Religion 11, Fall 2014Study Guide
Study sessions for this test outside of class-time will be: Thursday Dec. 11th 2:45-3:30 pm, and Monday Dec. 15th 12:10-12:50 pm.
Unit 1
- How would you describe God’s plan for all humanity?
- In the Genesis account, why did Adam and Eve disregard God’s command?
- Why did God meet Moses on the mountain and give him the tablets of Law?
- What ten things summarize the Old Law, the Law of Moses? Write down as many as you can recall.
- How did the Hebrew people regard the Law of Moses?
- What parallels do you find between these two Old Testament accounts (Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; Moses and the Ten Commandments) and the human condition today?
- Why did Jesus Christ come to teach us a New Law to live by? How is the New Law of the Gospels related to the Old Law of Moses?
- Why do Christians consider Jesus the ultimate path to love and happiness?
- How does belief in Jesus Christ as the one, true guide to love and happiness influence your values or choices?
Unit 2
1.Sin is a deliberate ______, ______, ______, or ______contrary to the will of God.
2.The result of every sin is that we are further ______from God, from other people, and from our true self.
3.The ultimate consequence of sin is ______.
4.Two Old Testament concepts of sin are ______and ______.
5.In the New Testament, sin is breaking ______that is written on every human heart.
6.In the New Testament, Jesus’ teachings about God’s judgment of our sin are outnumbered by his teachings about God’s ______.
7.We are freed from the burden of sin by accepting God’s forgiveness and dying to sin through the Sacrament of ______.
8.Paul teaches in his Letter to the Romans that all people are guilty of ______and in need of ______.
9.Three elements that determine the morality of any human act are (1) the ______, or the specific thing the person is choosing to do; (2) the ______of the person doing the action; and (3) the ______surrounding the act.
10.Sins we deliberately commit are called sins of ______.
11.A sin of ______occurs when we fail to do something that is required by God’s moral law.
12.A ______sin is a serious offense against God that destroys within us the virtue of charity.
13.______sins are less serious sins that damage our relationship with God.
14.Capital sins, such as anger and pride, are called ______because they increase our tendency to sin and cause us to turn more and more away from God.
15.Two other examples of capital sin are ______and ______.
16.______sin is the collective effect of many personal sins over time, which corrupts society and its institutions by creating structures of sin.
17.Describe the New Testament concept of sin as light versus darkness.
18.Why is every sin a lie against truth?
19.Summarize one biblical story that teaches us about God’s forgiveness, or provide two biblical quotes from the New Testament that teach us about forgiveness.
20.What is the danger of developing morally bad habits, called vices? Provide an example with your answer.
21.How can you help yourself to grow as a morally good person, a person who consistently chooses to be good?
22.Describe two principles that support the development of a just society.
Unit 3
“I, the Lord, am your God, . . . You shall not have other gods besides me” (Exodus 20:2).
“You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain” (Exodus 20:7).
“Remember to keep holy the sabbath day” (Exodus 20:8).
Please respond to each part of the following questions with two or three sentences on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How would you follow the demands of each of these commandments?
1st Commandment:
2nd Commandment:
3rd Commandment:
2. Describe how the first three commandments are connected to one another.
3. List several common sins committed against the
1st Commandment:
2nd Commandment:
3rd Commandment:
4. Explain the meaning of this statement: To keep the First Commandment is to keep all of the Ten Commandments.
5. How do these laws of God (the first three commandments) provide us with a path to love and happiness?
6. How did Jesus respond when he was asked, “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36)?
Unit 4
1.What is the relationship between civil authority and God’s Law?
2.Has society’s law ever been unjust? What would be a Christian response to unjust law?
3.How is our role as citizens informed by our Christian faith? What responsibilities do Christians have toward the government of the country they live in?
4.What is the obligation of the state to its citizens?
5.What attitudes does honoring one’s parents require? What actions should follow from these attitudes?
6.What kinds of situations challenge mutual respect among family members?
7.Create a brief argument in support of the statement that to deny God is to deny truth.
8.What did Jesus mean when he proclaimed that whoever lives the truth lives in the light?
9.How can teenagers share with others that the ultimate truth is found in God’s saving love, and that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?
10.What are the results of living an honest life? What are the effects of lying?
11.How can sins against the Eighth Commandment harm another’s reputation?