L, Robertson I, Morrison PJ, Morrow JI.

O42 / 17.00 /

Topiramate therapy in human pregnancy. Preliminary experience from the UK epilepsy and pregnancy register

Hunt SJ, Craig JJ, Irwin B, Waddell R, Russell A, Smithson WH, Parsons L, Robertson I, Morrison PJ, Morrow JI.

17.30  Announcement of Awards

20.0  INA Dinner – Great Hall, Queens University Belfast.

Poster Presentations

1.  Assessment of patient satisfaction with disease modifying drugs in a cohort of multiple sclerosis patients.

Ali E, Counihan T, Hennessy M.

2.  Assessment of Anti Beta-Interferon Neutralizing Antibodies Status (Nab Status) and Disease Severity in a Cohort of MS Patients.

Ali E, Farrell RA, Worthington V, Hennessy M, Counihan T, Giovannoni G.

3.  A retrospective audit on Unilateral Lumbar Fenestration for Patients with Lumbar Stenosis presenting with bilateral lower limb symptoms.

Aziz M, Qassim A, Kaar G.

4.  Post infectious neuropathy: Experience in an Irish tertiary referral centre.

Bradley D, Neligan A, McNamara B.

5.  A study of Anxiety in Parkinson’s Disease.

Carroll C, O’Leary E, Sweeney B.

6.  Chronic Granulomatous Encephalitis Post- HSV1 infection: A Case Report.

Fernandez DM, Alderazi Y, Brett FM

7.  Pathological Gambling in Parkinson's Disease: Risk factors and differences from dopamine dysregulation. An analysis of published case series

Gallagher DA, O'Sullivan SS, Evans AH, Lees A, Schrag A

8.  Review of the EEG workload and Profile of the Neurophysiology Department in Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, An Inner City Hospital in Ireland.

Gaston D, Reid V.

9.  Under the Eye of the Clock: Validation of scores of clock drawing in Parkinson's Disease (PD)

Gorman G, Kevelighan, Hutchinson M, Tubridy N

10.  Periodic Complexes in Variant CJD.

Hunt S, Haffey S

11.  A Problem of Temperature Control: How much is enough in MS?

Hunt SJ, Herron B, Hawkins SA

12.  Hypophysitis secondary to ruptured Rathke’s cyst mimicking neurosarcoidosis.

Janeczko C, McHugh J, Rawluk D, Thompson C, Brennan P, Farrell MA, Delanty N.

13.  Post-bone marrow transplant leukoencephalopathy.

Johnston JA, Hughes TAT, Lammie GA

14.  A Case Report of Stable Non-HIV associated Progressive Focal Leucoencephalopathy.
Kelly S, Neligan A, Bermingham N, Keohane C, Marks C, Galvin RG.

15.  Paraneoplastic Sensorimotor Neuropathy Associated with Regression of Primary Small Cell Lung Cancer.

Mawhinney E, Gray OM, McDonnell GV.

16.  The Role of EEG as a Tool for the Investigation of Syncope.

Mc Carthy A, Neligan A, Kinsella J, Mullins G, Mc Namara B.

17.  Volume and case-mix of Neurology consultations. Is there an argument for a dedicated Liaison Consultant Neurologist Consultation service?

McCarthy AJ, Monaghan TS, Murphy RP, McCabe DJ

18.  Infective Spondylodiscitis in a DGH.

McCausland EMA, Forbes RB

19.  Farh’s disease described in a family of Irish Travellers.

McKinley JJ, Fitzpatrick AS, McKee S, Forbes RB, McDonnell GV.

20.  Seizures associated with antibodies to voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKC) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD).

McKnight K, Hart Y, Palace J, Vincent A, Lang B

21.  Improved clinical outcome post renal transplant in a patient with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and IgA nephropathy.

Merwick Á , O’Sullivan SS, Kinsella S, Keohane C, McNamara B, Sweeney BJ.

22.  Alagille Syndrome presenting with Acute Stroke and Bilateral Carotid Occlusion.

Moran C, Marnane M, Brophy D, Hutchinson M, Tubridy N

23.  A comparative study of Lumbar Spine Decompression for degenerative spinal stenosis in 3 different age groups.

Nagaria J, M Shafafy, F Chinwalla, M. Grevitt

24.  Eye Opening as a Means of Differentiating Epileptic from Non-Epileptic Seizures?

Neligan A, Kelly S, Daly S, Merwick A, Sweeney BJ, McNamara B

25.  The Prevalence & Management of Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures in a Tertiary Referral Centre for Epilepsy.

O’Brien FM, Delanty N, Murphy KC

26.  Variability in Clinical Presentation in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

O’Donnell A, Ryan M, O’Connell S, Rowe M, Murphy K, Reid V, Browne G, Molloy F.

27.  Synuclein encephalopathy – a rapid progressive fatal illness.

O’Dwyer JP, Farrell MA, Doherty CP

28.  Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) : Initial results from a population-based incidence study.

O’Rourke D, Delanty N, Farrell MA, Hennessy MJ.

29.  Parkinson’s disease mimicking Multiple System Atrophy, with involvement of Onuf’s Nucleus.

O’Sullivan SS, Holton JL, Massey L, Silveira-Moriyama L, Williams DR, Revesz T, Lees AJ.

30.  A case of MADSAM (Multifocal Acquired Demyelinating Sensory And Multifocal Motor Neuropathy) : Surprises at the Entrapment Clinic!

Renganathan R, Overell J, Mallik A

31.  A 35-year delay in diagnosis of Slow Channel Syndrome: a Case Report.

Renganathan R, Petty R, Weir A.

32.  Pure sensory neuropathy and peripheral nerve hyperexcitability: a novel combination associated with anti-voltage gated potassium channel antibodies.

Renganathan R, Tyagi A, Mann C, Weir A

33.  Documentation of Neurological assessment in routine clerking – A snapshot. Renganathan R, Weir A.

34.  Review of intraoperative Spinal Cord Monitoring in Northern Ireland: where have we been and what’s new?

Rusk L, Haffey S. Pang K

35.  Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: A Review Of 7 Cases.

Ryan D, Murphy RP

36.  Clinical and electrophysiological findings in patients with clinical diagnosis of carpel tunnel syndrome.

Ryan M, O’Donnell A, O’Connell S, Rowe M, Browne G, Murphy K, Molloy F, Reid V.

37.  Impact of acute seizure admissions on resources of a large teaching hospital.

Smyth L, Fitzgerald M, Casey P, Plunkett PK, Doherty CP.

38.  Multichannel Auditory Brainstem Implants: A Dublin Perspective.

Tambirajoo K, Rawluk D, Walsh K, Norman G