Appendix B

Annotated SAS code for running the 12 different models in the empirical example

*Note: code in ALL CAPS designates information that will certainly change for different data sets. Code in lowercase will not necessarily change.*

*** Fixed Effect Model ***;


class CLUSTER;

model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT CLUSTER /nointsolutionclparm;

* Predictor variables appear in the model statement. Vertical bars are SAS code for including an interaction *;

estimate"Intercept" CLUSTER 000000111111/ divisor=6;

* Data are coded and sorted such that treatment group cluster are first and control group clusters are second. Divisor is a shortcut for dividing weights by the number of cluster in each group if there are equal numbers of control and treatment clusters*;

estimate"Treat" CLUSTER 111111 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1/ divisor=6;run;quit;

*** ML ***;

procmixeddata=DATA method=ml;

* REML is the SAS default so method=ml instructs SAS to use ML *;

model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutioncl;

random INT /sub=CLUSTER;

* Random effects appear in the random statement. Sub= tells SAS what your cluster variable is *;run;

*** REML ***;


model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutioncl;

random INT /sub=CLUSTER;

* Random effects appear in the random statement. Sub= tells SAS what your cluster variable is *;run;

*** Kenward-Roger ***;


model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutionddfm=krcl;

* Ddfm= KR invokes the Kenward-Roger correction.

random INT /sub=CLUSTER;

* Random effects appear in the random statement. Sub= tells SAS what your cluster variable is *;run;

*** GEE ***;

procglimmixdata=DATA empirical;

* The empirical option tells SAS to use a sandwich estimator for the standard errors;

model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutioncl;

random _residual_ /sub=CLUSTER type=cs;

*_residual_ tells SAS not to use any random effects but to calculate the clustered residuals based on the variable in the subject option. Type = is where the working structure goes, CS specifies a compound symmetric working structure*;run;

*** MBN ***;


* empirical=MBN tells SAS to use a sandwich estimator with the Morel-Bokossa-Neerchal correction*;

model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutioncl;

random _residual_ /sub= CLUSTER type=cs;run;

*** Mancl-DeRouen ***;

procglimmixdata=DATA empirical=firores;

* empirical=firores tells SAS to use a sandwich estimator with the Mancl-Derouen correction*;

model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutioncl;

random _residual_ /sub=CLUSTER type=cs;run;

*** Kauermann-Carroll ***;

procglimmixdata=DATA empirical=root;

* empirical=ROOT tells SAS to use a sandwich estimator with the Kauermann-Carroll correction*;

model Y= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutioncl;

random _residual_ /sub=CLUSTER type=cs;run;

*** Fay-Grabaurd ***;

procglimmixdata=DATA empirical=firoeeq;

* empirical=MBN tells SAS to use a sandwich estimator with the Fay-Grabuard correction*;

modelY= ELL|TREAT PRETEST|TREAT /solutioncl;

random _residual_ /sub=CLUSTER type=cs;run;

** MCMC, Inverse Gamma prior***;

procmcmcdata=DATA nbi=10000nmc=50000 thin=50seed=1091940

monitor=(b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 s2g s2)

statistics (percentage= (2.55097.5));

* nbi is the number of burn-in interation. Nmc is the number of Monte Carlo interations. Percentage 2.5 and 97.5 gives the 95% credible interval*;

array gamma[NUMBER OF CLUSTERS];

parms b0 0 b1 0 b2 0 b3 0 b4 0 b5 0 ;

parmsu: 0;

parms s2 1 ;

parms s2g 1;

* parms give starting values for the parameters in the model *;

prior b: ~ normal(0, var = 10000);

* Non informative prior for the regression coefficients*;

prioru: ~ normal(0, var = s2g);

* var = s2g places the prior on the variance *;

prior s2: ~ igamma(0.01, scale = 0.01);

* the inverse gamma has hyperparameters 0.01 and 0.01. The “:” is a wildcard character meaning “any variable that starts with s2” *;

mu = b0 + b1 *TREAT+b2*ELL+b3*(TREAT*ELL)+ b4*(PRETEST)+ b5*(TREAT*PRETEST)+ u[CLUSTER];

model Y ~ normal(mu, var = s2);run;

*** MCMC Uniform Prior***;

procmcmcdata=DATA nbi=10000nmc=50000 thin=50seed=1091940

monitor=(b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 s2g s2)

statistics (percentage= (2.55097.5));

* nbi is the number of burn-in interation. Nmc is the number of Monte Carlo interations. Percentage 2.5 and 97.5 gives the 95% credible interval*;

array gamma[NUMBER OF CLUSTERS];

parms b0 0 b1 0 b2 0 b3 0 b4 0 b5 0 ;

parmsu: 0;

parms s2 1 ;

parms s2g 1;

* parms give starting values for the parameters in the model *;

prior b: ~ normal(0, var = 10000);

* Non informative prior for the regression coefficients*;

prioru: ~ normal(0, sd = s2g);

* sd = s2g places the prior on the standard deviation instead of the variance as recommended by Gelman (2006)*;

prior s2: ~ uniform(0,10);

* the uniform range is 0 to 10. The “:” is a wildcard character meaning “any variable that starts with s2”;

mu = b0 + b1 *TREAT+b2*ELL+b3*(TREAT*ELL)+ b4*(PRETEST)+ b5*(TREAT*PRETEST)+ u[CLUSTER];

model Y ~ normal(mu, sd = s2);run;

*** MCMC Half Cauchy Prior***;

procmcmcdata=DATA nbi=10000nmc=50000 thin=50seed=1091940

monitor=(b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 s2g s2)

statistics (percentage= (2.55097.5));

* nbi is the number of burn-in interation. Nmc is the number of Monte Carlo interations. Percentage 2.5 and 97.5 gives the 95% credible interval*;


parms b0 0 b1 0 b2 0 b3 0 b4 0 b5 0;

parmsu: 0;

parms s2 1 ;

parms s2g 1;

* parms give starting values for the parameters in the model *;

half=pdf("Cauchy", s2, 0, 4) + pdf("Cauchy", -s2, 0, 4);

halfg=pdf("Cauchy", s2g, 0, 4) + pdf("Cauchy", -s2g, 0, 4);

* Use SAS programming statement to specify a half-Cauchy distribtion*;

prior b: ~ normal(0, var = 10000);

* Non informative prior for the regression coefficients*;

prioru: ~ normal(0, sd = s2g);

* sd = s2g places the prior on the standard deviation instead of the variance as recommended by Gelman (2006)*;

prior s2 ~ general(half, lower=1e-10);

* Use general statement to tell SAS that the user is defining their own distribution: the halft defined above. Lower = 1 e-10 is required because the half-Cauchy distribution only has support for positive values.

prior s2g~general(halfg,lower=1e-10);

mu = b0 + b1 *TREAT+b2*ELL+b3*(TREAT*ELL)+ b4*(PRETEST)+ b5*(TREAT*PRETEST)+ u[CLUSTER];

model Y ~ normal(mu, sd = s2);run;