As with most meaningful tasks, writing is a series of problems for which solutions must be sought and found. And, as with most problems, more than one solution is possible. So the good news is that while the task of writing poses numerous problems, there are even more solutions: more solutions than problems, which is great! As we think about what to write next, we must first identify the problems that remain to be solved and try to find the most effective solutions.
SC Question #2: Speak
The second article states “Rape is not about sex or passion. Forced sex is an act of violence and aggression. It has nothing to do with love. Healthy relationships are about respect. Someone who really cares about another will respect the other’s wishes and not force or pressure her (or him) to do anything sexual without the other’s agreement.” Discuss the issue of sexual activity and the varying degrees of consent and non-consent. While “rape” is defined as “sex that is forced upon an unwilling individual,” the article also discusses the scenarios of sex by trickery (using alcohol or drugs), by pressure (“if you really love me you would do this”) and other means that blur the meaning of sex with the mutual consent of both partners. Try to arrive at some sensible recommendations to both partners in a relationship regarding this highly charged yet seldom discussed social issue.
The second article states “Rape is not about sex or passion.Forced sex is an act of violence and aggression. It has nothing to do with love. Healthy relationships are about respect. Someone who really cares about another will respect the other’s wishes and not force or pressure her (or him) to do anything sexual without the other’s agreement.” Discussthe issue of sexual activity and the varying degrees of consent and non-consent. While “rape” is defined as “sex that is forced upon an unwilling individual,” the article also discusses the scenarios of sex by trickery (using alcohol or drugs), by pressure (“if you really love me you would do this”) and other means that blur the meaning of sex with the mutual consent of both partners. Try to arrive at some sensible recommendations to both partners in a relationship regarding this highly charged yet seldom discussed social issue.
A1: Pt. 1:As children grow up, become teenagers, and then young adults they become exposed to the topic of sex. This topic, however, is a Pt. 2:complicated one, and involves emotional and physical dimensions that are Pt. 3:rarely, if ever discussed in instructive and sensitive ways. CREATE
B1: We do not grow up learning too much about sex, and probably for good reason. When we are very young, we have enough to learn and discover without having to concern ourselves with sexual attraction and what it may lead to. When we begin to have a sexual attraction, the time in our lives when we are approaching puberty, we don’t necessarily contemplate sex exactly, but rather being with that person and having his or her attention. These feelings are often referred to as “having a crush.”CLARIFY; BUILD
A2: Teens usually are exposed to the topic of sex through the media, such as television and social networks, health class, and, if they’re lucky, through conversations with a concerned and thoughtful parent. CLARIFY; BUILD
B2: Most teens, however, aren’t so lucky. The topic of sex is rarely brought up in conversations between parents and their kids for a variety of reasons. Embarrassment, discomfort, lack of confidence in their ability to communicate about such a heavy and sensitive topic, keeps many parents from engaging in such discussions. NEGOTIATE; BUILD
A3: Nevertheless, parents are an ideal source for this kind of information. Not only have they experienced sex themselves, they are also older and more aware of the consequences and responsibilities that come along with having sex. NEGOTIATE; BUILD
B3: Most young adults make their own decisions about their sexual activity. At this phase in life, people often experiment with sex and engage in intimate activity with another, such as kissing, touching, and heavy petting. Sometimes this partner is someone the other partner is close to and cares about, and sometimes not. Sometimes one cares much more deeply than the other cares about him or her. When sexual intimacy occurs before emotional intimacy, mixed messages and confusion are often the result. So are broken hearts. BUILD
A4: As we get older, then, the topic of sexual activity becomes a more complicated matter than simply knowing the physical facts. Emotions, pregnancy, the responsibility for one’s body and that of the sexual partner are just some of the factors that come into play as we consider or actually participate in sexual engagement. BUILD; CLOSE
B4: Few can deny that rape and sex without consent are problems many people,unfortunately, have to deal with.